NeoDex:List of common misspellings

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Contents: Top - 0-9 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


  • abberration = aberration
  • aberation = aberration
  • abilties = abilities
  • abondon = abandon
  • abortificant = abortifacient
  • abreviation = abbreviation
  • abritrary = arbitrary
  • absense = absence
  • absorbsion = absorption
  • absorbtion = absorption
  • abundacies = abundances
  • abundancies = abundances
  • abundunt = abundant
  • abutts = abuts
  • acadamy = academy
  • acadmic = academic
  • accademy = academy
  • accelleration = acceleration
  • accension = accession, ascension
  • acceptible = acceptable
  • accessable = accessible
  • accidently = accidentally
  • accidentaly = accidentally
  • acclimitization = acclimatization
  • accomadate = accommodate
  • accomadated = accommodated
  • accomadates = accommodates
  • accomadating = accommodating
  • accomadation = accommodation
  • accomadations = accommodations
  • accomodate = accommodate
  • accomodated = accommodated
  • accomodates = accommodates
  • accomodating = accommodating
  • accomodation = accommodation
  • accomodations = accommodations
  • accompanyed = accompanied
  • accordeon = accordion
  • accoring = according
  • accoustic = acoustic
  • accross = across
  • accussed = accused
  • acedemic = academic
  • acheiv = achieve
  • acheive = achieve
  • acheived = achieved
  • acheivement = achievement
  • acheivements = achievements
  • acheives = achieves
  • acheiving = achieving
  • acheivment = achievement
  • acheivments = achievements
  • achievment = achievement
  • achievments = achievements
  • achive = achieve, archive
  • achived = achieved, archived
  • ackward = awkward, backward
  • acomplish = accomplish
  • acomplished = accomplished
  • acomplishment = accomplishment
  • acomplishments = accomplishments
  • acording = according
  • acordingly = accordingly
  • acquaintence = acquaintance
  • acquaintences = acquaintances
  • acquiantence = acquaintance
  • acquiantences = acquaintances
  • acquited = acquitted
  • activites = activities
  • actualy = actually
  • acuracy = accuracy
  • acustom = accustom
  • acustommed = accustomed
  • additinally = additionally
  • addmission = admission
  • addopt = adopt
  • addopted = adopted
  • addoptive = adoptive
  • addres = address, adders
  • addresable = addressable
  • addresing = addressing
  • addtion = addition
  • adecuate = adequate
  • adhearing = adhering
  • admendment = amendment
  • adminstrate = administrate
  • adminstration = administration
  • adminstrative = administrative
  • adminstrator = administrator
  • admissability = admissibility
  • admissable = admissible
  • adn = and
  • adolecent = adolescent
  • adquire = acquire
  • adquired = acquired
  • adquires = acquires
  • adquiring = acquiring
  • adres = address
  • adresable = addressable
  • adresing = addressing
  • adress = address
  • adressable = addressable
  • adressing = addressing, dressing
  • advancment = advancement
  • advertisment = advertisement
  • advertisments = advertisements
  • adviced = advised
  • aeriel = aerial
  • aeriels = aerials
  • affilate = affiliate
  • affort = afford, effort
  • againnst = against
  • agains = against
  • aggreement = agreement
  • aggresive = aggressive
  • agian = again
  • agina = again, angina
  • agravate = aggravate
  • agre = agree
  • agred = agreed
  • agregate = aggregate
  • agregates = aggregates
  • agreing = agreeing
  • agression = aggression
  • agressive = aggressive
  • agressively = aggressively
  • agrieved = aggrieved
  • agrieved = aggrieved
  • ahev = have
  • ahppen = happen
  • ahve = have
  • aiport = airport
  • airbourne = airborne
  • aircrafts = aircraft
  • airporta = airports
  • albiet = albeit
  • alchohol = alcohol
  • alchoholic = alcoholic
  • alchol = alcohol
  • alcholic = alcoholic
  • alcohal = alcohol
  • alcoholical = alcoholic
  • aledge = allege
  • aledged = alleged
  • aledges = alleges
  • alege = allege
  • aleged = alleged
  • alegience = allegiance
  • algoritm = algorithm
  • algoritms = algorithms
  • alledge = allege
  • alledged = alleged
  • alledges = alleges
  • allegence = allegiance
  • allegience = allegiance
  • allign = align
  • alliviate = alleviate
  • allopone = allophone
  • allopones = allophones
  • almsot = almost
  • alochol = alcohol
  • alomst = almost
  • alot = a lot, allot
  • alotted = allotted
  • alreayd = already
  • alse = else
  • alsot = also
  • alterior = ulterior
  • altho = although
  • althought = although
  • altough = although
  • alusion = allusion, illusion
  • alwasy = always
  • alwyas = always
  • amadillo = armadillo
  • amatuer = amateur
  • amature = armature, amateur
  • amendmant = amendment
  • amke = make
  • amking = making
  • ammend = amend
  • ammended = amended
  • ammendment = amendment
  • ammount = amount
  • amoung = among
  • amour = armour
  • amung = among
  • analagous = analogous
  • analitic = analytic
  • analogeous = analogous
  • anbd = and
  • androgenous = androgynous
  • ancilliary = ancillary
  • androgeny = androgyny
  • anihilation = annihilation
  • annoint = anoint
  • annointed = anointed
  • annointing = anointing
  • annoints = anoints
  • annuled = annulled
  • anomolies = anomalies
  • anomolous = anomalous
  • anomoly = anomaly
  • anonimity = anonymity
  • anounced = announced
  • ansalisation = nasalisation
  • ansalization = nasalization
  • anthromorphization = anthropomorphization
  • anual = annual, anal
  • anulled = annulled
  • anyhwere = anywhere
  • anytying = anything
  • aparent = apparent
  • Apenines = Apennines
  • aplication = application
  • apolegetics = apologetics
  • apon = upon, apron
  • apparant = apparent
  • apparantly = apparently
  • appart = apart
  • appartment = apartment
  • appartments = apartments
  • appealling = appealing, appalling
  • appearence = appearance
  • appearences = appearances
  • Appenines = Apennines
  • apperance = appearance
  • apperances = appearances
  • applicaiton = application
  • applicaitons = applications
  • appologies = apologies
  • appology = apology
  • apprieciate = appreciate
  • approachs = approaches
  • appropiate = appropriate
  • approximitely = approximately
  • aproximately = approximately
  • aquaintance = acquaintance
  • aquainted = acquainted
  • aquarius = Aquarius
  • aquiantance = acquaintance
  • aquire = acquire
  • aquired = acquired
  • aquiring = acquiring
  • aquisition = acquisition
  • aquitted = acquitted
  • aranged = arranged
  • arangement = arrangement
  • arbitarily = arbitrarily
  • arbitary = arbitrary
  • arbouretum = arboretum
  • archaoelogy = archeology, archaeology
  • archaology = archeology, archaeology
  • archeaologist = archeologist, archaeologist
  • archeaologists = archeologists, archaeologists
  • archetect = architect
  • archetects = architects
  • archetectural = architectural
  • archetecturally = architecturally
  • archetecture = architecture
  • archiac = archaic
  • Archimedian = Archimedean
  • architechture = architecture
  • archtype = archetype
  • archtypes = archetypes
  • arguement = argument
  • arguements = arguments
  • aries = Aries
  • arrangment = arrangement
  • artical = article
  • artice = article
  • articel = article
  • artifical = artificial
  • artifically = artificially
  • artillary = artillery
  • asetic = ascetic
  • asign = assign
  • aslo = also
  • asociated = associated
  • asorbed = absorbed
  • assasin = assassin
  • assasinate = assassinate
  • assasinated = assassinated
  • assasinates = assassinates
  • assasination = assassination
  • assasinations = assassinations
  • assasins = assassins
  • assemple = assemble
  • assertation = assertion
  • asside = aside
  • assitant = assistant
  • assocation = association
  • assoicate = associate
  • assoicated = associated
  • assoicates = associates
  • assymetric = asymmetric
  • asteriod = asteroid
  • asthetic = aesthetic
  • asthetical = aesthetical
  • asthetically = aesthetically
  • asume = assume
  • aswell = as well
  • atain = attain
  • atempting = attempting
  • atheistical = atheistic
  • athenean = athenian
  • atheneans = athenians
  • athiesm = atheism
  • athiest = atheist
  • atorney = attorney
  • atribute = attribute
  • atributed = attributed
  • atributes = attributes
  • attaindre = attainder, attained
  • attemp = attempt
  • attemped = attempted
  • attemt = attempt
  • attemted = attempted
  • attemting = attempting
  • attemts = attempts
  • attendence = attendance
  • attendent = attendant
  • attendents = attendants
  • attened = attended
  • attension = attention
  • attitide = attitude
  • attributred = attributed
  • attrocities = atrocities
  • audeince = audience
  • Austraillian = Australian
  • austrailia = australia
  • austrailian = australian
  • Austraillian = Australian
  • auther = author
  • authobiographic = autobiographic
  • authobiography = autobiography
  • authorative = authoritative
  • authorites = authorities
  • authorithy = authority
  • authoritiers = authorities
  • authoritive = authoritative
  • authrorities = authorities
  • autochtonous = autochthonous
  • autoctonous = autochthonous
  • automaticly = automatically
  • automibile = automobile
  • automonomous = autonomous
  • autor = author
  • autority = authority
  • auxilary = auxiliary
  • auxillaries = auxiliaries
  • auxillary = auxiliary
  • auxilliaries = auxiliaries
  • auxilliary = auxiliary
  • availablity = availability
  • availaible = available
  • availble = available
  • availiable = available
  • availible = available
  • avalable = available
  • avalance = avalanche
  • avaliable = available
  • avation = aviation
  • avengence = a vengeance
  • averageed = averaged
  • avilable = available
  • awared = awarded
  • awya = away


