Gargarox Isafuhlarg

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Gargarox Isafuhlarg, the Grundo Chef, is a Mutant Grundo who plays Gormball and cooks at the Space Station at the Grundos Cafe.

Better Than You

Gargarox has been a contestant on Better Than You three times:

Date: June 8, 2006 Little Grundos say, 'Gargarox, why don't you try Zurroball?' So Gargarox tries Zurroball. Harder than Gormball, but Gargarox no get wet. You try now! See if you can beat score!
Game: Zurroball
Score: 1,100
Prize: Grundo Goo Sundae

Date: March 8, 2007 Sometimes I take a break from Gormball to see what other new games are out, and I was quite pleased by Wingoball! In fact, I played it so much that I was late for work! My customers just looked at me oddly when I claimed that garden gnomes were the reason why I was opening up my restaurant later than usual.
Game: Wingoball
Score: 1,063
Prize: Snow Bruce Gnome

Date: August 26, 2010 They're all volunteer Petpets, I swear! -- Oh, you're not from the PPL? *cough* Well, if you'd take over feeding Florg, I'd appreciate it. I have a cafe to run. Why the Space Station staff expects me to have time for Florg-care is beyond me.
Game: Feed Florg
Score: 260
Prize: Mutant Grundo Plushie

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