List of Random Events
Please post you random events here using Template:RandomEvent & Template:RandomEventNew
Put the random event into the proper category, or create a new category when appropriate. All data MUST be based off you're on experiences and NOT from any other source. All others, such as Premium, Obelisk War or Misc. non-standard random events can be in the form of an image unless a templte for this have already been made.
On 28 March, 2014, standard Random Events received an update which changes their appearance. With this, we request that you take the initiative to post you random events in both the 'old' and 'new' form. Please note that some random events, such as Winter/Tyrannian have yet to become updated, and once only/retired event do not need to be posted in "updated" forms. Thank-you!
(Note - This is not the final layout of the page - It's just being used to collect data presently)
Premium - Old (Retired)
Premium - New
Obelisk War (Retired)
JumpStart (Retired)
Mysterious Static
Ninja School