NeoHome Guide by Shoyru_Lover

Now who wouldn’t enjoy the privacy or maybe not so private comfort of their brand new luxurious neohome! Rumored to be the all new craze in the loony planet neopia, these houses can be built from anything ranging from cardboard, chocolate, straw to expensive gold! The most intriguing thing about neohomes is that you are never done with 3 floors, you can build extensions to your home, build stairways and doors, have gardens, buy insurance, install different systems of lightings, decorate your walls and floor, buy furniture and place them in your neohome, and hold wild parties! Land for your neohome can range from neopia central to faerie land or the exclusive mysterious macarra seas.

How do I start building my neohome?

To build your neohome, you must first apply for a plot of land from the councils and builders. To do this, go to neopet central (located on the yellow navigation bar) and click on the icon that says “Your NeoHome” After this, you will then be taken to a screen where you can choose where you want your plot of land to be. Options range from neopia central, the snow to the all exclusive faerie land! Each plot of land has a different price range to choose from so the rich and the poor can each have their own neohomes. After choosing where you want your neohome to be built, it usually takes from 2 – 5 hours before the application is approved. You will be notified of your approved or disapproved application by neomail.

I have my neohome, now what do I do?

After you have your neohome, you may then start building your rooms! You should decide on what material to use depending on what typing of neopet you have. For instance, if you have a dinosaur type neopet, then it would be best to build your rooms out of stones so your neopet is more comfortable in its surroundings. However, a little variation never hurt and some of the material do come quite expensive. To start building rooms, you have to be on the main screen of your neohome. Then click on the link which says “My NeoHome” you will be taken to a screen where you will see a large square divided into many smaller squares of un built land. Click on any square and a window will pop up asking you what material you want to use and where you want your doors to be:

North: Up
East: Right
South: Down
West: Left

Construction usually takes between 1 – 5 hours.

Can I build more than one room at a time?

No you may not. Your construction workers can only concentrate on one task at a time. Have patience 🙂 the longer they take, the better job they do.

I have build my homes, now what do I do?

After you have built your first room, you are able to upgrade your room by clicking on “Extension Operations” located on the main page of your neohome. Here, you are able to upgrade your security, lighting systems, heating systems, wall coverings and floor coverings.

Security System: Security System: Security System:
You currently have No Security System (Lvl 0) protecting your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 1 it will cost you 100 NP per room You currently have Clanking Cans (Lvl 1) protecting your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 2 it will cost you 250 NP per room You currently have Barbed Wire (Lvl 2) protecting your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 3 it will cost you 650 NP per room
Security System: Security System: Security System:
You currently have Iron Bars (Lvl 3) protecting your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 4 it will cost you 1,000 NP per room You currently have Electro-Secure (Lvl 4) protecting your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 5 it will cost you 1,500 NP per room You currently have Satellite Security (Lvl 5) protecting your NeoHome.

Carpet: Carpet: Carpet:
lvl 0 carpet: bare floor: cost to upgrade: 20np per room You currently have Dirt and Weeds (Lvl 1) covering your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 2 it will cost you 40 NP per room You currently have Straw (Lvl 2) covering your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 3 it will cost you 60 NP per room
Carpet: Carpet: Carpet:
You currently have Linoleum (Lvl 3) covering your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 4 it will cost you 80 NP per room You currently have Wood (Lvl 4) covering your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 5 it will cost you 100 NP per room You currently have A nice Rug (Lvl 5) covering your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 6 it will cost you 120 NP per room
Carpet: Carpet: Carpet:
You currently have Imitation Brick (Lvl 6) covering your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 7 it will cost you 150 NP per room You currently have Quality Carpet (Lvl 7) covering your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 8 it will cost you 200 NP per room You currently have Plush Carpet (Lvl 8) covering your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 9 it will cost you 350 NP per room
You currently have Marble (Lvl 9) covering your NeoHome.

Lighting: Lighting: Lighting:
lvl 0 lighting: darkness: cost to upgrade: 25np per room You currently have Candles (Lvl 1) lighting your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 2 it will cost you 50 NP per room You currently have Torches (Lvl 2) lighting your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 3 it will cost you 100 NP per room
Lighting: Lighting: Lighting:
You currently have Gas Lamps (Lvl 3) lighting your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 4 it will cost you 150 NP per room You currently have Electric Lamps (Lvl 4) lighting your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 5 it will cost you 400 NP per room You currently have Fashion Lamps (Lvl 5) lighting your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 6 it will cost you 850 NP per room
You currently have Chandeliers (Lvl 6) lighting your NeoHome.

