Talk:Bringer of Night

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The Bringer's raising undead powers[edit]

Something has occured to me while i was editing the article...does the bringer have the power to summon icy skeletons, or the undead? NOtice the appearance of him, and you will see he's akin to the Desert style. How could he summon ice in the desert? Or is it just because he was in Terror Mountain he summoned icy skeletons? Does he have the ability to summon dead in relation to the environment he's in? --Jacob 15:30, 10 Jul 2007 (UTC)

Indeed. Additionally, is he always a rampaging lunatic, or only when he senses the Heart? His eyes noticeably changed colour when he was released on the mountainside from yellow to red. I don't suppose we are ever going to find out, though. --Macbeth 02:11, 11 Jul 2007 (UTC)
A LOT of unnanswered questions were left at the end of the plot. What exactly is the heart of the mountain? Why did the Bringer want to steal/destroy it? Where did this ancient Bori cilivization exist? Why was it destroyed by the Bringer? By choice because of a reason, or completly random? What was a Desert villain doing in Terror Mountain? :S
It would be great if some of this information was explorered, especially having an update what the long lost Bori have been doing since their release. i mean, there were 1000's of would think an impact on the world would be made by them, or they would try to rebuild their home somehow. And is the Bringer really dead? Or is death impossible for a creature such as he? --Jacob 02:48, 12 Jul 2007 (UTC)
Did anyone beat The Bringer and 'Mayor Thumburt (3rd form)? --AchyfiLover
I would imagine so. Who, I do not know. --Macbeth 22:52, 28 Jul 2007 (UTC)
Oh. It would be very rare someone would beat Mayor Thumburt (3rd form); 1,000,000 hit points, someone beat someone (i.e. Razul) who has 100,000 hit points, but not The Bringer? --AchyfiLover
There are some very powerful Neopets out there. --Macbeth 00:16, 29 Jul 2007 (UTC)
Yeah, I know. Like featheralley's Majal_Kita, and musnterpoo's baby wocky named musnterpoo. Wow, they're powerful!:) --AchyfiLover