Talk:The Faeries' Ruin

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Revision as of 09:21, 26 November 2010 by (talk) (→‎Oblivion)
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The explanation of the Fort Nox achievement was arrived at first by players griffinfeather and mr_meenie_2. --Macbeth 20:55, 3 October 2010 (UTC)


There are some memes in the current fearless deeds, however, I am not too sure whether to link to them. Are you too good for your home? (contains swearing) and Son, I am disappoint (might contain inappropriate pictures, haven't checked them all).--Demon 00:34, 16 October 2010 (UTC)

I think their status as memes should be noted, yeah. The movie one is fine - does that movie have a wikipedia page? If so, link there, rather than to the IMDB. Otherwise, IMDB is fine. As for the other one, I'd say that's probably all right. =) --Macbeth 00:46, 16 October 2010 (UTC)
The movie does have a wikipedia page, however, the quote is not mentioned in the article, not even on wikiquote, so I thought people might be confused if the page is linked to without further comment.--Demon 00:48, 16 October 2010 (UTC)
Hmn. I think we should risk it ;). The Three Musketeers' page does not say 'And One For All' on it, but it's still a reference to them, for example. --Macbeth 01:12, 16 October 2010 (UTC)
Added. Now, does anyone have a smart linguistics word for the "S-Words" thing? I believe it may be something like an acronym?--Demon 01:56, 16 October 2010 (UTC)
Hmn, I'm not sure. A pun, or word-play, maybe? --Macbeth 02:08, 16 October 2010 (UTC)
(to clarify, "'Sword' is an 's-word'" is a pun, for example. That might be what they call a Wellerism, but I'm not really sure. --Macbeth 02:10, 16 October 2010 (UTC))

Chapter 8

Hanso's double take on the skeith and draik guard I assume is a joke about how there is a skeith and draik with Altador as well. I've only mentioned it in case it proves to have plot significance, but I think it's just a joke. --Macbeth 00:20, 21 October 2010 (UTC)

Plot images

I remember Jacob started recording the urls of the images that appeared in Tale of Woe... And as image uploading is fubarred for the forseeable future xP...

Maybe not as thorough this time, but feel free to add any of the dozens I have missed.

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

Character's dialogue images:

Step 4

Step 6

Turned to stone?

The plot summary for Chapter 13 mentions that those outside the barrier got turned to stone, but I'm not sure that's right.... We're looking at them with distorted colors since they're outside the barrier, and the shadows still seem to be fighting them. Is there a way to get a closer look? AySz88 22:24, 24 November 2010 (CST)

If it is just a lighting issue, then it's very poor form on behalf of TNT's colourists! ^^;
However, I don't think it is. If you contrast this image, from the ritual page, you can see that they still look all colourful when seen through the barrier.
(Although Jazan doesn't seemed to have moved between that image and Chapter 13 ;)) --Macbeth 09:57, 25 November 2010 (CST)


These were my observations on the Guidance step, but I don't want to post it onto the article without some corroboration since all the guides seem to disagree with each other:

A pet can safely push with medium strength for three limbs and strong for the fourth. From that stance, they can then trade one level of strength on one limb for another on a different limb - for example, they can move a limb from medium to strong if they move another from medium down to weak. (If a pet pushes stronger than this, the pet will fall down.) Stronger pushes from the left move the core towards the right, and vice versa. All pushes move the core forward. Every limb pushes the core forward to some degree. The pet's pushes are additive with the core's drift indicated by the arrow - the results are the same as it would be if the core was allowed to drift first, and then the pet pushed separately with no drift.

Any observations to the contrary?

AySz88 23:07, 24 November 2010 (CST)

The only thing I can contradict is "All pushes move the core forward" - I found, especially in the last 30m, that sometimes it slipped back despite my pushing. Also, a large arrow coupled with an all weak stance sometimes - not always, I'm not sure why - caused it roll backwards as well. I think your "additive with the core's drift" notion is very astute, though, well done. --Macbeth 09:53, 25 November 2010 (CST)
Ah, I meant that adding strength to a limb always pushes the core more forward than if that limb were weaker - in other words, none of the limbs are pushing the core backwards. Made that part a bit clearer. AySz88 00:58, 26 November 2010 (CST)


I think it is debatable that nobody defeated him, since at least one user posted an ongoing battle with him, including the victory and screenies on his lookup. It just doesn't show up on his record because of some midnight reset thing. 16:25, 25 November 2010 (CST)

Screenies can easily be doctored, the battle record cannot. If it doesn't show that he killed him in his battle record, then he's having you on ;). --Macbeth 16:45, 25 November 2010 (CST)
I watched his pet's health change as the battle went on by amounts that were logically consistent with the known weapons of the opponent and his Wand of the Dark Faerie's healing. And the midnight reset isn't something he made up on the spot. It's something several other people mentioned and he chose to ignore. Either he did an incredible job of faking both two screenies and every person on a 10 hour board, or he's telling the truth and fell victim to a known problem with the battledome. 00:39, 26 November 2010 (CST)
There's also the question of why, if Oblivion was defeated, it was still available to fight. One could say that was due to the same bug, but then it definitely didn't register it in-plot as "us" defeating him. I do see how it's possible with something like a Wand of the Dark Faerie, though. AySz88 01:10, 26 November 2010 (CST)
It didn't officially register that he was defeated on anything but the pet's battle log. It's really unclear what the purpose of Oblivion even was, to be honest. He never appeared in the comic and never had any role at all in the story. Furthermore, he just vanished suddenly when chapter 13 was released. 03:21, 26 November 2010 (CST)