  • bandwith = bandwidth
  • bankrupcy = bankruptcy
  • baout = about, bout
  • basicly = basically
  • basicaly = basically
  • bcak = back
  • beacuse = because
  • beautyfull = beautiful
  • becasue = because
  • becamae = became
  • becomming = becoming
  • becouse = because
  • becuase = because
  • befoer = before
  • beggin = begin, begging
  • begginer = beginner
  • begginers = beginners
  • beggining = beginning
  • begginings = beginnings
  • begining = beginning
  • beginnig = beginning
  • behavour = behavior, behaviour
  • beleif = belief
  • beleive = believe
  • beleived = believed
  • beleives = believes
  • beleiving = believing
  • belives = believes, beliefs
  • benefical = beneficial
  • beneficary = beneficiary
  • benificial = beneficial
  • benifit = benefit
  • benifits = benefits
  • betweeen = between
  • blaim = blame
  • blaimed = blamed
  • boaut = bout, boat, about
  • bondary = boundary
  • boundry = boundary
  • breakthough = breakthrough
  • breif = brief
  • breifly = briefly
  • briliant = brilliant
  • brillant = brilliant
  • Britian = Britain
  • Brittish = British
  • buisness = business
  • buring = burying, burning, burin, during
  • busineses = business, businesses
  • busness = business


