Slug Monster

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The Slug Monster is a creature that wanders around the ruins of old Maraqua.

Plot Summary

Defenders of Neopia Series 1

Main Article: Defenders of Neopia

Users had to defeat the monster in order to save a Flotsam and Acara who had accidentally awaken it while exploring the ruins of Old Maraqua.


Difficulty: {{{Difficulty}}} Starting HP: {{{StartingHP}}}
Arena: {{{Arena}}} Released: {{{ReleaseDate}}}
Status: Unknown Challenger ID: {{{ID}}}
Found by: {{{FoundBy}}}

The Slug Monster carries two weapons that are of note. His Vile Swamp Water only does six icons of damage, a solid hid for low to mid level battledome fighters, and otherwise ignorable to stronger opponents, except that it causes a pet to become sick with Watery Eyes. The Rancid Battle Dung he has is a multiple-use weapons that does 11 icons of damage, a devastating attack for most low level battlers. The Rancid Battle Dung combined with his high HP makes the Slug Monster an unconquerable opponent for most low-level battlers.

For those that can battle him, it will be a sporadic battle. Out of the eight weapons the Slug Monster has equipped, four of them don't do anything. (Boiled Sea Serpent, Cup-o-slime, Sludge Ball Key Ring, and Wiggling Seaweed Plant.) His other four items are solid though. He has the legendary Jade Scorchstone, which will heal him to full health. His Freezing Potion is a once per battle freezer, if followed up by the Rancid Battle Dung you may be in trouble. His Vile Swamp Water, mentioned before, does six icons of damages, and also inconveniently sickens your Neopet.

The Cup-o-slime that is stolen from him is not an actual weapon, and doesn't actually do anything. It is there only to keep Neopians from stealing a useful item from him during battle.


During Fight...

  • Blaht!
  • Blurble blurble blurp!
  • Glorp!
  • Glorp Shlep Glug!
  • Glug...
  • Gurgle, gurgle, gurgle...
  • Shlep...
  • Shlurp!
  • SPLAT!
  • Spleft, spleft.

After Loss...

  • (unknown) (followed by random During Fight quote)

After Win...

  • Grrrrrrr! (followed by random During Fight quote)


  • Pfffft!!! (followed by random During Fight quote)


  • gurgle, gurgle splat!


  • (unknown)


See Also

External Links

  • Caption Competition: #261

Preceded by:

Defenders of Neopia Mission 15:

Followed by:


Slug Monster

The Drenched