User:Pinkgirl34/NQII Miscellany
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Here are some miscellaneous stats about NeoQuest II. Credits to User:A Neezles A for helping out.
Note: Everything in a list are arranged in order of being encountered.
Full List of NPCs[edit]
Chapter 1[edit]
- Mother (free inn)
- Marvis
- Jimba
- Pongoras (potions)
- Tolain (quest)
White River[edit]
- Jeltharo (quest)
- Horxas (35gp inn)
- Bolar
- Tebor (potions, weapons, armour)
- Yauvis
- Adelan
- Sildairm (potions, weapons, armour)
- Mipsy (group member)
- Enkarra
- Folsi
- Hathiet
- Ariala
- Erinels
- Parel
- Nikalo
- Pipka (armour)
- Zapka (weapons)
- Yeccki (potions)
- Mynel
- Estrunda
- Bin-po
- Fudra (100gp inn)
- Dovini
- Zixo
- Siddande
- Kijandri (quest)
- Potraddo (quest)
- Withered ghost (quest)
- Undead merchant (trade)
- Forlorn guard
- Enlea
- Delkon (quest)
- Uthare (potions)
- Uthyni (quest)
- Berig (150gp inn)
- Patannis (weapons, armour)
Meridell Castle[edit]
- Guard Thyet (free inn)
- Count Sadath
- Countess Haren
- Lady Adrile
- Guard Cault
- Guard Zanale
- Captain Jologa (quest)
Ramtor's Tower[edit]
- King Skarl
Chapter 2[edit]
Chia Oscuro[edit]
- Yahar
- Stolfr
- Aunoll
- Lveydi
- Ullistl (free inn)
- Girjor
- Thaddeus (quest)
- Jarasth (potions, weapons, armour)
- Sthora (quest)
Mountainside Inn[edit]
- Orsing
- Faria
- Evyas
- Munar (200gp inn)
- Borhal (potions)
- Talinia (group member)
- Hjala
- Illun
- Wunarka
- Eridin
Happy Valley[edit]
- Jualie (quest)
- Niacha (quest)
- Candar
- Hausaun
- Etigand
- Fantasa
- Jemico
- Madys
- Vanne (potions)
- Tinoryl (225gp inn)
- Eviexa
- Zarisav
- Henago
- Bradro
- Dembrind
- Arisso (weapons)
- Utolok (armour)
- Panari
- Koli
Adventurers' Camp[edit]
- Allden (free inn)
- Five
- Thugda
- Malarkey
Lost Caves[edit]
- The Snowager
Chapter 3[edit]
Sakhmet City[edit]
- Advisor Weebteb (quest)
- Princess Vyssa (quest)
- Phebiya (quest)
- Guard Yabara
- Guard Seryn
- Guard Yorat
- Zesenip
- Jadon
- Ndomi
- Sabaliz (weapons, armour)
- Khib (350gp inn)
- Selasa
- Rathuah (potions)
- Chimukh
- Krali
Waset Village[edit]
- Erweb (potions)
- Pankal (weapons, armour)
- Nufam (450gp inn)
- Velm (group member)
- Tebalo
- Paide
- Hizaga (quest)
- Zasise (quest)
- Amote (quest)
- Lifira (quest)
- Bukaru (quest)
- Bledynn
- King Coltzan (quest)
Chapter 4[edit]
Shadow Gulch[edit]
- Veli the Vaporous
- Direy (quest)
- Shan (potions)
- Hunsev (weapons, armour)
- Binter
- Masen the Macabre
- Furver (500gp inn)
- Thylee
- Heinig the Hideous
Other Areas[edit]
- Count von Roo (quest)
- Spider Grundo (quest)
- Balthazar (quest)
- The Faeries
- Brain Tree (quest)
- Augur Faunt (potions, weapons, armour, free inn)
- Hubrid Nox (quest)
Chapter 5[edit]
Northern Watchtower[edit]
- Guardsman Wertam
- Guardswoman Janna
- Guard Captain Okara (quest)
- Quatermaster Calam (weapons, armour, free inn)
- Guardsman Sevitas
- Guardswoman Kemtami
- Guardsman Kosec (quest)
- Gustano (potions)
- Guardsman Loceveakro
- Guardswoman Avisne
- Vilaria
- Essit
- Ceth
Village of Cirrus[edit]
- Bexi
- Atasha
- Caereli (weapons, armour)
