Pink Poogle Toy

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Screenshot of the PinkPT homepage viewed with Internet Explorer on February 2006

PinkPT (formally Pink Poogle Toy) is a Neopets help site which has branched out to include many different topics.

The site has been growing ever since, but by far the most popular area of the site now is the large community hosted on the phpBB forum. Since the forums unfortunately crashed in April 2004, the community has rebuilt itself, and nearly 4,000 of the 10,000 members that had joined by this time returned, many under different names. Since this, PPT has grown immensely. Under the stern, yet loving eye of the three administrators, the community has flourished. Jim, the weird guy, handles the disciplinary side of things. Hunter Lupe handles the technical side of it. Runevalkyrie is more a watchful eye over the staff, as many things have gone wrong in its past. A bi-weekly paper, called the Pink Ink has also been hosted on the site.

With the help of a forum, a lot of content, and a great community PinkPT, and the PinkPTers (a person who often visits the site) along with it have developed their own little slice of online culture. Expanding into sites dedicated to other big things, like Harry Potter and Subeta, The PPT Empire shows little sign of slowing down. PinkPT has also expanded into the online gaming world itself. A new section of the site, Kaimon, a game unlike any other text-based RPG online is being developed.

Although PPT is a Neopets help website, it has expanded into a wonderful community run by our awesome Yukio. Many PPTers are hard-working fun-loving insane people, as the site is meant to be. In conclusion, PinkPT considered by many to be one of the best Neopets help sites with a multi-topic forum.

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Avatar Catalog

The Avatar Catalog is a premier source for all the Neopets avatars! Allowing users to register unique accounts, users an kept abreast of which avatars they have and which they do not by saving checklists that will remember what has been marked as "achieved" and has not.

In-depth Battlepedia

The IDB is the world's most renouned source for Neopets Battledome information.

In-depth NeoQuest

THe IDNQ the first complete NeoQuest information site and remains the most comprehensive on the Internet.


The NeoDex is the online Neopets encyclopedia and is the largest of its kind online.


Added May 19, 2006, the Neopool was created to offer Neopians a more rounded visitor experience. Created to fill a void left upon the Closure of Neocolours, the Neopool is the first in its kind to allow users to vote and rank neopet species/colour combinations.

Trophy Catalog

Added May 31, 2006, the Trophy Catalog provides visitors with a checklist for all of Neopets' trophies, again a fansite first.

Other Features

Pink Ink

PinkPT's newspaper, containing articles, stories and art pertaining to Neopets and other topics. Began in October 31, 2004.

PPT Podcast

PPT's very own talk show features hosts from the PPT Forums discussing the latest and most relevant topics to date. Incorporating humor and a little bit of sillyness, the PPT Podcast is widely distributed online via iTunes and all relevant podcatchers.

Custom Shields

PPT's Custom Shields are created by Mike, a vetern Neopian who ran with Ad0 back in the days of the great Neopian hackers. Proving immensely popular, custom shields are able to be requested by PPT visitors for creation.

Sub Sites

Kym's Music

Kym's Music is a homage to one of PPT's very own artists Kym Huynh (whose website can be accessed at Supported by the PPT community at large both in terms of promotion and kudos, Kym Huynh is currently writing a PPT theme song for the community.


Begun in June 15, 2005, DancePhD is all about dancing, an enjoyable hobby of the webmaster. It aims to be the central hub of all things dance, DancePhD connects the international hiphop/break dance community.

Planet Subeta

A fansite for a Neopets substitute game called Subeta.

Avada Kedavra

A fansite for the widely popular Harry Potter novels.

Sailor Moon

Begun in June 15, 2005, Sailor Moon is a fansite for the popular anime cartoon series Sailor Moon.

Oekaki School

Oekaki tutorials for one of the largest oekakis on the Internet, the PPT Oekaki.

The Laughing Nekos

A site created by PPT's designer Ben Williams.