  • cacuses = caucuses
  • cahracters = characters
  • calaber = caliber
  • calander = calendar, calender, colander
  • calculs = calculus
  • calenders = calendars
  • caligraphy = calligraphy
  • caluclate = calculate
  • caluclated = calculated
  • caluculate = calculate
  • caluculated = calculated
  • calulate = calculate
  • calulated = calculated
  • Cambrige = Cambridge
  • camoflage = camouflage
  • campain = campaign
  • campains = campaigns
  • candadate = candidate
  • candiate = candidate
  • candidiate = candidate
  • cannister = canister
  • cannisters = canisters
  • cannnot = cannot
  • cannonical = canonical
  • cannotation = connotation
  • cannotations = connotations
  • cant = cannot, can not, can't
  • caost = coast
  • caperbility = capability
  • Capetown = Cape Town
  • capible = capable
  • captial = capital
  • captued = captured
  • capturd = captured
  • carachter = character
  • caracterized = characterized
  • carcas = carcass, Caracas
  • carefull = careful
  • careing = caring
  • carismatic = charismatic
  • Carmalite = Carmelite
  • carmel = caramel, carmel-by-the-sea
  • carniverous = carnivorous
  • carreer = career
  • carrers = careers
  • Carribbean = Caribbean
  • Carribean = Caribbean
  • cartdridge = cartridge
  • Carthagian = Carthaginian
  • carthographer = cartographer
  • cartilege = cartilage
  • cartilidge = cartilage
  • cartrige = cartridge
  • casette = cassette
  • casion = caisson
  • cassawory = cassowary
  • cassowarry = cassowary
  • casulaties = casualties
  • casulaty = casualty
  • catagories = categories
  • catagorized = categorized
  • catagory = category
  • Cataline = Catiline, Catalina
  • cathlic = catholic
  • catholocism = catholicism
  • catterpilar = caterpillar
  • catterpilars = caterpillars
  • cattleship = battleship
  • causalities = casualties
  • Ceasar = Caesar
  • Celcius = Celsius
  • cellpading = cellpadding
  • cementary = cemetery
  • cemetarey = cemetery
  • cemetaries = cemeteries
  • cemetary = cemetery
  • cencus = census
  • censur = censor, censure
  • cententenial = centennial
  • centruies = centuries
  • centruy = century
  • ceratin = certain, keratin
  • cerimonial = ceremonial
  • cerimonies = ceremonies
  • cerimonious = ceremonious
  • cerimony = ceremony
  • ceromony = ceremony
  • certainity = certainty
  • certian = certain
  • cervial = cervical, servile, serval
  • chalenging = challenging
  • challange = challenge
  • challanged = challenged
  • challege = challenge
  • Champange = Champagne
  • changable = changeable
  • charachter = character
  • charachters = characters
  • charactersistic = characteristic
  • charactors = characters
  • charasmatic = charismatic
  • charaterized = characterized
  • chariman = chairman
  • charistics = characteristics
  • chasr = chaser, chase
  • cheif = chief
  • chemcial = chemical
  • chemcially = chemically
  • chemestry = chemistry
  • chemicaly = chemically
  • childbird = childbirth
  • childen = children
  • choosen = chosen
  • chracter = character
  • chuch = church
  • churchs = churches
  • Cincinatti = Cincinnati
  • Cincinnatti = Cincinnati
  • circulaton = circulation
  • circumsicion = circumcision
  • circut = circuit
  • ciricuit = circuit
  • ciriculum = curriculum
  • civillian = civilian
  • claer = clear
  • claerer = clearer
  • claerly = clearly
  • claimes = claims
  • clas = class
  • clasic = classic
  • clasical = classical
  • clasically = classically
  • cleareance = clearance
  • clera = clear, sclera
  • clincial = clinical
  • clinicaly = clinically
  • Clotzan = Coltzan
  • cmoputer = computer
  • co-incided = coincided
  • coctail = cocktail
  • coform = conform
  • cognizent = cognizant
  • coincedentally = coincidentally
  • colaborations = collaborations
  • colateral = collateral
  • colelctive = collective
  • collaberative = collaborative
  • collasped = collapsed
  • collecton = collection
  • collegue = colleague
  • collegues = colleagues
  • collonade = colonnade
  • collonies = colonies
  • collony = colony
  • collosal = colossal
  • colonizators = colonizers
  • color = colour
  • comander = commander, commandeer
  • comando = commando
  • comandos = commandos
  • comany = company
  • comapany = company
  • comback = comeback
  • combanations = combinations
  • combinatins = combinations
  • combusion = combustion
  • comdemnation = condemnation
  • comemmorates = commemorates
  • comemoretion = commemoration
  • comision = commission
  • comisioned = commissioned
  • comisioner = commissioner
  • comisioning = commissioning
  • comisions = commissions
  • comission = commission
  • comissioned = commissioned
  • comissioner = commissioner
  • comissioning = commissioning
  • comissions = commissions
  • comited = committed
  • comiting = committing
  • comitted = committed
  • comittee = committee
  • comitting = committing
  • commandoes = commandos
  • commedic = comedic
  • commemerative = commemorative
  • commemmorate = commemorate
  • commemmorating = commemorating
  • commerical = commercial
  • commerically = commercially
  • commericial = commercial
  • commericially = commercially
  • commerorative = commemorative
  • comming = coming
  • comminication = communication
  • commision = commission
  • commisioned = commissioned
  • commisioner = commissioner
  • commisioning = commissioning
  • commisions = commissions
  • commited = committed
  • commitee = committee
  • commiting = committing
  • committe = committee
  • committment = commitment (but committed, committing, committee)
  • committments = commitments
  • commmemorated = commemorated
  • commongly = commonly
  • commonweath = commonwealth
  • commuications = communications
  • commuinications = communications
  • communciation = communication
  • communiation = communication
  • communites = communities
  • compability = compatibility
  • comparision = comparison
  • comparisions = comparisons
  • comparitive = comparative
  • comparitively = comparatively
  • compatabilities = compatibilities
  • compatability = compatibility
  • compatable = compatible
  • compatablities = compatibilities
  • compatablity = compatibility
  • compatiable = compatible
  • compatiblities = compatibilities
  • compatiblity = compatibility
  • compeitions = competitions
  • compensantion = compensation
  • competance = competence
  • competant = competent
  • competative = competitive
  • competion = competition, completion
  • competitiion = competition
  • competive = competitive
  • competiveness = competitiveness
  • comphrehensive = comprehensive
  • compitent = competent
  • completedthe = completed the
  • completelyl = completely
  • completetion = completion
  • complier = compiler
  • compnay = company
  • componant = component
  • comprimise = compromise
  • compulsary = compulsory
  • compulsery = compulsory
  • computarized = computerized
  • concensus = consensus
  • concider = consider
  • concidered = considered
  • concidering = considering
  • conciders = considers
  • concieted = conceited
  • concieved = conceived
  • concious = conscious
  • conciously = consciously
  • conciousness = consciousness
  • condamned = condemned
  • condemmed = condemned
  • condidtion = condition
  • condidtions = conditions
  • conditionsof = conditions of
  • conected = connected
  • conection = connection
  • conesencus = consensus
  • confidental = confidential
  • confidentally = confidentially
  • confids = confides
  • configureable = configurable
  • confortable = comfortable
  • congradulations = congratulations
  • congresional = congressional
  • conived = connived
  • conjecutre = conjecture
  • conjuction = conjunction
  • Conneticut = Connecticut
  • conotations = connotations
  • conquerd = conquered
  • conquerer = conqueror
  • conquerers = conquerors
  • conqured = conquered
  • conscent = consent
  • consciouness = consciousness
  • consdider = consider
  • consdidered = considered
  • consdiered = considered
  • consectutive = consecutive
  • consenquently = consequently
  • consentrate = concentrate
  • consentrated = concentrated
  • consentrates = concentrates
  • consept = concept
  • consequentually = consequently
  • consequeseces = consequences
  • consern = concern
  • conserned = concerned
  • conserning = concerning
  • conservitive = conservative
  • consiciousness = consciousness
  • consicousness = consciousness
  • considerd = considered
  • consideres = considered
  • consious = conscious
  • consistant = consistent
  • consistantly = consistently
  • consituencies = constituencies
  • consituency = constituency
  • consituted = constituted
  • consitution = constitution
  • consitutional = constitutional
  • consolodate = consolidate
  • consolodated = consolidated
  • consonent = consonant
  • consonents = consonants
  • consorcium = consortium
  • conspiracys = conspiracies
  • conspiriator = conspirator
  • constaints = constraints
  • constanly = constantly
  • constarnation = consternation
  • constatn = constant
  • constinually = continually
  • constituant = constituent
  • constituants = constituents
  • constituion = constitution
  • constituional = constitutional
  • consttruction = construction
  • constuction = construction
  • consulant = consultant
  • consumate = consummate
  • consumated = consummated
  • contaiminate = contaminate
  • containes = contains
  • contamporaries = contemporaries
  • contamporary = contemporary
  • contempoary = contemporary
  • contemporaneus = contemporaneous
  • contempory = contemporary
  • contendor = contender
  • contined = continued
  • continous = continuous
  • continously = continuously
  • continueing = continuing
  • contravercial = controversial
  • contraversy = controversy
  • contributer = contributor
  • contributers = contributors
  • contritutions = contributions
  • controled = controlled
  • controling = controlling
  • controll = control
  • controlls = controls
  • controvercial = controversial
  • controvercy = controversy
  • controveries = controversies
  • controversal = controversial
  • controvertial = controversial
  • controvery = controversy
  • contruction = construction
  • conveinent = convenient
  • convenant = covenant
  • convential = conventional
  • convertables = convertibles
  • convertion = conversion
  • convertor = converter
  • convertors = converters
  • conveyer = conveyor
  • conviced = convinced
  • convienient = convenient
  • coordiantion = coordination
  • coorperation = cooperation, corporation
  • coorperations = corporations
  • copmetitors = competitors
  • coputer = computer
  • copywrite = copyright
  • coridal = cordial
  • corosion = corrosion
  • corparate = corporate
  • corperations = corporations
  • correcters = correctors
  • correponding = corresponding
  • correposding = corresponding
  • correspondant = correspondent
  • correspondants = correspondents
  • corridoors = corridors
  • corrispond = correspond
  • corrispondant = correspondent
  • corrispondants = correspondents
  • corrisponded = corresponded
  • corrisponding = corresponding
  • corrisponds = corresponds
  • costitution = constitution
  • coucil = council
  • coudl = could, cloud
  • councellor = councillor, counselor, councilor
  • councellors = councillors, counselors, councilors
  • counries = countries
  • countains = contains
  • countires = countries
  • coururier = courier, couturier
  • coverted = converted, covered, coveted
  • cpoy = coy, copy
  • creaeted = created
  • creedence = credence
  • critereon = criterion
  • criterias = criteria
  • criticists = critics
  • critising = criticising, criticizing
  • critisising = criticising
  • critisism = criticism
  • critisisms = criticisms
  • critisize = criticise, criticize
  • critisized = criticised, criticized
  • critisizes = criticises, criticizes
  • critisizing = criticising, criticizing
  • critized = criticized
  • critizing = criticizing
  • crockodiles = crocodiles
  • crtical = critical
  • crticised = criticised
  • crucifiction = crucifixion
  • crusies = cruises
  • crystalisation = crystallisation
  • culiminating = culminating
  • cumulatative = cumulative
  • curch = church
  • curcuit = circuit
  • currenly = currently
  • curriculem = curriculum
  • cxan = cyan
  • cyclinder = cylinder