Central Heating: Central Heating: Central Heating:
lvl 0 heating: nothing: cost to upgrade: 10np per room You currently have Basic Heating (Lvl 1) heating your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 2 it will cost you 20 NP per room You currently have Torches (Lvl 2) lighting your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 3 it will cost you 100 NP per room
Central Heating: Central Heating: Central Heating:
You currently have A Warm Fireplace (Lvl 3) heating your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 4 it will cost you 100 NP per room You currently have Immersion Heating (Lvl 4) heating your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 5 it will cost you 300 NP per room You currently have Electric Radiators (Lvl 5) heating your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 6 it will cost you 450 NP per room
Central Heating:
You currently have Neo Heating System (Lvl 6) heating your NeoHome.

Wallpaper: Wallpaper: Wallpaper:
lvl 0 wallpaper: bare wall: cost to upgrade: 10np per room You currently have Nasty Ripped Paper (Lvl 1) covering your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 2 it will cost you 20 NP per room You currently have Cheap Blue Wallpaper (Lvl 2) covering your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 3 it will cost you 30 NP per room
Wallpaper: Wallpaper: Wallpaper:
You currently have Green Pattern Wallpaper (Lvl 3) covering your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 4 it will cost you 40 NP per room You currently have Retro Wallpaper (Lvl 4) covering your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 5 it will cost you 50 NP per room You currently have Nice Patterned Wallpaper (Lvl 5) covering your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 6 it will cost you 60 NP per room
Wallpaper: Wallpaper:
You currently have Stainproof Wallpaper (Lvl 6) covering your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 7 it will cost you 80 NP per room You currently have Royal Wallpaper (Lvl 7) covering your NeoHome.

Insurance: Insurance: Insurance:
You currently have No Insurance (Lvl 0) protecting your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 1 it will cost you 20 NP per room You currently have Basic Insurance (Lvl 1) protecting your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 2 it will cost you 50 NP per room You currently have Sharky Insurance (Lvl 2) protecting your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 3 it will cost you 75 NP per room
Insurance: Insurance: Insurance:
You currently have Buzz-Extra Protection (Lvl 3) protecting your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 4 it will cost you 120 NP per room You currently have Complete Chia Cover (Lvl 4) protecting your NeoHome. To upgrade to Level 5 it will cost you 180 NP per room You currently have Peophin Platinum (Lvl 5) protecting your NeoHome.

Can I cancel my constructions and will I get my money back?

Yes you can, you cancel your constructions, go to Building Status located in your neohome main page and you can cancel your constuction from there. However, your construction workers are prepaid and they will not refund you.

How many neohomes am I allowed to have?

One, only one 🙂

How do I put furniture into my neohome?

You must first buy furniture. These can be bought from various furniture shops from the market place, the shops, the tyrannian furniture store which specializes in stone furniture and the maracquan underwater furniture store. Once you have bought it, go to your inventory, click on the item and select ‘place in neohome’.

NeoHome, Gardens and Tips

Tip for those that would like to build a NeoHome, and build gardens as well

Submitted by Morakai
Build your house first. Make sure to get all the building extensions that you want like insurance, flooring, lights, etc, BEFORE you build a single garden. The reason for this is Neopets counts a garden as a room. The building extensions are priced per room, so if you have gardens it will drive the price up. Why pay for flooring that you don’t want in a garden?

When you look at someone’s userinfo, Neopets counts gardens as rooms (for example my user info says: “NeoHome: 11 rooms”). But when you go to the Extension Options page, neopets doesn’t count gardens as rooms anymore. (at the extension options-page it tells to me “Rooms: 9” because I have 2 gardens). So you won’t be paying for flooring or wallpapers for a garden. – winifred83

Getting the extensions without the added costs!

Submitted by beans46
If you want a new room AND an extension, then you should do this:

1. Submit your order to build the room.
2. Go get an extension.

If you do that, you don’t have to pay for the extra extension when you build the room, and you don’t have to pay for the extra room when you get the extension! It’s a win-win situation! – Shoyru_Lover

Extra Information

NeoHome Quotes

Submitted by
Have you noticed that the guys on the building status page say something different every time you visit? i have made a list of everything i got them to say to me.

1. Those floorboards will have to be removed…
2. Looks like this house was built by cowboys!
3. Those drains are going to have to be stripped…that’s costly.
4. We can’t knock a door through here, the house will collapse!
5. These lintels are all out of place…
6. Look at those beams, all out of alignment!
7. Yes, I think we need extra support for that beam in A5.
8. You want us to work Sundays? Thats going to cost double!
9. All its going to take is a couple more nails there…
10. This is gonna cost ya, mate.


One response to “NeoHome Guide by Shoyru_Lover”

  1. Hannah Avatar

    I have my basic neohome and I bought some floorings and walls that i liked before i finished my house but i dont know how to add them to my house, i have tried adding items but nothing is working?

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