The "One Black Meowclops Pen" Experiment

The OBMP experiment was started by PinkPT user jrtman who was inspired by Kyle MacDonald's very successful One Red Paperclip experiment in which Mr. MacDonald started with a single red paperclip and hoped to trade up until he received a house.

Jrtman created the OBMP experiment to see if he could recreate ORP in the world of Neopets. A small webpage for the experiment was put up on his pet PrinceGrizzly's petpage explaining the experiment and listing the usernames of every person who contributed to it.

The mission was to start with a single Black Meowclops Pen (worth around 2k Neopoints) and continue to trade for slightly better things until the goal of a complete Secret Laboratory Map set (9 pieces) was reached successfully.

OBMP is still an on-going experiment and as such jrtman has not yet reached the goal point.

Memoirs From PPTers

I remember when Hunter was in the chatbox, and he changed the little title about every five minutes. Once, he spelt bizarre wrong, too. Once in the chatbox, somebody was "mysteriously" kicking random people and nobody could figure out which mod was doing it. - Caesara

  • The April Fool's Day joke, where some posts were converted into 1337, and where the moderators were clones. There were also spammish ranks (Beyond Spammy) and the filters ("According to the prophecy...") - Dragonfire and Runevalkyrie

Back when the community first started, members had to vote mods in. Bob asked for people to UN-vote him. A week or so later, he was an admin. - Atamand

  • Back in December, when my uncle had a heart attack, I had to sit in the hospital every day waiting for news on him, try and comfort my cousin, but as soon as I got back to my grandmother's house every night, I could get on PPT, and everyone there was friendly, and those that knew about my uncle cared enough to say something in my thread about him. Thanks to PPT, Christmas 2003 turned out to be better than the circumstances would have ever allowed. - Tested

The day when Steph and Jenn met each other. They were the first PPTers to meet in real life. - Jill

  • Outkast Fight a long time ago (back when Ven ran the board). It was fourty beautiful pages of spammy battling. - Sunnie

The Great Time Warp August 2003. Not only were our post counts destroyed (Sunnie's was cut in half), but all the threads were gone, too! That especially affected the RPers. Poor guys. - Sunnie

  • The creation of Pink Ink was such a lot of hype. - Lillie

Oh heck, I remember. There was this one time I was completely and utterly miserable for two weeks or so. I had a minor emotional weeping period, don't know if it was break down or not. I will definitely remember the support of all those who posted to cheer me up and just to tell me that they were there. It was important to me to know that people were just there for me and so I've tried since to be there for other people. I got a surprise webpage from CSK and Charisma who had collected what nice things people had to say about me and put them all in. I'll always be grateful to everyone who was there for me. I have a copy of everything saved onto my hard drive for those down days, because I never want to be so miserable onto other people again. Many people are down and PPT has always proved to be a supportive place for them. - Lillie

  • Being made a moderator was fun. I climbed out of bed one day and was attacked by congratulations on AIM. Ooo, now that was a sight, a bleary eyed, tossle haired kid with jaw dropped open when I found out. - Lillie

The PPT Gods Dictionary being a mini success at the start of it. That was great simply because it was the first original idea I had ever had on PPT and it was a good one. I've only got the first copy saved, not the new one. *sigh* - Lillie

  • PPT Survivor! I loved how it was all girls at the end and the conversations that took place about who was winning and who was losing. The discussion of who to vote for. I clearly recall Chrome saying she would flip a coin for if the last two girls both had a "C" as the beginning letter of their name. - Lillie

Way back during Summer 2002 we were constantly changing servers. After my original registering in mid June, I had to reregister about 5 times. First time was because I forgot my password on my original account because I changed my email and it didn't let me log in once it sent me a new password. But the other 4 times were server changes. Final time was when we settled onto the almost permenant server, which just recently went down. - Lass

