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Stat Level Titles

Has anyone ever compiled a list of the titles a stat gets when it reaches a certain level? I know the highest its "ULTIMATE", but what stat does that title change occur on? what about the rest of the titles, like "titanic", and "tough"? Haven't found one yet. if anyone knows where one is, it would be much appreciated. --Jacob 22:28, 27 Aug 2006 (CDT)

I'm sure I've seen some somewhere on the internet. IDB might have one, although I'm not sure... I will look into it. If we can't find research already performed, we can always compile it ourselves, I suppose. --Macbeth 11:00, 28 Aug 2006 (CDT)

alright, i found some sources. PinkPT seems to have a Neopet Statistic Levels page, and i found something on NeoNetwork, Neo Nutters of Neopia, The Secret Base, and this pet page for intelligence. Will start up the tables, and decide on their placement later. Edit as needed. --Jacob 16:44, 29 Aug 2006 (CDT)

Level Strength Defence Movement Intelligence
Not yet Born -1
Numbered Level 1 - 60
High 61 - 90
Very High 91 - 120
Amazingly High 121 - 180
Too High To Count 181+
Not Yet Born -1
Pathetic 1
Very Weak 2
Weak 3 - 4
Frail 5
Average 6
Quite Strong 7 - 9
Strong 10 - 11
Very Strong 12 - 13
Great 14
Immense 15 - 16
Titanic 17 - 19
Herculean 20
Great 21 - 39
Excellent 40 - 59
Awesome 60 - 79
Amazing 80 - 99
Legendary 100 - 149
Ultimate 150+
Not Yet Born -1
Defenceless 1
Naked 2
Vulnerable 3
Very Poor 4
Poor 5
Below Average 6 - 7
Average 8
Armoured 9
Tough 10
Heavy 11 - 12
Very Heavy 13 - 14
Steel Plate 15
Bulletproof 16
Semi Deadly Godly 17
Demi Godly 18
Godly 19
Beyond Godly 20
Great 21 - 39
Excellent 40 - 59
Awesome 60 - 79
Amazing 100 - 149
Ultimate 150+
Not Yet Born -1
Barely Moves 1
Snail Pace 2
Lazy 3
Very Slow 4
Slow 5
Quite Slow 6
Average 7 - 8
Fast 9
Speedy 10
Super fast 11
Super speedy 12
Breakneck 13
Cheetah 14
Lightening 15
Mach 1 16 - 17
Mach 2 18
Mach 3 19
Mach 4 20
Great 21 - 39
Excellent 40 - 59
Awesome 60 - 79
Amazing 80 - 99
Legendary 100 - 149
Ultimate 150+
Dim Witted 0 - 3
Dull 4 - 6
Average 7 - 10
Above Average 11 - 14
Bright 15 - 18
Clever 19 - 22
Very Clever 22 - 26
Brilliant 35
Genius 40
Super Genius ? - 45 - 48 - ?
Mega Genius ? - 50 - 53 - ?
Total Genius ? - 55 - 56 - ?
Master Genius ? - 60 - 93 - ?
Ultimate Genius 95+

Hunger section

I just added a section on hunger to go with the mood one. There are two things I'm not sure about:

  1. Did I get the list of hunger levels right? Part of the list was from memory.
  2. Can jetsams actually eat anything? I can never remember... I know they can eat aquatic petpets, because they need to for the avatar, but I'm not sure if they can eat anything like grarrls and skeiths.

--Dolphinling 19:14, 14 Nov 2006 (CST)

Will update the article a bit, and add a little more as well. And i'm unsure about the Jetsam, because i didn't know it could eat Petpets myself. perhaps it can eat certain types of petpets, being it's an aquatic predator? --Jacob 21:09, 14 Nov 2006 (CST)
My friends (who have better memories than me, and remember when we actually tested this) say Jetsams can only eat Aquatic Petpets and normal food items. Editing the article to say so. Dolphinling 01:46, 16 Nov 2006 (CST)

