Moltara Mystery

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Revision as of 12:25, 21 March 2014 by Emeraldosprey (talk | contribs) (day two go!)
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This article documents a current event.
Information may update rapidly as the event progresses.

On March 19, 2014, a new plot began on the Neopets website. Thus far, the plot has no official title.


On March 19, 2014, mysterious new Random Events began appearing on the website. These events showed a static screen and contained a cryptic message about a machine and a portal. On March 20, 2013, a new area opened up in Moltara's Magma City. By clicking on the water tower in the city, users would be taken to the workshop of a mysterious scientist. Inside the workshop was a robotic Petpet. This Petpet mentioned that the portal activation was on standby, prompting the user to complete the first puzzle of the event.

User Participation

Part 1: Nifty Control Panel With Lights


The first part of the event consisted of a set of five puzzles. In each of these puzzles, users were presented with a control panel that contained a grid of lights. Clicking on a light would change the light that was clicked and the lights adjacent to that light to a preset pattern of red and green. To solve these puzzles, users had to make all of the lights on the panel turn green by clicking on the lights in a certain order. One new puzzle was released each day. Each new puzzle was a little larger than the previous puzzle.

The solution to these puzzles was the same for every user:

Date Puzzle Size Solution Prize
Day 1:
March 20, 2013
3 x 3 grid
  • Click on the light in row 2 column 2
  • Click on the light in row 3 column 1
  • Click on the light in row 1 column 1
  • Click on the light in row 1 column 3
  • Click on the light in row 3 column 3
Something Already Happened Cake Plate
Day 2:
March 21, 2013
4 x 4 grid
  • Click on the light in row 1 column 2
  • Click on the light in row 2 column 4
  • Click on the light in row 3 column 1
  • Click on the light in row 4 column 3
Flashy Lights Device

External links