Neopets Premium Screenshots

Take a look at these screen shots for Neopets premium below.

A screenshot of the portal
Another screenshot of the portal
The Super Shop Wizard
The Super Shop Wizard in the portal
A screenshot of the portal


7 responses to “Neopets Premium Screenshots”

  1. Daniela Avatar

    Hi guys,Dont fall for this:Yes I know the wheel of excited is curoulfol and has lots of cool prizes to be on it but ~ONCE~ a year they choose a random person her spins it and they get a great prize! They choose wat you are going to win and they do exactly the same with the other wheels, they are not being fair about giving prizes! So be warned .. only sometimes spin on the wheel of excitement or any of the other wheels, because you will be given a bad item or have something bad happen to ur pet!

  2. auto insurance Avatar

    That’s an ingenious way of thinking about it.

  3. sildenafil Avatar

    If you’re reading this, you’re all set, pardner!

  4. car insurance quote Avatar

    dude iknow that we can play as those dinos, what i ment was if instead of playing as rex in all the other maps (when done), you play as another dino like a spino etc, you know for spino fans

  5. Avatar

    He’s definitely one of a kind.I love the way he would repeat the last line someone’s comment to begin his next question with this kind of Forest Gumpian amazement. I ofter wondered if Tom was inspired by Huell in how he did that role.if you watched Huell you know what I’m saying.

  6. http://www./ Avatar

    noi del Meeetup195bg stiamo usando da febbraio sono alcune implementazioni che viene naturale auspicarsi a breve termine man mano che si prende confidenza nell’uso..tuttavia siamo tutti concordi nel ritenere che (viste le potenzialità INCREDIBILI) possa essere l’arma totale per poter concretizzare l’ormai “ex utopia” della democrazia diretta partecipativa..alla faccia di Norberto, pace all’anima sua..

  7. http://www./ Avatar

    É Dr. Osmar, o interessante e ver como existe pessoas q por “clubismo”, não conseguem enxergar isso…..Ninguem esta dando nada para o Corinthians, mesmo pq essa lei ja existia antes do Corinthians entrar nessa de Copa…Esses insentivos Fiscais , entraram 10x mais para o estado de São Paulo!!!!!!!!Vamos aguardar!!!!

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