I cant level up

I cant level up my pets are too weak --unsigned by (Tara) 01:02, 8 May 2007

If you can't level up the stats of the neopet, then the level of your neopet is too low and needs to be raised (training will only allow max stats to be twice the level of the neopet). you can of course get around this with stat raising items, which aren't limited by the pets level...but you will still need to raise the level to the proper point if you want to train.
if you can't raise the "level" of the neopet, then there is an error with your neopet and you need to contact TNT ASAP, because ALL neopets can have their level raised no matter what. --Jacob 08:35, 8 May 2007 (CDT)

Neopet(s) Disambiguation

As only one of the three entities on this disambiguation is actually Neopet - the others are both Neopets - I propose moving the disambiguation to Neopets or Neopet (disambiguation) and have the article Neopet (species) here. --Macbeth 14:59, 21 Aug 2007 (UTC)

I thought having the singular would be better than the plurl, seeing as the plurl refers to the singular (Neopets = Neopet). Is it more confusing than simplified? --Jacob 15:06, 21 Aug 2007 (UTC)
Hmm. The singular only ever applied for the neopet species. The website and film are always in plural. --Macbeth 15:09, 21 Aug 2007 (UTC)
I originally made no official "neopet" or "neopets" article to be user friendly: is the person searching the NeoDex searching for the Neopets website, game, movie, or just the plurl of Neopet? If you think "Neopets" is a better disambiguation title than "Neopet", then let it be so. Just as long as all the links here are placed there (and any I've missed). Don't want any readers confused. :S --Jacob 15:23, 21 Aug 2007 (UTC)

Making this the official page to talk about the Neopet instead of "Neopets (species)" isn't what I had in mind. Still, if you think it works better...

Make note, though, if we do find reason to make "neopet" a disambiguation page again, "Neopet (species)" will be the main page again...or I at least think it should. *scratches head* --Jacob 16:31, 21 Aug 2007 (UTC)

Aye. --Macbeth 16:37, 21 Aug 2007 (UTC)

Send Neopet Trivia

I was pretty sure that "send your neopet" meant send a photo of your neopet... not actually send the pet. I'm sure we all wish we could send pets directly from one account to another, without the pound but I think this is something we will have to wait on a bit longer. -Cath 00:15, 26 Sep 2007 (UTC)

*looks into it* huh...why whould they call it "sending a neopet" on the front page, then say it's only a photo in the actual section? Or maybe it shows a photo first then gives the option of having the Neopet? Can someone who used this feature confirm? --Jacob 00:23, 26 Sep 2007 (UTC)
Cath is correct. What it does is basically send a picture of your pet. The neopian (or non-neopian) who receives the neomail/email will have a choice of rating the pet, or customize their own pets. Of course, non-neopians must register for an account before rating/customizing pets. --SwordFire 15:15, 26 Sep 2007 (UTC)

Old Neopets Stuff

fleye_red_happy.gif lightgreen.gif lightred.gif lightblue.gif fuzio_blue_happy.gif welcome.gif fuzio_blue_happy.gif lightgreen.gif lightred.gif lightblue.gif fleye_red_happy.gif

You can also put this in your petpage. The welcome, fuzio and Fleye came from the Way Back Machine.


