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OKay lets get this straight ALL PEOPLE ASKING FOR YOUR USERNAME AND !PASSWORD! ARE SAMMISTS THIS WHOLE SITE IS FILLED WITH MORONS WHO THINK THE CAN TAKE ADVANTAGE OF NEWBIES!Soooo heres what you do! If you see annyoe who tells there USERNAME and ASK FOR THESE THINGS Tell AND SENDIN THERE ACCOUNT NAME AND THE LINK YOU FOUND THEIR SCAM IN!!!People YOU WILL GET FROZEN!!!I'm cuurently working on a system to keep more scammers out of neopet!JASMMINE your a con artist you tell people your sick of the scams people use than go right back around and say GIVE ME YOUR USERNAME AND PASSWORD! Hypocrite!DO NOT GIVE OUT YOUR PASSWORD TO ANYONE!!!!Bottomm line is that TNT IS WATCHING THESE SITES AND YOU WILL GET CAUGHT AND YOU WILL GET FROZEN!I'll be looking into this poster's stuff and will be reporting this link to neopets!Thanks and TNT is WATCHING YOU!