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NOOOO!!!!!!! my poor poor majestic barry_the_bogan got tuenrd into a BABY by Boochi he used to be a strong powerful and SCARY green eerye, he was confident, he was sure of himself, he could battle, he would win, he was so confident I put him in the beauty contest 2 weeks ago I have him in neoquest and everything someone asked for a cheat to have boochi zap your pet? dunno, but these are the things I've done lately: played neoquest and cliffhanger often, put barry in the beauty contest, tried guessing mystery pic, submitted one caption, scratch all sorts of scratchcards, and keep barry as the active neopet 99% of the time (note the only pet that will be zapped into baby is your active neopet!)dont get me wrong I wanted to paint barry eventually but a baby was NOT what I had in mind!!!! he's ungly