- Mekava (potions)
- Deleri (1000gp inn)
- Odail
Faerie City[edit]
- Lucina (quest)
Faerie Palace[edit]
- Stenvela
- Kroliya
- Arthal
- Vitrini (quest, free inn)
- Lyra (potions, free inn)
Full List of Monsters[edit]
Chapter 1[edit]
Western Plains[edit]
- Plains Lupe
- Plains Aisha
- Forest Bearog
- Cave Lupe
- Cave Spyder
- Miner Skeleton
- Miner Ghost
Northern Marches[edit]
- Shadow Gelert
- Woodland Bearog
- Cave Ogre
- Skeleton Guard
- Skeleton Knight
- Eyrie Sceptre
South-East Meridell[edit]
- Forest Lupe
- Prairie Aisha
- Swamp Krawk
- Swamp Gelert
- Raging Bearog
- Giant Sand Spyder
- Dust Scarab
- Hulking Mummy
- Dust Guardian
- Dust Merchant
Eastern Meridell[edit]
- Deranged Wocky
- Destructive Wocky
- Dire Lupe
- Fierce Bearog
- Mist Gelert
Plains of Retreat[edit]
- Ghostly Meerca
- Chia Zombie
- Skeletal Jailer
- Demonic Grarrl
Chapter 2[edit]
Southern Region[edit]
- Snow Lupe
- Alpine Bearog
- Hailstone Tuskaninny
- Frozen Skeleton
- Rock Grarrl
Eastern Pass[edit]
- Ice Krawk
- Sleet Spyder
- Cliff Uni
- Sleet Krawk
- Mountain Lupe
- Cragstone Tuskaninny
Lost Caves[edit]
- Crevice Korbat
- Cave Scorpion
- Amber Dervish
- Spectral Wocky
- Spirit Kyrii
- Pitchstone Dervish
- Jade Dervish
- Blizzard Kougra
- Giant Frost Chia
Chapter 3[edit]
Southern Lost Desert[edit]
- Rattlecobrall
- Desert Nomad
- Sand Walker
- Decaying Mummy
- Mutant Sand Grundo
- Rock Golem
- Zombie Techo
Western Lost Desert[edit]
- Desert Khonsu
- Mutated Wadjet-Grundo
- Ghastly Templar
- Desert Guardian
- Dynastic Cleric
- Dynastic Priest
- Desert Watcher
- Possessed Skeleton
Eastern Lost Desert[edit]
- Rampaging Grundonoil
- Decrepit Mummy
- Undead Citizen
- Desert Protector
- Undead Shopkeeper
- Desert Patrolman
Zakharukh's Pyramid[edit]
- Enormous Grundocerous
- Undead Warrior
- Undead Paladin
Chapter 4[edit]
Northern Haunted Woods[edit]
- Sludge Kau
- Mutant Usul
- Cursed Ixi
- Venomous Vine
- Pool of Pond Scum
- Goo Fiend
To Balthazar's Grove[edit]
- Mucus Beast
- Wretched Spyder
- Cloud of Fleas
- Lupe Specter
- Treasure Hunter
- Haunted Butler
Hubrid's Mountain Range[edit]
- Haunted Guardian
- Nox Guardian
- Heart of Nox
- Hand of Nox
- Eye of Nox
Goo Bog[edit]
- Sentient Fungus
- Slime Behemoth
- Malevolent Fungus
- Slime Titan
Chapter 5[edit]
- Faerie Minion
- Traitorous Eyrie
- Cloudbeast
- Faerie Slaver
- Dark Sergeant
- Winged Noil
- Dark Lieutenant
- Faerie Renegade
- Babaa Enforcer
- Scorchio Commander
- Corrupted Water Faerie
- Corrupted Earth Faerie
- Bionic Cybunny
Faerie City[edit]
- Dark General
- Corrupted Air Faerie
- Corrupted Fire Faerie
- Faerie Conspirator
- Aisha Betrayer
- Killer Moehog
Faerie Palace[edit]
- Corrupted Light Faerie
- Dark Faerie Champion
- Techo Blademaster
- Skeith Titan
- Dark Overlord
- Chaos Nimmo
- Dimensional Faerie
Full List of Inventory Items[edit]
Note: For all the potions the bracketed numbers are the amount of healing/damage or the precentage of hasting/slowing/healing after resurrection. For weapons and armour the number indicates the degree of attack/offense and the bolded ones represent the weapon sold at a store.