aisha_blue_baby.gif aisha_green_baby.gif aisha_red_baby.gif aisha_yellow_baby.gif cerpull_blue_baby.gif cerpull_green_baby.gif cerpull_red_baby.gif cerpull_yellow_baby.gif chia_blue_baby.gif chia_green_baby.gif chia_red_baby.gif chia_yellow_baby.gif elephante_blue_baby.gif elephante_green_baby.gif elephante_red_baby.gif elephante_yellow_baby.gif fleye_blue_baby.gif fleye_green_baby.gif fleye_red_baby.gif fleye_yellow_baby.gif flotsam_blue_baby.gif flotsam_green_baby.gif flotsam_red_baby.gif flotsam_yellow_baby.gif fuzio_blue_baby.gif fuzio_green_baby.gif fuzio_red_baby.gif fuzio_yellow_baby.gif jetsam_blue_baby.gif jetsam_green_baby.gif jetsam_red_baby.gif jetsam_yellow_baby.gif jibjib_blue_baby.gif jibjib_green_baby.gif jibjib_red_baby.gif jibjib_yellow_baby.gif korbat_blue_baby.gif korbat_green_baby.gif korbat_red_baby.gif korbat_yellow_baby.gif macy_gray_blue_baby.gif macy_gray_green_baby.gif macy_gray_red_baby.gif macy_gray_yellow_baby.gif mellish_blue_baby.gif mellish_green_baby.gif mellish_red_baby.gif mellish_yellow_baby.gif nimmo_blue_baby.gif nimmo_green_baby.gif nimmo_red_baby.gif nimmo_yellow_baby.gif uni_blue_baby.gif uni_green_baby.gif uni_red_baby.gif uni_yellow_baby.gif acara.jpg aisha.jpg blumaroo.jpg bruce.jpg buzz.jpg chia.jpg chomby.jpg cybunny.jpg draik.jpg elephante.jpg eyrie.jpg flotsam.jpg gelert.jpg grarrl.jpg grundo.jpg ixi.jpg jetsam.jpg jubjub.jpg kacheek.jpg koi.jpg korbat.jpg kougra.jpg poogle.jpg uni.jpg

  • The Blue, Green and Tedde Uni are the second pose.


We delete it because so many broken images where founded so I give you the old neopets stuff.


When the Moehog was here it showed this. You could see the Aisha in the logo.


This is created in the same time where the logo showed up and it said Moehog.

elephantepreview.gif lupepreview.gif

The two neopets Elephante & Lupe. This is their first pose.

flotsam_red_baby.gif jetsam_green_baby.gif

The second poses of the two neopets Flotsam & Jetsam are in this.


This is the port hole form the original Lenny petpage.


This is the oldest Zafara title. This is before Zafara Zone - the title with the purple Zafara.



The first and second Acara only do like that.


Old Groove for the aisha. You could still download it.


A screensaver of Chiazilla also called Waterworld2.


A screensaver of a Green Koi and the submarine from the third one. This only have no Chiazilla in there.


This screensaver have the old Yellow Buzz. You could still find it in the website. This is the oldest screensaver which is still in there.


I loved this screensaver so much because of the old Acara. I loved the old Gelert better.


If you are a old neopets account remember the old JubJub? It was changed to stand up.


This is the oldest Koi logo - not the one with the two blue Kois in the logo.

The first Techo petpage shows this - My web page is currently being redesigned so this is just a temporary one. Feel free to change it if you want but all the webpages will be getting a make over real soon.



These two abilities are removed from the website. They have the old Flotsam and Acara.


This is the old abilitiy. I called it that because it have a old Grundo on it.

Uni was the final pet created in 1999. I think Fuzio and Mellish are from 2000.



Polypup's petpage is still saved.


  • In the circle pose of it the mouth does not shown but in the happy, sad and angry poses showed it's mouth.


  • The bruce is a real life human then turned cartoonish human then a ugly one. The 2001 Brcue are so cute.


  • Draiks are only adoptable intil the first Draik Egg is released.


  • They are little first then giant.



  • Badeek is the original Kacheek but turned to Kacheek with the glasses.
  • Badeek may have no hands other than Kacheek.


  • Korbats are not white but the wings have color.


The shockwave version says welcoming at the end.


  • The pink petpet Krawk is a Red Krawk. When the Pink Krawk released the mistake is changed.


  • The old Kyrii is called a Fuzio which is one of the original pets which uses a skateboard. These pets both rock still. It is still original because it came from 1999. (More 2000 to me)


The swf version forgot to changed the Kyrii in it's day. Tuskaninny changed only.


  • They are humans in 2000 intil June they turned to ugly little monkeys but intil 2001 they are like cartoon styled Myncis.


  • Nimmo closes it's eyes in the happy and circle pose but the eyes opened in the second nimmo circle pose.


  • They have surprised eyes. Also the body is colored other than the mane and the bows.


This changed to a different description in swf version.