Weapon Range
Stay away from all the creatures and at the start make sure the weapons are close to each other if not then keep refreshing till they are pretty close. When you go to attack the creatures, go in front of them but not to close or you will get trampled. In order to get a high score of up to 900 you must be patient and keep clear from the animals. I hope this helps!
*To make time go a bit faster by 2-15 seconds use the elephante be gone spray and keep holding it down and wait for the time to go pass, this really helped me since I have a silver trophy in omelette defender and I thank the elephante begon spray.
*Remember that the higher your level goes the more amount of time the spray will take time off.
*But here’s a warning let go every 20-30 seconds or it will freeze the game.
*Try your best and hope you succeed! – ssjmastergoku
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