Healing Potions[edit]
- Healing Vial (15)
- Healing Flask (25)
- Healing Potion (35)
- Healing Bottle (50)
- Potion of Regeneration (60)
- Potion of Fortitude (70)
- Potion of Growth (80)
- Potion of Potent Health (90)
- Potion of Greater Health (100)
- Potion of Abundant Health (110)
- Vitality Potion (120)
- Stamina Potion (130)
- Constitution Potion (140)
- Faerie's Gift Potion (150)
- Fyora's Blessing Potion (160)
- Jhudora's Lifeforce Potion (170)
Damage Potions[edit]
- Flare Potion (15)
- Blast Potion (25)
- Flame Potion (35)
- Burst Potion (50)
- Frost Potion (65)
- Chill Potion (80)
- Scorch Potion (95)
- Blister Potion (110)
- Rot Potion (125)
- Corrode Potion (140)
- Typhoon Potion (155)
- Hurricane Potion (170)
Haste Potions[edit]
- Speed Potion (15%)
- Velocity Potion (20%)
- Acceleration Potion (25%)
- Quickness Potion (30%)
- Dispatch Potion (35%)
- Potion of Great Haste (40%)
- Potion of Alarming Haste (45%)
- Kougra Sprint Potion (50%)
- Eyrie Flight Potion (55%)
- Speed of Wind Potion (60%)
- Speed of Light Potion (65%)
Slowing Potions[edit]
- Slowness Potion (20%)
- Deceleration Potion (15%)
- Dawdling Potion (25%)
- Drowsiness Potion (25%)
- Lethargy Potion (30%)
- Potion of Loafing Laziness (30%)
- Potion of Inert Inaction (40%)
- Vile's Apathy Potion (50%)
- Sloth's Sloth Potion (60%)
- Slumber Potion (70%)
- Coma Potion (80%)
Resurrection Potions[edit]
- Awakening Potion (10%)
- Rising Potion (25%)
- Living Potion (40%)
- Renewal Potion (60%)
- Vivify Potion (80%)
- Father's Sword (3)
- Iron Shortsword (8)
- Tempered Iron Shortsword (10)
- Notched Iron Shortword (12)
- Steel Shortsword (14)
- Bright Steel Shortsword (16)
- Sharpened Steel Shortsword (18)
- Forged Shortsword (20)
- Shining Shortsord (22)
- Deadly Shortsword (23)
- Icy Shortsword (25)
- Striking Broadsword (26)
- Broadsword (28)
- Agile Broadsword (29)
- Dashing Broadsword (30)
- Iron Longsword (32)
- Whispering Longsword (34)
- Flashing Longsword (37)
- Steel Longsword (40)
- Lightning Longsword (43)
- Thundering Longsword (45)
- Iron Greatsword (48)
- Ravaging Greatsword (50)
- Rampaging Greatsword (53)
- Steel Greatsword (56)
- Terrible Greatsword (59)
- Wondrous Greatsword (62)
- Royal Sword (64)
- Regal Sword (67)
- Commanding Sword (70)
- Sword of Kings (72)
- Sword of Dominion (75)
- Sword of Apocalypse (80)
- Sawdust Wand (4)
- Scratched Wand (5)
- Scored Wand (5)
- Cardboard Wand (6)
- Creased Wand (7)
- Corrugated Wand (7)
- Balsawood Wand (8)
- Filmsy Wand (9)
- Delicate Wand (10)
- Rigid Wand (11)
- Plywood Wand (12)
- Sturdy Wand (12)
- Heavy Wand (13)
- Dense Wand (14)
- Birchwood Wand (15)
- Strong Wand (16)
- Reinforced Wand (17)
- Ashwood Wand (18)
- Steady Wand (19)
- Tough Wand (20)
- Teakwood Wand (21)
- Solid Wand (22)
- Stable Wand (23)
- Oakwood Wand (24)
- Unbending Wand (25)
- Immovable Wand (26)
- Disciplined Wand (27)
- Focusing Wand (28)
- Controlling Wand (29)
- Wand of Mastery (30)
- Wand of Force (31)
- Wand of Reality (35)
- Birch Short Bow (15)
- Planed Short Bow (17)
- Sanded Short Bow (19)
- Elm Short Bow (20)
- Simple Recurve Bow (21)
- Rough Recurve Bow (23)
- Ash Short Bow (25)
- Compound Short Bow (26)
