Giant Omelette

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The Giant Omelette

The Giant Omelette is a location in Tyrannia where users can get a free slice of omelette daily. Released on 28 March 2001, it is a gigantic egg that split open and started baking in the sun. When it is all eaten, a new egg appears on the plateau within a few hours.

The Giant Omelette is guarded by Sabre-X, who keeps players from taking more than one slice per day and lets visitors know when the Omelette has run out. If the player missed getting a slice before the omelette disappeared, they can return for it when a new egg has appeared. There are many different slices of omelette that can be received, each with different toppings.

There is a similar location in Jelly World - a Giant Jelly that users can visit daily to receive jellies.

Omelette pieces

A piece of omelette can be eaten three times. The first bite a Neopet takes leaves 2/3 of the omelette. A second bite leaves the user with 1/3 of the omelette. After the third bite, the omelette is gone.

Types of omelettes

There are 34 types of omelette available from the Giant Omelette, some are considerably rarer than others.

  • Bacon and Broccoli Omelette
  • Bacon Omelette
  • BBQ Sauce Omelette
  • Black Currant Omelette
  • Carrot and Pea Omelette
  • Cheese and Onion Omelette
  • Cheese Omelette
  • Chocolate Omelette
  • Chokato Omelette
  • Clay Omelette
  • Fresh Fruit Surprise Omelette
  • Green Pepper Omelette
  • Ham and Cheese Omelette
  • Honey Blossom Omelette
  • Hot Tyrannian Pepper Omelette
  • Juppie Omelette
  • Little Fishy Omelette
  • Magical Tomato and Pepper Omelette
  • Marshmallow Omelette
  • Meat Feast Omelette
  • Mushroom Omelette
  • Plain Omelette
  • Rotten Omelette
  • Sausage and Pepperoni Omelette
  • Sausage Omelette
  • Spicy Red Pepper Omelette
  • Spinach Feta Omelette
  • Strawberry Omelette
  • Tangy Tigersquash Omelette
  • Tomato and Pepper Omelette
  • Tomato Omelette
  • Twirly Fruit Omelette
  • Ugga Melon Omelette
  • Veggie Delight Omelette


  • The Giant Omelette is featured in one random event:
Tyrannian Random Event!!!
omelette.gif You find a piece of tasty Omelette lying on the floor!
  • Rumour has it that when the Giant Omelette has been eaten, a limited number of Tonus are released for creation.
  • Refreshing at the Giant Omelette can get users the Giant Hungry Malevolent Chomby as a Battledome character.
  • The Cheese Omelette and the disease-causing Rotten Omelette look very similar.

External links

Neopets Dailies

Advent Calendar | Anchor Management | Apple Bobbing | Coltzan's Shrine | Daily Puzzle | Deserted Tomb | Faerie Caverns
Forgotten Shore | Fruit Machine | Giant Jelly | Giant Omelette | Kiko Pop | Lunar Temple | Meteor Crash Site 725-XZ
Mysterious Symol Hole | The Snowager | Tombola | Trudy's Surprise | Turmaculus | Underwater Fishing