Almost everyone is always hoping for a get rich quick scheme. There is none and Neopets tells you so.
I have found that with patience and knowledge of using the Shop Wizard and watching the auctions, you can get a great idea of what things are selling. Once armed with the knowledge of the market prices, you are ready to start buying items.
Codestones are great investments with a quick turn around. Remember even if you get it for 25 neopoints more than what you paid for it, you still have made a profit! Every neopoint counts. So watch out for good prices on codestones, dubloons and bottled faeries, they are a fairly cheap investments and codestones are common random gift events.
Play the free games that don’t cost you anything out of pocket to play. You get 3 chances to send your scores in each day, and with the practice each day your scores will get higher and higher. The trading post is a great place to find bargains as well. I sit for hours every day there. I am also a shop-a-holic, so it is great place for me to feel like I have done my shopping spree for the day.
Don’t feel rejected because your offers get rejected. Bid fairly, most people aren’t going to give there stuff away for nothing but are more than willing to work deals with you. Even if you only get a 10 – 25 percent return on your purchase remember its still a profit.
Be patient. Almost everyone wants pretty pets and fancy things, remember these are wants not needs and if you want to expand your bank account you must hold off on your wants. Don’t forget to deposit all your neopoints every day when you are finished to receive the maximum amount of interferes each day.
Remember also to visit the bank each day before adding or removing neopoints and collect your interest. If you make a deposit or withdraw, you will lose your chance for collecting that days interest. Also remember to raise the interest rate as your account reaches each new level This method is tried and true.
Patience and knowledge!!!!! I have personally done this and still do. I was considered a n00b but had a bank account of over 5 million neopoints and a wonderful collection of over 90 petpets in my gallery. All this was achieved in under 3 months!!! I will admit that I am a hardcore Neopets addict and play an average of 6 – 8 hours every day, so that is also a big advantage. Not many of us have that much free time, and I really shouldn’t but … I am so addicted to this site!!! I never had to scam or cheat anyone, I just learned the market and decided that there just wasn’t anything I needed that badly. Good luck to everyone and remember to be nice to one another, we are all here to enjoy and play in the land of Neopia! – 12bonbon62
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