  • dael = deal, dial, dahl
  • debateable = debatable
  • decathalon = decathlon
  • decendant = descendant
  • decendants = descendants
  • decendent = descendant
  • decendents = descendants
  • decideable = decidable
  • decidely = decidedly
  • decieved = deceived
  • decomposit = decompose
  • decomposits = decomposes
  • decompositing = decomposing
  • decomposited = decomposed
  • decribe = describe
  • decribed = described
  • decribes = describes
  • decribing = describing
  • decypher = decypher, decipher
  • decyphered = decyphered, deciphered
  • defencive = defensive
  • deffine = define
  • deffined = defined
  • definance = defiance
  • definate = definite
  • definately = definitely
  • definatly = definitely
  • definetly = definitely
  • definit = definite
  • definitly = definitely
  • descuss = discuss
  • descision = decision
  • descisions = decisions
  • deside = decide
  • desireable = desirable
  • desparate = desperate, disparate
  • despiration = desperation
  • desrt = desert, dessert
  • dessigned = designed
  • destory = destroy
  • detailled = detailed
  • determinining = determining
  • develope = develop
  • devolopement = development
  • developped = developed
  • devide = divide
  • devided = divided
  • diaster = disaster
  • dicover = discover
  • dicovered = discovered
  • dicovers = discovers
  • dicovering = discovering
  • dicovery = discovery
  • didnt = didn't
  • diea = idea, die
  • dieing = dying, dyeing
  • diferent = different
  • diferrent = different
  • diffrent = different
  • dificulties = difficulties
  • dificulty = difficulty
  • dimenions = dimensions
  • dimention = dimension
  • dimentional = dimensional
  • dimentions = dimensions
  • disapear = disappear
  • disaproval = disapproval
  • disasterous = disastrous
  • disatisfaction = dissatisfaction
  • disatisfied = dissatisfied
  • discontentment = discontent
  • discribe = describe
  • discribed = described
  • discribes = describes
  • discribing = describing
  • disctinction = distinction
  • disctinctive = distinctive
  • disolved = dissolved
  • disobediance = disobedience
  • disobediant = disobedient
  • dispair = despair
  • dispell = dispel
  • dispicable = despicable
  • dispite = despite
  • dissagreement = disagreement
  • dissapear = disappear
  • dissapeared = disappeared
  • dissapearing = disappearing
  • dissapears = disappears
  • dissappear = disappear
  • dissappears = disappears
  • dissapoint = disappoint
  • dissobediance = disobedience
  • dissobediant = disobedient
  • dissobedience = disobedience
  • dissobedient = disobedient
  • distingish = distinguish
  • distingished = distinguished
  • distingishes = distinguishes
  • distingishing = distinguishing
  • distructive = destructive
  • diversed = diverse, diverged
  • divice = device
  • divison = division
  • divisons = divisions
  • doccument = document
  • doccumented = documented
  • doccuments = documents
  • doens = does
  • doesnt = doesn't
  • doign = doing
  • dominent = dominant
  • dominiant = dominant
  • donig = doing
  • dosen't = doesn't
  • doub = doubt, daub
  • dramtic = dramatic
  • dreasm = dreams
  • driectly = directly
  • drnik = drink
  • durring = during


  • Elephant = Elephante
  • extremly = extremely


  • Fairey = Faerie
  • Fairy = Faerie
  • Fearie = Faerie
  • Febuary = February
  • fourty = forty
  • freind = friend


  • generaly = generally
  • gouvener governor
  • governer = governor
  • goverment = government
  • govermental = governmental
  • govorment = government
  • govormental = governmental
  • graet = great
  • grafitti = graffiti
  • grammer = grammar


