Newbies by wibidywoodchuck

As an advanced consumer of 300,000 neopoints I believe that my success comes from all the help I received as a newbie. My experienced friends and family helped me on my way to success. Now it is time for you to take actions as a newbie and help other newbies. Here are some rules i followed as a new joiner.

First of all I found that the best way to make neopoints is to sell my newbie pack items. Sell them for reasonable prices. You can find out how much your items are worth by visiting shop wizard and looking up the items. Once you have sold your items than you can save them and feed your pet at soup faerie. If you have under 2,000 neopoints than that is the best way to feed your pet.

I also find that the best way to make np is to play games. For newbies I suggest Ice Cream Machine. With practice it is easy to succeed in. It is also fun and enjoyable. As is Faerie bubbles. Another jackpot game with easy instructions and fun built in.

Alongside games goes daily clicks. The fruit machine costs no money but occasionally gives out free money if you are lucky. Tombola is also the same and if you are lucky you get a special prize. Another click is the giant jelly and the giant omellete. You can use jellies and omelettes twice so they are great foods. You can also do Snowager and at various times he gives out valuable prizes. You just have to catch him at the right times. I would also suggest wheels for prizes such as Wheel of Excitement, Wheel of Mediocrity, and Wheel of Monotony, and Wheel of Knowledge. You can find these throughout Neopia but I will let you do the searching.

The last thing I would say is it may take a while to get used to your surroundings so if you have any questions you can neomail me and I will help you out. A good way to find deals are the trading post on mystery island and the auction in Neopia Central. I hope you have great success on your journey through Neopia and its many excitements. – wibidywoodchuck

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