Ever see that title on some type of Neopian board? I know I have plenty of times and I’m sure some people think, “What the? What is an application? Why do pets need them anyway?” I’m here to tell you they can be very important, fun, and may get you a new pet!
The Basics:
An app is a little something you put together on one of your pets petpages(get it. petpage app :P) Anyway, it tells why you want their pet and why you deserve him/her most etc. First, you must know making an application is not a waste of time and don’t worry, you will be considered if you follow my guide. Don’t freak if you think you won’t have enough time because if apps are needed, others who would like the pet are making apps too! The owner will wait for you. Don’t worry 😉
Step 1: The layout (for those who know some HTML)
This part is quite fun for those who enjoy making layouts and such. Just open up whatever program you use and get to work. Add a couple of blogs and add whatever you like. Really put some work into it. The owner will be impressed with what a nice job you have done on the layout, and hopefully, will see you care about their pet even when (s)he isn’t yours.
Step 1: The Layout (for those who lack HTML knowledge)
Even if you don’t know HTML, don’t fear! You can still make a decent layout, and I think the owner can understand that you don’t know HTML. Now just find a nice blog or layout to put all of your information in and a background would look nice too 🙂 And remember, its not supposed the layout that gets you the pet! The content is what matters the most!
Step 2: The Content
The content is what (should) matter most. Tell why you would like the pet, what you would do with him/her and those types of things. But I beg of you, DO NOT say something along the lines of “I will play with her and feed him EVERY day! She is just so cute!” First of all, make sure you find out the gender of the pet and stick with it, because in that quote I just stated, uses both genders. Second of all, you should be feeding your pets and playing with them already. People like creativity, including the owners so let your imagination soar! Even add a poem or short story to really grab the owners attention. Not many people do things like that so if you do, your application is sure to stand out!
Step 3: Wait and Find Out
You’ve done everything. Made/Found a layout, written your application, and just finished the neomail to the owner saying the app is finished and ready for judging. Sometimes you will get a neomail saying your app was great but a new owner has already been chosen. Other times, you may get one saying you are in the lead but not all of the apps are done yet. And some other times you may get a neomail saying you did a great job and you get the pet! It all depends on how well you and the others did and how the owner of the pet judges them. Don’t worry if the owner isn’t controlled my Meepits, they should judge fairly and not how great the app looks or something funny someone said.
Well that is my guide to making your own petpet application! I wish you all the best of luck and hope you get a nice pet.
Various notes from the author: Remember, only make an app for a nice pet you like. Don’t keep making apps for pets that will go on side accounts and such. Would you like it if you pounded your pet and it went to an untouched side account?
Remember not to apply for a pet you will just pound sooner or later. Its not very nice now is it? Pets aren’t something you should get tired of.
Need the quick adoption link? http://www.neopets.com/process_adopt.phtml?pet_name=PETNAMEHERE – Hawaiian.pup
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