Nimmo’s Pond Strategy by qazwaseddy2

The main trick here, is to not move! Put your index and middle fingers on your left and right keys… nothing else (but remember the bomb button is “b” and the tongue is “v”) and you don’t want to turn TOO much- it’ll wear down your paddling, occasionally stop when you’re not busy to let it fill back up.

All weapons are good, especially the green “rapid fire” and the yellow “spread”. It may sound annoying- but no moving once again! even the slightest tap with your up or down button will cause you to move FOREVER in the game! there is NO stopping once you go.


I’d suggest you go after the red, blue, black, and yellow-orange ones And remember not to move when grabbing them, wait for it to come to you! And if you don’t get it (sometimes they disappear just when you push the button) don’t worry- you’ll get others… if you see a bug that’s changing it’s colors- Its not really smart to go after it unless you are absolutely positive what color it is- it may change your weapon… collect the same color bugs for your shooting it makes it stronger) it get’s easier with that.


Once again- don’t move from the center- if you DO get hit with a lily pad, you can get a red bug later, always shoot for one heading towards you (you can easily tell, because once they leave the screen- they area at the same spot, only on the opposite side) if more than one are coming- go after the bigger one first- incase the smaller lily pad touches you- it’ll give you less damage as the pads decrease in their size. You could use a bomb in this situation as well- but you should only use it when the bigger lily pad hasn’t decreased size (and is still heading towards you) and you’re getting surrounded… remember- you only have three to start and the black bugs will let you get more. Your health does not restore like that- you have to get your red bugs. When aiming, try to get a little bit ahead of the lilly pad you’re targeting, that helps you hit it more as it passes through your fire.

That’s it! Have fun! And remember- moving bad, bugs good! ^_^ – qazwaseddy2


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