The Cyodrake's Gaze

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Revision as of 20:32, 16 August 2006 by Macbeth (talk | contribs) (→‎Crew)
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This article documents a current event.
Information may update rapidly as the event progresses.

The Cyodrake's Gaze is a vessel that first appeared on the at the harbour of Krawk Island. It seems to be a lead up to a new world, and to the next plot.

The ship contained exclusive foods, weaponry, and medicines which were available for sale before it disappeared. The design of the ship's rigging, along with the items it was supplying, seem to imply that the vessel comes from a Chinese style world. It's relation to the Cyodrake, the Petpet which it borrows its name from, is unknown.

It is suspected that a new world may be released due to the overall oriental style of the ship, probably named Shenkuu, a name revealed on the Kou-jong page accidentally at its first release. More than likely, this will be the built-up island north of Lutari Island.

Plot Summary

The Cyodrake's Gaze appeared at Krawk Island on the August 3, 2006. The ship had just sailed through a storm, during which they lost much of their supplies and also appeared to have lost their navigator, Hoban, overboard. Three days later, presumably when the ship had repaired sufficiently, it sailed away.

After the ship had vanished, speculation sprang up through the Neopets community about where the ship would next appear. Mystery Island was one of the prime locations suggested, and was confirmed on August 8, 2006, when the ship docked at the south of Mystery Island. It became apparent they had sailed to Mystery Island to search for their missing crewmate, but it appeared Hoban had not reached the island. Kentari gave his story of the night in which Hoban disappeared, noting that Captain Boru had sneaked into the weapons room and possibly taken something out concealed on his person after he had made his usual inspection of it. The ship set sail at midnight NST on the 11th August, again having stopped for only three days.

It is theorised that it's next landing will either be Lutari Island or Altador - the former is less likely as Lutari Island is available to relatively few players. It is possible that the ship will end its voyage on that large cluster of islands just above Lutari Island. On the 15th of August, it appeared again in Faerieland! Yes, it seems the Captain left out an importand detail: the ship can fly. It then takes you to the third comic page.


The Cyodrake's Gaze is manned by the following Neopets, in the order they are encountered in the plot.

Captain Tuan

Main Article: Captain Tuan

The blue Gnorbu Tuan is captain of the ship, and has taken it upon himself to find his lost crewmate Hoban. Though he insists that you will be of little help to him, he continues to allow you to investigate. It seems that during most of the storm Captain Tuan was so preoccupied that he forgot to sail the ship!

First Mate Shumi

Main Article: First Mate Shumi

A green Shoyru, First Mate Shumi is the first of the crew to give his story on Hoban's disappearance, and apparently doesn't play much of a role in any of the stories, even his own.


Main Article: Orrin

Orrin is a red Nimmo, who keeps the inventory on all the ship's stores. He saw someone being swept overboard during the storm, and it is believed to be Hoban.

Navigator Hoban

Main Article: Hoban

The navigator of the ship, Hoban the yellow Aisha is responsible for plotting the ships course. He is apparently swept overboard in a storm, and the crew set out to look for him. In each recollection of the events of that night, Hoban is seen first carrying only an empty bag at his side... but later appears to have aquired three scrolls. He threatened to sail the ship into a storm as a bit of revenge... maybe he did just that.


Main Article: Linae

Linae is a pink Kougra, who hosts the game Kou-jong. She seems to have told Hoban that he was very bad luck.

Chef Bonju

Main Article: Chef Bonju

An orange Blumaroo, Chef Bonju manages the Magical Cooking Vessel, which appears to be related to the Cooking Pot on Mystery Island. He was noted in the second chapter of the plot to be sneaking out of the arms room, possibly concealing something. He claims in the third chapter to have gotten a small blade from there to use in place of his knife which had gone missing.


Main Article: Kentari

The yellow Shoyru manages and sells weaponry from the ship. He is the second crew member to give his story on Hoban's disappearance.


Anshu is a brown Ruki, who sells medicines from the ship. Bonju believe that he and Linae are conspiring to do something in chapter 3


The way the comic-strips for this plot are written, it is as though the reader is conducting the investigation and is an integral part of the plot line, something absent from previous, similar plots which included part-by-part chapters.

Whenever the ship leaves harbour, the main comic page becomes inaccessible. The sources of the comics can still be accessed, however, for them to be read:

Due to the size of the source images, however, and the inability to scroll down them on most browsers when viewing them in source form (as the are Flash movies), sites such as TheDailyNeopets have set up pages where they can be seen and scrolled.

External Links

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