  • habaeus = habeas
  • habeus = habeas
  • Habsbourg = Habsburg
  • haemorrage = haemorrhage
  • haev = have, heave
  • Hallowean = Hallowe'en, Halloween
  • halp = help
  • hapen = happen
  • hapened = happened
  • hapening = happening
  • happend = happened
  • happended = happened
  • happenned = happened
  • harased = harassed
  • harases = harasses
  • harasment = harassment
  • harasments = harassments
  • harassement = harassment
  • harras = harass
  • harrased = harassed
  • harrases = harasses
  • harrasing = harassing
  • harrasment = harassment
  • harrasments = harassments
  • harrass = harass
  • harrassed = harassed
  • harrasses = harassed
  • harrassing = harassing
  • harrassment = harassment
  • harrassments = harassments
  • hasnt = hasn't
  • haviest = heaviest
  • headquater = headquarter
  • headquatered = headquartered
  • headquaters = headquarters
  • healthercare = healthcare
  • heared = heard
  • heathy = healthy
  • Heidelburg = Heidelberg
  • heigher = higher
  • heirarchy = hierarchy
  • heiroglyphics = hieroglyphics
  • helment = helmet
  • helpfull = helpful
  • helpped = helped
  • hemmorhage = hemorrhage
  • herad = heard, Hera
  • heridity = heredity
  • heroe = hero
  • heros = heroes
  • hertzs = hertz
  • hesistant = hesitant
  • heterogenous = heterogeneous
  • hieght = height
  • hierachical = hierarchical
  • hierachies = hierarchies
  • hierachy = hierarchy
  • hierarcical = hierarchical
  • hierarcy = hierarchy
  • hieroglph = hieroglyph
  • hieroglphs = hieroglyphs
  • higer = higher
  • higest = highest
  • higway = highway
  • hillarious = hilarious
  • himselv = himself
  • hinderance = hindrance
  • hinderence = hindrance
  • hindrence = hindrance
  • hipopotamus = hippopotamus
  • hismelf = himself
  • histocompatability = histocompatibility
  • historicians = historians
  • hitsingles = hit singles
  • holliday = holiday
  • homestate = home state
  • homogeneize = homogenize
  • homogeneized = homogenized
  • honor = honour
  • honory = honorary
  • horrifing = horrifying
  • hosited = hoisted
  • hospitible = hospitable
  • hounour = honour
  • housr = hours, house
  • howver = however
  • hsitorians = historians
  • hstory = history
  • hten = then, hen, the
  • htere = there, here
  • htey = they
  • htikn = think
  • hting = thing
  • htink = think
  • htis = this
  • humer = humor, humour
  • humerous = humorous, humourous, humerus
  • huminoid = humanoid
  • humoural = humoral
  • humurous = humourous
  • husban = husband
  • hvae = have
  • hvaing = having
  • hvea = have, heave
  • hwihc = which
  • hwile = while
  • hwole = whole
  • hydogen = hydrogen
  • hydropile = hydrophile
  • hydropilic = hydrophilic
  • hydropobe = hydrophobe
  • hydropobic = hydrophobic
  • hygeine = hygiene
  • hypocracy = hypocrisy
  • hypocrasy = hypocrisy
  • hypocricy = hypocrisy
  • hypocrit = hypocrite
  • hypocrits = hypocrites


  • imediately = immediately
  • imense = immense
  • immediatly = immediately
  • immidately = immediately
  • immidiately = immediately
  • indefinately = indefinitely
  • indefinitly = indefinitely
  • indepedantly = independently
  • independance = independence
  • independant = independent
  • independantly = independently
  • independece = independence
  • indipendent = independent
  • intresting = interesting


  • Japanes = Japanese
  • jaques = jacques
  • jeapardy = jeopardy
  • jewllery = jewellery
  • Jhudiah = Jhuidah
  • Johanine = Johannine
  • Jospeh = Joseph
  • jouney = journey
  • journied = journeyed
  • journies = journeys
  • jstu = just
  • jsut = just
  • Juadaism = Judaism
  • Juadism = Judaism
  • judical = judicial
  • judisuary = judiciary
  • juducial = judicial
  • juristiction = jurisdiction
  • juristictions = jurisdictions


  • Karnik = Kanrik
  • kindergarden = kindergarten
  • klenex = kleenex
  • knifes = knives
  • knive = knife
  • knowlege = knowledge
  • knowlegeable = knowledgeable
  • knwo = know
  • knwos = knows
  • konw = know
  • konws = knows
  • kwno = know


  • labatory = lavatory, laboratory
  • labled = labelled, labeled
  • labratory = laboratory
  • laguage = language
  • laguages = languages
  • larg = large
  • largst = largest
  • larrry = larry
  • lastr = last
  • lattitude = latitude
  • launchs = launch
  • launhed = launched
  • lavae = larvae
  • layed = laid
  • lazyness = laziness
  • leaded = led
  • leage = league
  • leanr = lean, learn, leaner
  • leathal = lethal
  • lefted = left
  • legitamate = legitimate
  • legitmate = legitimate
  • leibnitz = leibniz
  • lenght = length
  • leran = learn
  • lerans = learns
  • leutenant = lieutenant
  • levetate = levitate
  • levetated = levitated
  • levetates = levitates
  • levetating = levitating
  • levle = level
  • liasion = liaison
  • liason = liaison
  • liasons = liaisons
  • libary = library
  • libell = libel
  • libguistic = linguistic
  • libguistics = linguistics
  • libitarianisn = libertarianism
  • lible = libel, liable
  • lieing = lying
  • liek = like
  • liekd = liked
  • liesure = leisure
  • lieved = lived
  • liftime = lifetime
  • lightyear = light year
  • lightyears = light years
  • likelyhood = likelihood
  • linnaena = linnaean
  • lippizaner = lipizzaner
  • liquify = liquefy
  • liscense = license, licence
  • lisence = license, licence
  • lisense = license, licence
  • listners = listeners
  • litature = literature
  • literture = literature
  • littel = little
  • litterally = literally
  • liuke = like
  • livley = lively
  • lmits = limits
  • loev = love
  • lonelyness = loneliness
  • longitudonal = longitudinal
  • lonley = lonely
  • lonly = lonely, only
  • loosing = losing
  • lotharingen = lothringen
  • lsat = last
  • lukid = likud
  • lveo = love
  • lvoe = love


