Illusens Blade

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Illusens Blade is a weapon rewarded by Illusen for completing a quest for her at level 41. Because one must complete such a high level quest to get it, the weapon is very expensice, going for about a million NP and up.

In the Battledome

Illusens Blade does from 6 to 11 actual icons of damage, at max that is five of earth and six of physical. The amount of damage it does is random, but the results fall onto a nice bell curve. It usually does 8.29 actual icons of damage.

There are a number of problems with this weapons. It does earth icons, which are common and commonly blocked. The weapons is also too sporadic, other weapons at a similar price can consistently do about 10-12 icons of damage. The Portable Kiln, a weapon in the same price range, does a constant 11 icons of fire.

This weapon is overpriced due to rarity, but if it can be found for about half it's price it might be worth a buy.

External Links

In-Depth Battlepedia: Illusens Blade