  • Also, the time warp of last summer. If my memory serves me correctly, it happened in early to mid August. All posts were deleted that were made after July 13th. Post counts were also set back to what they had been on July 13th. It was mass chaos, since no one had any idea what was going on. Looking back on it, I laugh at how all the members were acting. Seeing all these topics spread across the forums stating "Whats going on?!?! My post count was lowered!!" makes me laugh now. - Lass

And when Jim made me an admin for 30 seconds when the forums were running incredibly slow. - Lass

  • There was also the Dark Angel/Chrome fad. If you supported the Dark Angels you would change your username to "Dark Angel [insert username here]" and if you supported the Chromes you would become "Chrome[insert name here]". - Lass

PI basically started when somebody who I believe is no longer a member suggested starting a paper of sorts for PPT. I offered to help with it, and started a thread in Misc Disc, asking if anybody would be willing to help. It got loads of responses, and millions of suggestions. (I won't go into all the little details of who did what and all that, because the list IS rather long) The first PI staff was created, and all we needed was somewhere to start. At first PI was going to be set up on angelfire, by Lilac, who had offered to do the job, provided she had everything. Then Hunter stepped in and offered to do it for us. (Thank you, Hunter!) So the CP was created, along with the front page, and all that stuff. The original thread in Misc Disc, by then, had been split numerous times and had about 50 pages in total. When the first issue came out, it didn't have much in it and had a few mistakes (on our part), but everybody was happy. (If I haven't mentioned it yet, PI was started mid-August of '03.) By December the staff had changed numerous times, and we were doing quite a bit better. We had our ups and downs (mostly me forgetting to release the issue or being lazy or something else wrong on my part *ahem*). Then we appealed to Jim for a usergroup. After a while of bugging him about it, it was created, and Pudding was set in charge as the mod. After a while Yoshi was added as the co-mod, and then PPT went down. - Caesara

  • I remember kicking SL's butt in Yahoo Pool 6-0 does that count? - Pyro Parrot

I remember halloween back a few years ago on the YaBB forums. It was really cool, and Hunter had some sort of music in his sig that freaked people out. The Dark Angel fad happend around there with another halloween fad. It was really fun. - Koku

  • I remember Ven/Optimistic Consideration. He was really nice, and deserved to become a Global/Super mod. - Koku

I remember when Chrome first released the RM2K game. I played it over and matter how small it was. ^_^ - Koku

  • I remember Fidd's non-blinking blinkie. "I don't blink like all those CONFORMIST BLINKIES!" - Sapphire Faerie

If someone asked me to name my favorite PPT memory, I'd laugh in their face. PPT has created so many memories for me that it's impossible to pick a favorite. But some of my special ones include becoming Capo in the PPT Mafia. Being Capo means that you've caught one thousand scammers and reported them. Becoming Capo was such a huge accomplishment for me. It made me feel special to be only the second Capo in all of PPT history. The Mafia has always been one of my favorite usergroups because it gave me a reason to work towards something in PPT. I really, really loved being able to leave PPT in the evenings and feel like I had, in a way, made Neopets a little bit of a better place because of the scammers I had caught. Another huge memory I have is starting PPTAAC in February of 2004. PPTAAC stands for 'PPTers Against Animal Cruelty'. It all started as just a 'Boycott Petco' thread, but soon developed to be one of the few clubs on PPT with a good purpose. At first, it surprised me at how many people were interested in our cause. We suddenly had a huge amount of people volunteering to make graphics and work at their local animal shelters. I remember that after mentioning volunteering at the local Humane Society, tons of PPTAAC members posted that they'd checked out their Humane Society and local shelters and a few of them volunteered. It made me kind of proud that I belonged to a forum with such good and caring people. Speaking of good and caring people, I remember numerous times where PPT members cared about me. There was one time recently when I had an ear infection, and just overnight, over 20 people replied and told me to get well soon, and many also suggested things to make the infection go away. I especially remember Twinkle messaging me personally to ask if I was okay. She told me that she had read my thread on the infection and cared enough to personally message and ask if I was okay- and that meant so, so much to me. Another huge memory I got from PPT was becoming a PPT God. For those of you who don't know, a PPT God is a user who achieves one thousand posts. After becoming a PPT God, I quickly joined ASP, one of PPT's random and crazy groups. I loved ASP because it gave me a chance to be as crazy and loud as I wanted to be, and my opinion was always heard when I wanted it to be. ASP's initials stand for 'Avs, Soda, Pudding'. Avs is to stand for Lady Night, who makes avatars and was a founder. Soda stands for the user Soda, another founder. And Pudding stands for Pudding, another founder. ASP was completely secret, which was just another aspect I loved about it. Another memory was the restart of the PPT Gnome Legion. I was, and still am, the Great Gnome Mistress. The Gnomes were supposed to welcome new members, hold giveaways, and just do nice stuff. And now comes one of my fondest memories- being accepted into the Pink Ink. The Pink Ink is PPT's official newspaper, and I was always in awe of the writers. One day, Cae- the newspaper founder- opened up applications. I applied first for Forum Writer, didn't make it, then applied for Entertainment- and got in! I felt so happy for weeks afterward. The Pink Ink board was the best... everyone was so welcoming and encouraging. Even though I only got a chance to write 2 articles before the forums went down, I still loved every minute of being a PI writer. All in all, PPT is a wonderful community that I'm glad to be a part of. Everyone is so nice and encouraging, and always there for you. The only thing I don't like about it is that I didn't join sooner. - Bagel

