Ever since my article on picking a PetPet, I have received many questions on this subject. Here are some of the most commonly asked questions, answered!
How do you know when you’ve picked the “right” PetPet, does something special happen?
There is no “right” PetPet for every NeoPet. But sometimes you may buy a PetPet and your NeoPet doesn’t like it, that’s what my article is for: to try to avoid picking the “wrong” PetPet.
My NeoPet doesn’t fit into any of the categories you said, what do I do?
Make some more categories! Go wild, the four I suggested were just a basic idea.
I’ve never heard of a Battledome for PetPet! Is there such a thing?
No, there isn’t a Battledome for PetPet. When I suggested the “Fighter” category to classify a PetPet in, it just meant does it look like the type that likes to fight?
I used the method you wrote about, but my pet didn’t like my PetPet. What do I do?
My method is a pretty good way to pick a PetPet, but it isn’t foolproof. Every NeoPet is different, so it can’t work every time.
So there you have it, the most commonly asked questions and their answers. If you have any further questions, feel free to contact me by sending my a NeoMail at SweetOwlett. Thank you! – SweetOwlett
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