  • mackeral = mackerel
  • magasine = magazine
  • magincian = magician
  • magnificient = magnificent
  • magolia = magnolia
  • mailny = mainly
  • maintainance = maintenance
  • maintainence = maintenance
  • maintance = maintenance
  • maintenence = maintenance
  • maintinaing = maintaining
  • maintioned = mentioned
  • majoroty = majority
  • maked = marked, made
  • makse = makes
  • Malcom = Malcolm
  • maltesian = Maltese
  • mamal = mammal
  • mamalian = mammalian
  • managable = manageable, manageably
  • managment = management
  • manisfestations = manifestations
  • manoeuverability = maneuverability
  • manouver = maneuver, manoeuvre
  • manouverability = maneuverability, manoeuvrability, manoeuverability
  • manouverable = maneuverable, manoeuvrable
  • manouvers = maneuvers, manoeuvres
  • mantained = maintained
  • manuever = maneuver, manoeuvre
  • manuevers = maneuvers, manoeuvres
  • manufacturedd = manufactured
  • manufature = manufacture
  • manufatured = manufactured
  • manufaturing = manufacturing
  • manuver = maneuver
  • mariage = marriage
  • marjority = majority
  • markes = marks
  • marketting = marketing
  • marmelade = marmalade
  • marrage = marriage
  • marraige = marriage
  • marrtyred = martyred
  • marryied = married
  • Massachussets = Massachusetts
  • Massachussetts = Massachusetts
  • massmedia = mass media
  • masterbation = masturbation
  • mataphysical = metaphysical
  • materalists = materialist
  • mathamatics = mathematics
  • mathematican = mathematician
  • mathematicas = mathematics
  • matheticians = mathematicians
  • mathmatically = mathematically
  • mathmatician = mathematician
  • mathmaticians = mathematicians
  • mccarthyst = mccarthyist
  • mchanics = mechanics
  • meaninng = meaning
  • mear = wear, mere, mare
  • mechandise = merchandise
  • medacine = medicine
  • medeival = medieval
  • medevial = medieval
  • mediciney = mediciny
  • medievel = medieval
  • mediterainnean = mediterranean
  • Mediteranean = Mediterranean
  • meerkrat = meerkat
  • melieux = milieux
  • membranaphone = membranophone
  • memeber = member
  • menally = mentally
  • meranda = veranda, Miranda
  • mercentile = mercantile
  • messanger = messenger
  • messenging = messaging
  • metalic = metallic
  • metalurgic = metallurgic
  • metalurgical = metallurgical
  • metalurgy = metallurgy
  • metamorphysis = metamorphosis
  • metaphoricial = metaphorical
  • meterologist = meteorologist
  • meterology = meteorology
  • methaphor = metaphor
  • methaphors = metaphors
  • Michagan = Michigan
  • micoscopy = microscopy
  • midwifes = midwives
  • mileau = milieu
  • milennia = millennia
  • milennium = millennium
  • mileu = milieu
  • miliary = military
  • milion = million
  • miliraty = military
  • millenia = millennia
  • millenial = millennial
  • millenialism = millennialism
  • millenium = millennium
  • millepede = millipede
  • millioniare = millionaire
  • millitary = military
  • millon = million
  • miltary = military
  • minature = miniature
  • minerial = mineral
  • miniscule = minuscule
  • ministery = ministry
  • minstries = ministries
  • minstry = ministry
  • minumum = minimum
  • mirrorred = mirrored
  • miscelaneous = miscellaneous
  • miscellanious = miscellaneous
  • miscellanous = miscellaneous
  • mischeivous = mischievous
  • mischevious = mischievous
  • mischievious = mischievous
  • misdameanor = misdemeanor
  • misdameanors = misdemeanors
  • misdemenor = misdemeanor
  • misdemenors = misdemeanors
  • misfourtunes = misfortunes
  • misile = missile
  • Misouri = Missouri
  • mispell = misspell
  • mispelled = misspelled
  • mispelling = misspelling
  • missen = mizzen
  • Missisipi = Mississippi
  • Missisippi = Mississippi
  • missle = missile
  • missonary = missionary
  • misterious = mysterious
  • mistery = mystery
  • misteryous = mysterious
  • mkae = make
  • mkaes = makes
  • mkaing = making
  • mkea = make
  • moderm = modem
  • modle = model
  • moent = moment
  • moeny = money
  • mohammedans = muslims
  • moil = mohel
  • moleclues = molecules
  • monestaries = monasteries
  • monestary = monastery, monetary
  • monickers = monikers
  • monolite = monolithic
  • Monserrat = Montserrat
  • montains = mountains
  • montanous = mountainous
  • monts = months
  • montypic = monotypic
  • moreso = more, more so
  • morgage = mortgage
  • Morisette = Morissette
  • Morrisette = Morissette
  • morroccan = moroccan
  • morrocco = morocco
  • morroco = morocco
  • mosture = moisture
  • motiviated = motivated
  • mottos = mottoes
  • mounth = month
  • mountian = mountain
  • movei = movie
  • movment = movement
  • mroe = more
  • mucuous = mucous
  • muder = murder
  • mudering = murdering
  • muhammadan = muslim
  • multicultralism = multiculturalism
  • multipled- = multiplied
  • multiplers = multipliers
  • munbers = numbers
  • muncipalities = municipalities
  • muncipality = municipality
  • munnicipality = municipality
  • muscels = mussels, muscles
  • muscial = musical
  • muscician = musician
  • muscicians = musicians
  • mutiliated = mutilated
  • myraid = myriad
  • mysef = myself
  • mysogynist = misogynist
  • mysogyny = misogyny
  • mysterous = mysterious
  • Mythraic = Mithraic


  • neccessary necessary
  • neice = niece
  • noticable = noticeable


  • ocasion = occasion
  • ocasional = occasional
  • ocasionally = occasionally
  • ocasionaly = occasionally
  • ocasioned = occasioned
  • ocasions = occasions
  • ocassion = occasion
  • ocassional = occasional
  • ocassionally = occasionally
  • ocassioned = occasioned
  • ocassions = occasions
  • occassion = occasion
  • occassional = occasional
  • occassionally = occasionally
  • occassionaly = occasionally
  • occassioned = occasioned
  • occassions = occasions
  • occurance = occurrence
  • occurances = occurrences
  • occured = occurred
  • occurence = occurrence
  • occurences = occurrences
  • occuring = occurring
  • occurr = occur
  • offical = official
  • officaly = officially
  • offically = officially
  • officialy = officially
  • omelete = Omelette
  • omelett = Omelette
  • Omlette = Omelette
  • Oppenent = Opponent
  • oppurtunity = opportunity
  • orgin = origin, organ, Ogrin
  • orginal = original
  • orginize = organise
  • originaly = originally
  • originnally = originally
  • origional = original
  • orignally = originally


  • penninsula = peninsula
  • peom = poem
  • peoms = poems
  • persistant = persistent
  • persuit = pursuit
  • poluted = polluted
  • popularaty = popularity
  • posess = possess
  • posessed = possessed
  • posesses = possesses
  • posessing = possessing
  • posession = possession
  • positon = position, positron
  • possable = possible
  • possably = possibly
  • posseses = possesses
  • possesion = possession
  • possesing = possessing
  • possibilty = possibility
  • possition = position
  • postion = position
  • powerfull = powerful
  • practial = practical
  • practially = practically
  • practicaly = practically
  • practicioner = practitioner
  • practicioners = practitioners
  • practicly = practically
  • practioner = practitioner
  • practioners = practitioners
  • prairy = prairie
  • prarie = prairie
  • pratice = practice
  • preceed = precede
  • preceeded = preceded
  • preceeding = preceding
  • preceeds = precedes
  • privledge = privilege
  • probablly = probably
  • probalibity = probability
  • probaly = probably
  • probelm = problem
  • proccess = process
  • proccessing = processing
  • procedger = procedure
  • pronounciation = Pronunciation
  • Psella = Psellia


  • qtuie = quite, quiet
  • quantaty = quantity
  • quantitiy = quantity
  • quarantaine = quarantine
  • questonable = questionable
  • quicklyu = quickly
  • Quigle = Quiggle
  • quinessential = quintessential
  • quitted = quit
  • quizes = quizzes
  • qutie = quite, quiet