  • Theres a lot of memories in PPT, regaurdless of when you joined. They were made everyday and they seem to keep on popping up. From what I've read, we need to write about the memories which we hold dear to ourselves that have happend over the past years. One which stands out is Fe and that elbow licking. I thought it was totally gross when that came up but it turned out to be some awesome fun. Both PPTbies were really awesome to see. The whole "Chrome for Pres" thing still cracks me up. I suppose one of the memories which actually include me that I have is when I found out that someone who I knew online, and someone who I also knew offline were the same person. I had met a fellow PPTer and known him for nearly a year. That PPTers is Ammer and I think I can say that I've made an awesome friend off such an event. I remember being Ill last November and posting a "Cookie" thread cause I wanted to bake. That was the day I got the most awesome cookie recipe ever. Welsh Cookies. Another one would be my birthday. I wont be forgetting coming online and seeing a "Happy Birthday Xil" Thread. That was awesome. Jasujo's birthday was right around then too!! Heck, Anyones birthday should really count as a memory. It's a great feeling coming online and seeing all your friends posting "Happy Birthday" or something to that effect. - Xil

It was a normal day as any other and I was on PPT reading the current topic which I had just posted. One post caught my attention which asked if I was in a specific english class second period. It happened to be correct and I was very freaked out. I began to search through my head on who in my English class played Neopets. I thought of one person and than decided to go with my gut. After PMing this PPTer and being tortured with this PPTer's mind game I realised it was my friend who I knew in real life named Xil. We weren't really close friends but now we have become closer and I actually can talk to someone about Neopets (In secret). It makes me proud to meet a PPTer and I hope to meet many of you in the near future. If you're anything like Xil, than we'll be great friends. - Ammer

  • Hmm, one thing that comes to mind was Mr. Adam Face (is hot!)'s journey to TNT Headquarters. It was right before the Time Warp, I think. I don't know exactly how long the thread got, but it was over 20 pages I think. The first time he was turned back (because he had Asparagus, I think...?), but he went out again. I'm pretty sure that he came back around the Time Warp but no one knew what happened to him since he hadn't posted, so we were speculating... did TNT hold him hostage? He wrote up a big article, it was in the PPT news, but I don't know if it would still be there. Somewhere in the thread, someone (Magenta?) had a picture of Neopets with "Go Mr. Adam Face!" signs. - Sunshine Jenny