- Dual-Cam Recurve Bow (28)
- Cedar Longbow (30)
- Silkstring Longbow (31)
- Fibrous Recurve Bow (33)
- Heartwood Longbow (35)
- Winding Crossbow (37)
- Latched Crossbow (38)
- Walnut Longbow (40)
- Piercing Longbow (42)
- Rending Longbow (43)
- Stonewood Longbow (45)
- Bow of Strength (47)
- Bow of Duress (48)
- Bow of Nature (50)
- Bow of Light (52)
- Bow of Destiny (55)
- Humble Staff (20)
- Staff of Friendship (22)
- Staff of Camaraderie (23)
- Staff of Giving (25)
- Staff of Sacrifice (26)
- Justice Staff (28)
- Staff of Valor (29)
- Staff of Equanimity (31)
- Honourable Staff (32)
- Staff of Reverence (33)
- Staff of Mettle (34)
- Staff of Truth (36)
- Staff of Love (37)
- Staff of Compassion (39)
- Holy Staff (40)
- Staff of Vengeance (42)
- Staff of Righteoud Fury (45)
- Rusty Chain Tunic (5)
- Iron Chain Tunic (8)
- Wrought Chain Tunic (10)
- Forged Chain Tunic (12)
- Steel Chain Tunic (14)
- Seamless Steel Chain (16)
- Dauntless Steel Chain (18)
- Iron Ringmail (20)
- Gallant Ringmail (22)
- Stalwart Splint Mail (25)
- Spirited Splint Mail (27)
- Iron Splint Mail (28)
- Plated Splint Mail (30)
- Deft Splint Mail (31)
- Steel Splint Mail (32)
- Valorous Steel Splint (35)
- Courageous Steel Splint (38)
- Light Plate Mail (40)
- Light Moon Plate (43)
- Light Sun Plate (45)
- Full Plate (48)
- Guarding Plate (50)
- Shielding Plate (52)
- Superior Plate (56)
- Grand Plate (58)
- Ornamented Plate (61)
- Kingly Plate (64)
- Plate of Resolution (66)
- Plate of Ages (69)
- Defender's Plate (72)
- Darigan's Fire Cloak (76)
- Jeran's Battle Armour (80)
- initiate's robe (4)
- embroidered initiate's robe (5)
- tailored initiate's robe (5)
- trainee's robe (6)
- woven trainee's robe (7)
- colorful trainee's robe (7)
- apprentice's robe (8)
- lined apprentice's robe (9)
- silk apprentices robe (10)
- worn novice's robe (11)
- novice's robe (12)
- loose novice's robe (12)
- comfortable novice's robe (13)
- enfolding novice's robe (14)
- acolyte's robe (15)
- energetic acolyte's robe (16)
- channeling acolyte's robe (17)
- magician's robe (18)
- trained magician's robe (19)
- senior magician's robe (20)
- wizard's robe (21)
- robe of invocation (22)
- robe of evocation (23)
- spellcaster's robe (24)
- robe of divination (25)
- robe of abjuration (26)
- arcanist's robe (27)
- dimensional robe (28)
- planar robe (29)
- Robe of the Archmage (30)
- Kauvara's Robe (32)
- Jahbal's Robe (35)
- leather tunic (15)
- winter tunic (17)
- summer tunic (19)
- studded leather tunic (20)
- autumn tunic (21)
- spring tunic (23)
- reinforced leather tunic (25)
- leafhide tunic (26)
- barkhide tunic (28)
- strapped leather tunic (30)
- lightbranch tunic (32)
- oakstorm tunic (33)
- boiled leather chestplate (35)
- lifestream tunic (37)
- sunstrike tunic (39)
- cured leather tunic (40)
- windskin tunic (42)
- moonflight tunic (44)
- forest tunic (45)
- Tunic of the Deep Woods (46)
- Tunic of the Earth Faerie (47)
- Tunic of Eternity (50)
- Nature's Armor (52)
- Treeskin (55)
- Simple Holy Chain (30)
- Modest Holy Chain (32)
- Austure Holy Chain (33)
- Laminated Holy Chain (36)
- Silver Holy Chain (38)
- Polished Holy Chain (40)
