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Plot summaries to be filled, and main article image (not book of ages portrait)

Kelland (also known as The Collector from his constellation in the sky) is a Blud Techo, and one of the 12 heroes of Altador. He is a highly skilled thief and has mastery over the dark arts, which he doesn't feel is evil, but how one uses it.

Plot Summaries

Neopets: The Darkest Faerie

Main Article: Neopets: The Darkest Faerie

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Altador Plot

Main Article: Altador Plot

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Book of Ages - Chapter 9, The Thief

Kelland's Book of Ages portrait

There is an old saying that it takes a thief to catch a thief. There is some truth to this old adage, as was proven by Kelland, the Techo thief...

Born into a life of thievery, Kelland never questioned his role in society, much less whether what he did was right or wrong. Stealing was simply a part of his nature. One day, he watched as a tired Elephante collected his weekly wages, and headed down a dark, empty alley.

Moments later, an Aisha jumped from a nearby rooftop, grabbed the Elephante's small coin purse, and escaped into the shadows, leaving the poor worker helpless. For the first time in his life, Kelland felt something stir inside of him. Was it sympathy?

Kelland BOA Image01.gif

When he returned to the thieves' den later that night, Kelland saw the Aisha thief lounging about.

Disgusted, Kelland walked past the Aisha, and using his great stealth, stole the coin pouch back. Quietly, the Techo returned to the streets, to where he had seen the Elephante sullenly trudge home. Kelland placed the pouch on the Elephante's doorstep and knocked, then leapt onto the roof. Below, he heard the door open, followed by a gasp of joy.

The Elephante looked around, but saw no one. "Whoever returned this," he said into the cold night, "has my eternal gratitude. Thank you." He left a few of the coins on his doorstep and closed the door. Kelland dropped to the street and picked up the coins. He felt oddly fulfilled, something his life of crime had never brought him.

Kelland BOA Image02.gif

From that moment on, the Techo used his skills for good whenever possible, doing his best to ensure that the working poor did not suffer from crime. Word soon spread about this reformed thief, and it wasn't long before a wise Lupe asked him to join his council, for light from darkness is a rare quality indeed.


  • Kelland supported The Darkest Faerie in allowing her to be part of the 12 heroes of Altador, impressed with her power.

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