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Pronunciation: fair-ee land
Yooyuball team: Team Faerieland
Faerieland · Faerie City

Faerieland is the home of the faeries, ruled by Fyora, the Faerie Queen. It formerly floated in a gigantic cloud 10,000 feet above Neopia, where it was free to move around the skies. During the events of The Faeries' Ruin plot, however, it fell and a crashed east of the Haunted Woods, and is currently under repair.

When Faerieland was first released, users could only enter if they had a special Faerie Totem item. This requirement was quickly dropped however, and today users do not need a totem to enter Faerieland.


Neopets: The Darkest Faerie

Main article: Neopets: The Darkest Faerie

Faerieland was the location of the second act of the video game, and the climax of acts three and four. The Darkest Faerie had planned to crash Faerieland into Meridell so as to destroy both kingdoms, but her scheme was foiled by Roberta and Tormund. After she was turned back to stone, the Darkest Faerie was kept in Faerieland.

The Faeries' Ruin

Main article: The Faeries' Ruin

After the faeries had been turned to stone, most of the activities in Faerieland became unavailable as their operators had turned to stone. Faerieland also began to descend, beginning on 10 November 2010. As Xandra's ritual continued - ostensibly an attempt to save the city, but in reality intended to accelerate its crash - it continued to fall until it had crashed by 24 November.

Xandra revealed that the destruction of Faerieland had been symbolic of her mission to remove the faeries from Neopia, who she saw as "winged tyrants" because they rarely intervened in Neopet affairs despite their power to do so.

When the curse was broken on 23 December, the activities involving faeries opened up again - except for Faerie Quests which would not return until 7 February. The map was also redesigned to show the city grounded.

Faerieland consists of a central city and a surrounding area. The city contains a wide range of faerie-themed shops and is home to Queen Fyora's castle and the Hidden Tower.

I've read all types of John's books now, a Donovan Creed novell, Follow the Stone with Emmett Love, his how to sell' book and his new Dani Ripper book. One ingirdeent unites them: they are funny and entertaining! To be honest, I don't like everything John Locke writes. Donovan is just not my kind of series and Dani Ripper is also not my cup of tea. The humor in those series is great, it just doesn't do it for me. Emmett, for me, is just my thing, since it's such dry, old school gun-slinger action with a guy surrounded by women, a true friend, where men still worried about getting clean water and food instead of Ipads and game consoles. Thats so refreshing! I basically like all the characters in those Emmett Love books: giving back some magic to Westerns, thats what it feels like. His how to sell' book gave me an insight into why I would probably never be a famous writer myself, since I am too scared investing so much money into myself. John Locke did have that guts and belief in himself. John is also someone who seems to have 30 hours in a day! He really answers his fans, takes time for them, if only a brief e-mail, he just seems to be that kind of person. Being successfull doesn't slow that down.All in all I really recomment his books. John Locke seems to, above all, be a nice person: you simply want him to do well. A definite recommendation from Amsterdam, the Netherlands!


Main article: Team Faerieland

Despite changing their on field formation and adding several new faces to their roster, Faerieland's Yooyuball team is still considered one of the worst teams in the league. They have participated in all the Altador Cup tournaments, yet they have never placed higher than 15th overall.

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