I remember the PPT Secret Santa thing that Ecliptic and Yoshi organized last December in the Av/Sig Board. Oh, that was bundles of fun. You said what kind of things you wanted in your set, and someone made one for you, but you didn't know who it was. Near Christmas, everyone got their set and had to guess who their Secret Santa was. I remember being Knives' Secret Santa. I was awful at making graphics back then, and I remember him trying to be nice and saying that he liked the set I made him. And Denae/Joelz Butterfly made me this wonderful set that said "X's and O's: Who's side are you on?" It was the cutest thing. I still have that saved somewhere, in fact. - Apricus

  • I owe PPT more NP then Im worth. Everyday the first thing I would do was log onto neopets, and open PPT to do my treasure Map quest.(This was years ago). Then, when y'all started puting up the Cliffhanger anwsers, I started doing those too! It hit a point where I was on PPT far more than Neopets and I hadn't even signed up for the Forums at that time. :-P It was at the end of Grade 8 which I got caught on PPT at school, I was sent to my vice principal and had to explain what it was I was doing here. Consquently, PPT became the first School-decided banned website at my elementary school. Smile (That means the School Board didn't make the decision) - Xil

Before I joined, I "lived" at IDNQ. Strangefire420 mentioned these forums, and one time when I was banned from IDNQ...I think it was the second time (I got banned 4 times I think. Such a naïve friends555 I was.)...I came here. I posted my first message. It was about me being banned from IDNQ and coming here to fill my time. I got a bunch of replies, but I only remember one: "Jump on the banned wagon!" I remember also I said in my post "oh no, hunter's modding". The admins at the time were SL, Jim, and Janie. Bob was "Back to Modding". Hunter was a moddy and Rune was just a member...y. Icey joined and we had a post-count race...he was winning until he stopped at 160...I went on to a post count of around 2k (if you count the posts I made on this new forum.) After a while, I stopped looking for my old IDNQ friends and made some new friends. I don't really remember who my first few friends were, but now I'm pretty comfortable around everyone here, so it doesn't really matter who I am or was closer with. I remember a bunch of old mods that I never really knew. I also remember Venny...and my short obsession with him after I joined Divas...and how I kept threatening to get Faye a tongue-ectomy because he liked her. I remember the Outkasts, and when Venny left, and when Lillie aka Ten Snow took over. I remember trying to get into as many groups as possible...including the not-a-usergroup CCC. I kept hoping Cheese would notice my little "tour guide" newbie-scaring post. It turns out he did remember (after the CCC was disbanded and re-made in Gods months later, I asked him) but he never asked me to join...I was too shy to request it for myself. I remember the time warp. I was typing up a post for the one RP I have ever been in (I knew absolutely nothing about the topic or how to RP...silly little Tymaporer), and suddenly I got this weird error message that I'd never seen before. I clicked the back button and saved my post (it's gone now) and after about a minute, the forums came back. I never noticed the date it said (July was actually August 5.) I simply went back to post my thing on the RP, and upon noticing that it wasn't there, I posted a topic in SDIS (or Q&A, I can't remember) titled "HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Hehehe...I was so young. I remember creating a second account under the name Venalina (that was when Venny was done being a girl) and Janie caught me after 10 posts...I did it because I was trying to remember what it was like to be a newbie. Seriously, that’s why. I remember around the holidays, everyone changed their names (I was .frostie555 O_o) and Jim was The Jimch. I wrote a song based off Jim’s new name called “You’re a Green One, Mr. Jimch”, and sent it to him. I think he liked it. I remember the second PPTbies. I really wanted to win something, and Bob had just left, so I made a fake screenshot of the admin-only had three topics visible in that part of the “screenshot”. One was by SL, asking why the admin board needed a moderator. One was by Jim, saying that anyone who didn’t vote for me would have their account deleted. And the last one was by Bob, saying that he didn’t vote for me. (I almost got a strike for it.) Needless to say, I wasn’t even a top nominee in any category... I remember that April Fool’s Day stuff. Wibble. XD And there were the mod clones, and I started a line of “member clones”, and then there was...what else? It was so long ago. I remember my first anniversary, and how I posted an essay that I wrote for English class about PPT, and then how my birthday thread got almost no posts because my birthday was three days after my anniversary and everyone was wishing me happy early birthday on my anniversary thread. XP - Tymaporer

