Beauty Contest

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Revision as of 02:13, 9 July 2010 by Dizzy (talk | contribs) (editorial links, more detail to rule changes)
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The Beauty Contest is a weekly art contest, only users are required to show a picture of their Neopet. The Beauty Contest started on February 21, 2000 and continues on until the present.

Originally the rules were that users could only enter the pets on their main account. Along with receiving a trophy, the prizes awarded were...

Overall Winners Species Winners
* First Prize - 20,000 NP + one rare item * First Prize - 10,000 NP
* Second Prize - 10,000 NP + one rare item * Second Prize - 5,000 NP
* Third Prize - 5,000 NP + one rare item * Third Prize - 2,500 NP

However, starting on April 4, 2008 the rules of the BC were lifted to allow users to enter the pets on their side accounts provided any advertising was done from the appropriate account. This meant that the Neopoint and item prizes were discontinued although all winning pets would continue to receive a trophy.


  • Was originally called the Neopian Beauty Expo.

External Links