  • rabinnical = rabbinical
  • racaus = raucous
  • radiactive = radioactive
  • radify = ratify
  • raelly = really
  • rarified = rarefied
  • reaccurring = recurring
  • reacing = reaching
  • reacll = recall
  • readmition = readmission
  • realitvely = relatively
  • realsitic = realistic
  • realtions = relations
  • realy = really
  • realyl = really
  • reasearch = research
  • rebiulding = rebuilding
  • rebllions = rebellions
  • rebounce = rebound
  • reccomend = recommend
  • reccomendations = recommendations
  • reccomended = recommended
  • reccomending = recommending
  • reccommend = recommend
  • reccommended = recommended
  • reccommending = recommending
  • reccuring = recurring
  • receeded = receded
  • receeding = receding
  • receivedfrom = received from
  • recepient = recipient
  • recepients = recipients
  • receving = receiving
  • rechargable = rechargeable
  • reched = reached
  • recide = reside
  • recided = resided
  • recident = resident
  • recidents = residents
  • reciding = residing
  • reciepents = recipients
  • reciept = receipt
  • recieve = receive
  • recieved = received
  • reciever = receiver
  • recievers = receivers
  • recieves = receives
  • recieving = receiving
  • recipiant = recipient
  • recipiants = recipients
  • recived = received
  • recivership = receivership
  • recogise = recognise
  • recogize = recognize
  • recomend = recommend
  • recomended = recommended
  • recomending = recommending
  • recomends = recommends
  • recommedations = recommendations
  • reconaissance = reconnaissance
  • reconcilation = reconciliation
  • reconized = recognized
  • reconnaissence = reconnaissance
  • recontructed = reconstructed
  • recordproducer = record producer
  • recquired = required
  • recrational = recreational
  • recrod = record
  • recuiting = recruiting
  • recuring = recurring
  • recurrance = recurrence
  • rediculous = ridiculous
  • reedeming = redeeming
  • reenforced = reinforced
  • refect = reflect
  • refedendum = referendum
  • referal = referral
  • refered = referred
  • referiang = referring
  • refering = referring
  • refernces = references
  • referrence = reference
  • referrs = refers
  • reffered = referred
  • refference = reference
  • refrence = reference
  • refrences = references
  • refrers = refers
  • refridgeration = refrigeration
  • refridgerator = refrigerator
  • refromist = reformist
  • refusla = refusal
  • regardes = regards
  • regluar = regular
  • reguarly = regularly
  • regulaion = regulation
  • regulaotrs = regulators
  • regularily = regularly
  • rehersal = rehearsal
  • reicarnation = reincarnation
  • reigining = reigning
  • reknown = renown
  • reknowned = renowned
  • rela = real
  • relaly = really
  • relatiopnship = relationship
  • relativly = relatively
  • relected = reelected
  • releive = relieve
  • releived = relieved
  • releiver = reliever
  • releses = releases
  • relevence = relevance
  • relevent = relevant
  • reliablity = reliability
  • relient = reliant
  • religeous = religious
  • religous = religious
  • religously = religiously
  • relinqushment = relinquishment
  • relitavely = relatively
  • relized = realised, realized
  • relpacement = replacement
  • remaing = remaining
  • remeber = remember
  • rememberable = memorable
  • rememberance = remembrance
  • remembrence = remembrance
  • remenant = remnant
  • remenicent = reminiscent
  • reminent = remnant
  • reminescent = reminiscent
  • reminscent = reminiscent
  • reminsicent = reminiscent
  • rendevous = rendezvous
  • rendezous = rendezvous
  • renedered = rende
  • renewl = renewal
  • rentors = renters
  • reoccurrence = recurrence
  • reorganision = reorganisation
  • repatition = repetition, repartition
  • repentence = repentance
  • repentent = repentant
  • repeteadly = repeatedly
  • repetion = repetition
  • repid = rapid
  • reponse = response
  • reponsible = responsible
  • reportadly = reportedly
  • represantative = representative
  • representive = representative
  • representives = representatives
  • reproducable = reproducible
  • reprtoire = repertoire
  • repsectively = respectively
  • reptition = repetition
  • requirment = requirement
  • requred = required
  • resaurant = restaurant
  • resembelance = resemblance
  • resembes = resembles
  • resemblence = resemblance
  • resevoir = reservoir
  • resignement = resignment
  • resistable = resistible
  • resistence = resistance
  • resistent = resistant
  • respectivly = respectively
  • responce = response
  • responibilities = responsibilities
  • responisble = responsible
  • responnsibilty = responsibility
  • responsability = responsibility
  • responsibile = responsible
  • responsibilites = responsibilities
  • responsiblity = responsibility
  • ressemblance = resemblance
  • ressemble = resemble
  • ressembled = resembled
  • ressemblence = resemblance
  • ressembling = resembling
  • resssurecting = resurrecting
  • ressurect = resurrect
  • ressurected = resurrected
  • ressurection = resurrection
  • ressurrection = resurrection
  • restaraunt = restaurant
  • restaraunteur = restaurateur
  • restaraunteurs = restaurateurs
  • restaraunts = restaurants
  • restauranteurs = restaurateurs
  • restauration = restoration
  • restauraunt = restaurant
  • resteraunt = restaurant
  • resteraunts = restaurants
  • resticted = restricted
  • restraunt = restraint, restaurant
  • resturant = restaurant
  • resturaunt = restaurant
  • resurecting = resurrecting
  • retalitated = retaliated
  • retalitation = retaliation
  • retreive = retrieve
  • returnd = returned
  • revaluated = reevaluated
  • reveral = reversal
  • reversable = reversible
  • revolutionar = revolutionary
  • rewitten = rewritten
  • rewriet = rewrite
  • rhymme = rhyme
  • rhythem = rhythm
  • rhythim = rhythm
  • rhytmic = rhythmic
  • rigeur = rigueur, rigour, rigor
  • rigourous = rigorous
  • rininging = ringing
  • rised = rose
  • Rockerfeller = Rockefeller
  • rococco = rococo
  • rocord = record
  • roomate = roommate
  • rougly = roughly
  • rucuperate = recuperate
  • rudimentatry = rudimentary
  • rulle = rule
  • runing = running
  • runnung = running
  • russina = Russian
  • Russion = Russian
  • rwite = write
  • rythem = rhythm
  • rythim = rhythm
  • rythm = rhythm
  • rythmic = rhythmic
  • rythyms = rhythms


  • Sahkmet = Sakhmet
  • Sahkmetian = Sakhmetian
  • Scietology = Scientology
  • sentance = sentence
  • Skieth = Skeith


  • theif = thief
  • theives = thieves
  • Tuskinninny = Tuskaninny
  • Tyrania = Tyrannia


