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Summary of the boards and what users can expect in each, and what is primarily talked about

The NeoBoard is a collection of boards which users can post messages to each other around the world pertaining to special topics. Several staff members named Moderators look over the NeoBoards, making sure users are following the rules. Users can also self-moderate by reporting a message to moderators which they think is unsuitable for Neopets. There is also a filter which prevents a user from using profanity or lewd conduct on the site. However, many users often use symbols or spaces or a combo of them to use profanity, and it isn't filtered.

Forum types

There are many different boards which can be posted on.

Main forums


Premium boards

The premium boards are only accessible by premium users.


Charter Members - A board for longtime Premium Members. If you can see this board, that's you!

This board is only available when a premium user stays for more than three months.


Help and Newbies - If you need help or are a new Premium Member with questions, this is your board!

This board contains introductions and general questions.


Main Hall - Hang out with other premium members and discuss the finer points of Neopian life. (As always, please keep topics Neopets related. Thanks!)

This is the main premium board and is a general Neopets chat.


Spotlights and Games - Get some input on your gallery spotlight entry or get help on that tough game avatar. Your spotlight and game banter goes here.

Here, Tarla, the daily puzzle, and other game related things are discussed. Beta games released to premium users are also discussed.

Sometimes, boards can exist for beta testing of games, like Petpetpet Habitats.

Other boards

There are other boards which are part of the Neoboard, but are either hidden or only appear at certain times.


The Plot board's title and content changes to whatever the current plot is at the time. It's believed the link always remains the same, but is only active when a plot is open. Past titles included:

  • volcano.gif Volcano Plot - Unknown text of board summary... Needs to be added
  • Hannah and the Ice Caves - Unknown text of board summary... Needs to be added
  • curseofmaraqua.gif Curse of Maraqua - Unknown text of board summary... Needs to be added
  • lostdesert.gif Lost Desert - Who's that fortune teller? And what's up with that guy on the Uni already? Talk about the current plot here!
  • acp.gif Altador - A mysterious book with nothing in it? A hidden observatory in the Hall of Heroes? What's going on in Altador?!
  • acl.gif ac3.gif ac4.gif Altador Cup - Sixteen teams from all over Neopia are competing, but only one will win the coveted Altador Cup. Will it be your team?
  • thegaze.gif The Cyodrake's Gaze - A mysterious ship appears in Neopia and the crew needs your help! You will help them, right?
  • taleofwoe.gif The Tale of Woe - Wander the Haunted Woods with Gilly and uncover the truth behind the mysterious Tale of Woe.
  • mip.gif Journey to the Lost Isle - A journal and a tablet lead a very dedicated professor on a journey to find the mysterious lost isle!
  • acp.gif Altador Cup II - Discuss the latest match-ups and taunt your rivals... the Altador Cup is back!
  • rosp.gif The Return of Dr. Sloth - Discuss the latest comics and puzzles. Evil is back!
  • ddare.gif Daily Dare - Discuss the latest challenges and games.

Non-plot boards

  • jelly.gif Jelly World - Jelly World? That's just a myth. It doesn't exist. Off-topic boards are considered spam and WILL be deleted. Stick to the topic, please.

There's also an Admin Board of DOOM, which can only be seen by TNT and moderators.


  • It is possible to make invisible boards on the NeoBoards by using square brackets to make what is written be processed as tags. This is a freezable offence.
  • There are several easter eggs that appear when certain messages are posted.
    • Ghostbusters!: Posting 5514344, the telephone number for the Ghostbusters in the movie of the same name, causes Ghostbusters! to appear in its place
    • Onion Glitch: Whenever certain words (likely depending on length) are posted, followed by a hard return, an underscore would appear after it. If the word was followed by a punctuation mark, the underscore would appear before it. The word must begin with on, but some shorter phrase, such as only do not cause this glitch. Words such as online, and of course onion, do, however.
    • Jelly World: Posting in the URL for Jelly World causes it to be blocked as if it was an off-site link.
    • %5000 Glitch: Although no longer active, posting %5000 used to cause P00 to be displayed in its place.
    • Report me!: If the phrase this is not a scam is posted, it is replaced automatically by This is a scam! Report me!.
    • Bikinis: If the phrase bikini is posted, it is replaced with cardigan, presumably to stop inappropriate conversations. .
    • Talk like a Pirate: On talk like a pirate day, some words would come out as common pirate words. For example, "see" turned to "spy" and "n00b" turned to "landlubber."
  • There used to be a General Chat board. It was removed because too many users were breaking rules and discussing things they shouldn't be. Its old URL is now used for event boards, such as Daily Dare and Neopia's Style Showdown. The Newbie Boards are now used as the General Chat.
    • The dude glitch: Posting dude14 causes it to put -blocked-

External links