The Rainbow Pool
The Rainbow Pool is a location in Neopian Central where users can go to change the colour of their Neopets using Paint Brushes. While at the Rainbow Pool, users can also browse and preview all of the available colours for each species of Neopet and take a look at a list of all usable Paint Brushes.
To use the Rainbow Pool, the user must have one or more Paint Brushes in their inventory. Next they must go to the Rainbow Pool main page, where they will be shown a picture of each of their Neopets. Beneath each Neopet, there will be a drop down box containing each of Paint Brushes in the user's inventory that can be used on that particular Neopet. The user must then select their desired Paint Brush and then click the submit button to paint their pet.
Petpet Puddle
The Rainbow Pool in also home to the Petpet Puddle. At the Petpet Puddle, users can change the colour of their Petpets using Petpet Paint Brushes. Before a Petpet can be painted, it must be attached to one of the user's Neopets.
External links
- The Rainbow Pool
- Petpet Puddle
- Caption Competition: #265, #461, #579, #644, #672
- Help File: Changing Your Neopets Appearance FAQ, Once you paint a Petpet does it stay that colour?, Once you paint a petpet, how do you get it back to its original colour?
- Neopets FAQ: Pets - Changing Colors, Petpet - Changing Colors
- Editorial: 8, 23, 32, 47, 53, 60, 68, 71, 77, 102, 104, 123, 138, 166, 178, 180, 185, 240
- Selected Fansites: Neocolours (German), Neocolours (UK)