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Revision as of 13:10, 14 December 2012 by (talk) (fhAYdmjm)
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Two comments from a fidooe/webbie person: I tend to leave my browser on a vertical screen, with 1024 px of room, and the new site design doesn't fit without scrolling horizontally. In particular, the right-side column ( Visit Joe on Foodbuzz , foodbuzz ad, RSS link and stumbleupon link) isn't visible. Could your site designer tweak the site such that on narrower monitors, those get folded into the main left-side navigation column?Also, a minor font nit: on Windows, on Firefox 3.6, the font used for headings (Courier 10 Pitch) is horribly pixelated. Fx4 fixed this bug, but Fx4 isn't released yet You might want to add Consolas as a font option similar fixed-width font, commonly available only on Windows, and so would avoid this problem entirely.Hope that helps!