- Burnished Holy Chain (42)
- Golden Holy Chain (44)
- Glorious Holy Chain (45)
- Brilliant Holy Chain (47)
- Radiant Holy Chain (48)
- Heavenly Holy Chain (50)
- Magnificant Holy Chain (52)
- Majestic Holy Chain (54)
- Holy Chain of Ghosts (55)
- Holy Chain of Spirits (58)
- Holy Chain of Shadows (60)
- The Wordstone
- The Celestial Talisman
- Medallion of Wind (part 1)
- Journal page
- Medallion of Wind (part 2)
- Medallion of Wind (part 3)
- Gemstone
- Half a Silver Key
- The Golden Key
Trivia and Secrets[edit]
- The slogan of the game is "Live in your world. Get devoured by a Vampire Bearog in mine." This is similar to PlayStation 2's slogan: "Live in your world, play in ours." Also, there isn't a vampire bearog in any of the NeoQuest series.
- The lost city of Phorofor: Phorofor sounds a bit like 404 (which is the HTTP error code for "not found").
- The phrase for Phorofor "ad ro un ta en" is made up of syllables from "En taro adun", which happens to be from the game Starcraft.
- Mipsy says "I wish I didn't have these stupid shoes" throughout the game but doesn't have shoes until near the end of the game.
- There are circuit tiles showing up occasionally and randomly in the Act 1 map, giving hints that this is a simulation within a spaceship rather than the actual Neopian world.
- Prior to finishing the first chapter of the game, the user is led to believe defeating Ramtor is the game's only task, and is given no clue (except for the circuit board tiles) the world is a simulation within a spaceship. The revelation surprised many users, as many were expecting a simple story set in a medieval land.
- Chiaoscuro is spelled like chiarocuro, a technique of using light and dark in a work of art. It can also be translated from Italian as Dark Chia.
- Before getting the Wordstone, The Chias in Chia Oscuro don't "talk". They spew out random letters which replace the actual letter for each word which appear after you get the Wordstone.
- The hermit's password, Alpha-three-seven-tango-echo-nine, translates to A37TE9 (phonetic alphabet).
- Anubits serves both as a reference to Anubis, the egyption god, and bit, 1/8th of a byte (a single 0-or-1 switch).
- Nox's Tower: Various tiles (pillars / walls / boxes) on the 9 maps of Nox's Tower spell HUBRID NOX (one letter per level, without the space).
- Faerie Palace, Level 1 has a very high number of staircases leading up, but there's only one downward staircase on level two.
- Mr. Insane looks remarkably like The Architect (Matrix).
- According to Mr. Insane, Rohane was named after a character on EverQuest Test Server, while Mipsy, Talinia and Velm were named after members of his guild.
- In NeoQuest II, all the married pets that have children are different species. For example, an acara and a wocky can have a child that is a cybunny.
- Mipsy's red robe appears in the Terror Mountain, Lost Desert (background) and Haunted Woods cut scenes. In the game, however, she has no such robe (dressing up for the occasion, huh?).
- Velm, like Mipsy, has a fancy outfit in the third cut scene we don't see in the game itself.
- Rohane says "We emerge victorious!" regardless of whether there's really a "we" or not.