  • I remember back in the days, the Outkasts group was a little more hyper then usual... Then All of a sudden Ven posted a board something to the affect of "I've died.." or maybe something else, my mind is a bit fuzzy... anyway he changed his name to Venemous the Zombie, and eventually it caght on and everyone in the outkasts had changed their name to be something dead... I was Rontu back then, I became Spirit Rontu. This lasted for a month or so until it died out... such good times... - Nunaamr'e

OMG! Does anybody remember when Cyanna made the image of the Chia shooting a slorg out of a cannon? Or when Chrome made an April fools post saying she was a boy? - Fiddelysquat

  • I remember looking at a thread when I first joined in the end of January 2003 and seeing a post by someone with a picture of a fridge full of beer with a message that said "Hey look, I found a picture of Wataguy's fridge!" And Wataguy's reply of "Hey, if you want a beer just ask, don't go snooping." or something like that, probably funnier then what I put but it was two and a half years ago! I remember Jim's mutant kacheek avatar too. I remember a thread about body mods and coming across a post by Fidds saying she had peircings from head to toes, my eyes were wide and mouth hanging open until I got to the part where she said "just kidding, you gullible little sap." Which of course now we know she really wasn't kidding. Cheeky Tongue She just veeeeery carefully edits them out of all her photos, how else do you explain the stark-raving gorgeousness? Foul play of course! Evil or Very Mad. I remember when Ven and Stephy where *the* PPT couple. All the guys had 'I stalk Stephy' in their sigs and all the girls swooned over Ven's hair. I remember when Fe signed up, she posted and posted and posted and posted. She had every other post in the 'person above you' game for a while. I remember thinking that Igg was a 20something, possibly in college. - Nessa

I remember when we were all Mod clones at April Fools-that was funny. And Rage's "Story with McDonalds toys" and my rip-off that I still have...I think... ~Robin


Despite the fact that PinkPT has such a wide fan base, it has also ranked up a number of enemies. As the largest Neopets fan site, many runners of other sites claimed that PinkPT is a site that encourages a multitude of problems, including spyware, viruses and hardcore pornogrophy. Of course, this is not true. Though the websites sports a number of advertisements, the management makes sure that no illegal content makes its way onto the computer. Not only other site runners have grudges, as many older members of the community come back to antagonize the forums. Still, with over 4,000 members, it could be considered the largest fan site for Neopets.


The most noted celebrity on PinkPT is the chicken, Arrow. In the beginning, it started out as an Emoticon, but this chicken has been officially raised to the 'mascot' of PPT. At the top of the forum, one can see the banner. There is a picture of Arrow, painted by the resident artist, the wonderful Yoshi. In various forms, during the holiday seasons, one can see Arrow in such forms as the roast chicken during Thanksgiving, and a Cupid arrow, during St. Valentine's Day Influences

The Pink Poogle Toy item on Neopets has had its description changed to "This lovely pink poogle moans about banner ads and frozen accounts when you squeeze it! :P", a playful reference to the members of PPT forums, many of whom frequently complain about various aspects of Neopets.

PinkPT's Lost Layout

Screenshot of PinkPT's fourth layout

PinkPT had a fourth layout, a pink one that briefly appeared for a few days before being taken down. It make a brief re-appearance during a template switching system Hunter installed but after a the unfortunate server reset where a lot of data was lost including all the forum files and databases, this template never re-appeared.


  • A former department, Neopets-Layouts, offering graphics and templates for Neopians started in (need date) was merged into PPT's main site on Tuesday, May 30, 2006 due to quality control issues. It was also used to complement the recently added custom shields section headed by Mike, a friend of Ad0, who is famous in Neopian folklore for hacking Neopets.

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