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Revision as of 18:11, 17 September 2008 by Emeraldosprey (talk | contribs) (Link)
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Chocolate is a colour of Neopet and Petpet. In general, Chocolate pets look like they are made out of chocolate and other sweets. Chocolate colored Neopets were first released on February 18th, 2005. Since there are no Chocolate Paint Brushes or Morphing Potions, Chocolate coloured Neopets can only be obtained by completing a Fountain Faerie Quest or by using the Lab Ray. Chocolate Petpets were released along with the Petpet Lab Ray on August 3rd, 2005. Since using the Petpet Lab Ray is the only way of obtaining a Chocolate Petpet, and Petpets that have been zapped by the Petpet Lab Ray revert to their original form when removed from a Neopet, it is impossible for a user to have a Chocolate Petpet in their inventory.


As of September 2008, the following 11 Neopets are available in the Chocolate colour:


As of September 2008, there are 23 Petpets that are available in the Chocolate colour:


External links