The Faerie Thief

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Revision as of 11:39, 9 May 2012 by (talk) (Kuna)
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I want this series to go on foerver. Depending on the thing that she has to give up for the Harper in the next two books it could be an adventure on how she can get the thing she gives up back or how they can get their faerie wings back.I think Tania should live in the Royal Palace and should explore a totally new part of faerie. Definitely bring Cordelia and Bryn Lightfoot because I would want there to be new mystical animals that they could talk to and learn about the area from(some dangerous and some cute). Kind of like a new Lost Caer (spelling?) where they can learn more about Faerie hystery. Sancha would also have to come because there would be hidden ruins for them to discover with books that they would need her to read. I would want Rathina and Connor to come because I love their characters. Eden should pop up somewhere on their adventure to save them from something and use her mystical arts.