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i love this feedback quiosetn.I'm going to pick Rush as my favorite animal sidekick. All the way up to megaman 10, rush was there to help you pass some of those hard to reach places and levels with the annoying blocks that you jump on. The first game he appeared in was megaman 3. He was essential in this game, especially when you fight the last Dr. Wily boss. Later on, Rush received a upgrade for megaman in the later games, megaman 6, now we have the power and jet forms. Rush transforms into a body armor and gives megaman even more power to his arsenal. A very good addition to the megaman games. Later one, megaman had another battle suit which could only be obtained by collecting the Four rush pieces, similar to finding the BEAT tokens in megaman 4 for the game boy. In megaman 7 you got a very powerful battle suit, which also gave you a second jump. The arm cannon was just wicked. But you needed to get a lot of bolts to use it's full potential in battle.Megaman 8 is when things made a U-Turn. Rush can now turn into a bike, I loved this because it felt like megaman X2 when you used the bike in ostrich's sand level. This game also had midbosses, i think this is the first. Rush was probably the most useful in this game. Megaman 9 and 10 we just had rush coil and rush jet. Living it back in the back is the way to go. I thank capcom for giving us Rush. He is the most best animal sidekick in gaming history. No other can compare. Pikachu is great and all but if you think about it. Ash has a pikachu, well just give me a pokeball and i can catch my own pikachu. Not a good pick because there are shit loads of pikachu pokemon in the pokemon world. Anyone can have the same lame electric mouse pokemon as their sidekick. But just a few i'd like to mention that probably won't be recognized by others.Tails miles, prower. First appeared in sonic the hedgehog 2. He's great if your playing two players, but play with him as a computer, turn the game off. Just collecting all 7 chaos emeralds is a huge pain in the ass when tails is being runned by a computer and is in the way.He is important though in the storyline, without him, sonic 3 wouldn't be born. He flys the plane. Tails never had his full glory though. I played sonic 3 and knuckles as tails by himself, collected all 7 chaos emeralds and this is what flipped some shit, tails doesn't have a super form. I have yet to collect the super emeralds and find out if he has a hyper form. But that is just lame, they gave knuckles a super form.Ok another animal sidekick, Yoshi, i know someone will mention yoshi, and if you do then kudos to you. I liked yoshi and was glad he was put into super mario galaxy 2. Even though i still didn't buy this game, mario is not really mario without yoshi. First introduced in super mario world. He was a huge huge help in that game. If you got hit then yoshi ran off and you had to go catch him. Ok that makes sense, i'm glad they did it this way. Just imagine if you got hit by a shell and yoshi went poof and disappeared. Yoshi had four forms, i wouldn't say forms, but different colored yoshis were available. Green, blue, red, and yellow. Blue being my favorite. All four were unique, depending on the shell yoshi ate gave him a different ability. Red spits fire, green is just bullshit, yellow made yoshi smash the ground, and blue made yoshi fly. Now yoshi was also in his own video game, which had baby mario in it. Yoshi's island. You would have to be a fool to not like this game, so would that mean that mario is the sidekick in this game lol?One more animal sidekick i want to recognize is Epona, Link's horse. I love how in twilight princess you could name epona. Just loved it, and i just saw images of the new legend of zelda coming out. Epona is probably the most reliable animal sidekick known to any nintendo gamer. Were talking about a hero with a sword and shield. Not a robot with a gun for a arm or a hedgehog that has a fox as a friend. But a hero, with his sword and shield, and his horse. This horse is the business. You played that ocarina and that horse came running to any spot you were, except for dungeons, dammit. But in twilight princess, epona even came to you when you blew on a piece of grass. Now that is what i call a horse. I would pay big money to have a horse that came to you like that.My answer is still rush, but i wanted to point out other candidates, and give people ideas incase they couldn't think of a good answer. Video comment tomorrow.