  • ubiquitious = ubiquitous
  • uise = use
  • Ukranian = Ukrainian
  • ultimely = ultimately
  • unacompanied = unaccompanied
  • unahppy = unhappy
  • unanymous = unanimous
  • unathorised = unauthorised
  • unavailible = unavailable
  • unballance = unbalance
  • unbeleivable = unbelievable
  • uncertainity = uncertainty
  • unchallengable = unchallengeable
  • unchangable = unchangeable
  • uncompetive = uncompetitive
  • unconcious = unconscious
  • unconciousness = unconsciousness
  • unconfortability = discomfort
  • uncontitutional = unconstitutional
  • unconvential = unconventional
  • undecideable = undecidable
  • understoon = understood
  • undesireable = undesirable
  • undetecable = undetectable
  • undoubtely = undoubtedly
  • undreground = underground
  • uneccesary = unnecessary
  • unecessary = unnecessary
  • unequalities = inequalities
  • unforetunately = unfortunately
  • unforgetable = unforgettable
  • unforgiveable = unforgivable
  • unfortunatley = unfortunately
  • unfortunatly = unfortunately
  • unfourtunately = unfortunately
  • unihabited = uninhabited
  • unilateraly = unilaterally
  • unilatreal = unilateral
  • unilatreally = unilaterally
  • uninterruped = uninterrupted
  • uninterupted = uninterrupted
  • UnitesStates = UnitedStates
  • univeral = universal
  • univeristies = universities
  • univeristy = university
  • universtiy = university
  • univesities = universities
  • univesity = university
  • unkown = unknown
  • unlikey = unlikely
  • unmanouverable = unmaneuverable, unmanoeuvrable
  • unmistakeably = unmistakably
  • unneccesarily = unnecessarily
  • unneccesary = unnecessary
  • unneccessarily = unnecessarily
  • unneccessary = unnecessary
  • unnecesarily = unnecessarily
  • unnecesary = unnecessary
  • unoffical = unofficial
  • unoperational = nonoperational
  • unoticeable = unnoticeable
  • unplease = displease
  • unplesant = unpleasant
  • unprecendented = unprecedented
  • unprecidented = unprecedented
  • unrepentent = unrepentant
  • unrepetant = unrepentant
  • unrepetent = unrepentant
  • unsed = used, unused, unsaid
  • unsubstanciated = unsubstantiated
  • unsuccesful = unsuccessful
  • unsuccesfully = unsuccessfully
  • unsuccessfull = unsuccessful
  • unsucesful = unsuccessful
  • unsucesfuly = unsuccessfully
  • unsucessful = unsuccessful
  • unsucessfull = unsuccessful
  • unsucessfully = unsuccessfully
  • unsuprised = unsurprised
  • unsuprising = unsurprising
  • unsuprisingly = unsurprisingly
  • unsuprized = unsurprised
  • unsuprizing = unsurprising
  • unsuprizingly = unsurprisingly
  • unsurprized = unsurprised
  • unsurprizing = unsurprising
  • unsurprizingly = unsurprisingly
  • untill = until
  • untranslateable = untranslatable
  • unuseable = unusable
  • unusuable = unusable
  • unviersity = university
  • unwarrented = unwarranted
  • unweildly = unwieldy
  • unwieldly = unwieldy
  • upcomming = upcoming
  • upgradded = upgraded
  • usally = usually
  • useage = usage
  • usefull = useful
  • usefuly = usefully
  • useing = using
  • usualy = usually
  • ususally = usually


  • vaccum = vacuum
  • vaccume = vacuum
  • vacinity = vicinity
  • vaguaries = vagaries
  • vaieties = varieties
  • vailidty = validity
  • valetta = valletta
  • valuble = valuable
  • valueable = valuable
  • varations = variations
  • varient = variant
  • variey = variety
  • varing = varying
  • varities = varieties
  • varity = variety
  • vasall = vassal
  • vasalls = vassals
  • vegatarian = vegetarian
  • vegitable = vegetable
  • vegitables = vegetables
  • vegtable = vegetable
  • vehicule = vehicle
  • vell = well
  • venemous = venomous
  • vengance = vengeance
  • vengence = vengeance
  • verfication = verification
  • verison = version
  • verisons = versions
  • vermillion = vermilion
  • versitilaty = versatility
  • versitlity = versatility
  • vetween = between
  • veyr = very
  • vigeur = vigueur, vigour, vigor
  • vigilence = vigilance
  • vigourous = vigorous
  • villian = villain
  • villification = vilification
  • villify = vilify
  • villin = villi, villain, villein
  • vincinity = vicinity
  • violentce = violence
  • virutal = virtual
  • visable = visible
  • visably = visibly
  • visting = visiting
  • vistors = visitors
  • vitories = victories
  • volcanoe = volcano
  • voleyball = volleyball
  • volontary = voluntary
  • volonteer = volunteer
  • volonteered = volunteered
  • volonteering = volunteering
  • volonteers = volunteers
  • volounteer = volunteer
  • volounteered = volunteered
  • volounteering = volunteering
  • volounteers = volunteers
  • vreity = variety
  • vrey = very
  • vriety = variety
  • vulnerablility = vulnerability
  • vyer = very
  • vyre = very


  • waht = what
  • wanna = want to
  • warantee = warranty
  • wardobe = wardrobe
  • warrent = warrant
  • warrriors = warriors
  • wasnt = wasn't
  • wass = was
  • watn = want
  • wayword = wayward
  • weaponary = weaponry
  • weas = was
  • wehn = when
  • weild = wield, wild
  • weilded = wielded
  • Wendesday = Wednesday
  • wendsay = Wednesday
  • wensday = Wednesday
  • wereabouts = whereabouts
  • whant = want
  • whants = wants
  • whcih = which
  • wheras = whereas
  • wherease = whereas
  • whereever = wherever
  • whic = which
  • whihc = which
  • whith = with
  • whlch = which
  • whn = when
  • wholey = wholly
  • wholy = wholly, holy
  • whta = what
  • whther = whether
  • wich = which, witch
  • widesread = widespread
  • wief = wife
  • wierd = weird
  • wiew = view
  • wih = with
  • wiht = with
  • wille = will
  • willingless = willingness
  • wintery = wintry
  • wirting = writing
  • withdrawl = withdrawal, withdraw
  • witheld = withheld
  • withing = within
  • withold = withhold
  • witht = with
  • witn = with
  • wiull = will
  • wnat = want
  • wnated = wanted
  • wnats = wants
  • wohle = whole
  • wokr = work
  • wokring = working
  • womens = women's
  • wonderfull = wonderful
  • workststion = workstation
  • worls = world
  • worstened = worsened
  • woudl = would
  • wresters = wrestlers
  • wriet = write
  • writen = written
  • wroet = wrote
  • wrok = work
  • wroking = working
  • ws = was
  • wtih = with


  • xenophoby = xenophobia


  • yaching = yachting
  • yatch = yacht
  • yeasr = years
  • yeild = yield
  • yeilding = yielding
  • Yementite = Yemenite, Yemeni
  • yera = year
  • yeras = years
  • yersa = years
  • youseff = yousef
  • youself = yourself
  • ytou = you
  • yuo = you


  • zafarra = Zafara
  • zeebra = zebra

Double Words

  • Evil Thade = Eliv Thade
  • Paint Devil = Pant Devil
  • Pants Devil = Pant Devil