Talk:The Return of Dr. Sloth

From NeoDex
Revision as of 19:46, 6 February 2008 by Jacob (talk | contribs) (→‎Image links: 2 new images (chapter 3))
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The "Return" of the plot

As of January 29, 2008, it appears the plot is finally happening. Don't know if it will be a rewrite of the intended plot, or the same plot with just updated bits. All will be revealed soon. For now, we at least have the first chapter. Suppose that means the beginning of a plot summary can be had. ;P --Jacob 02:16, 29 Jan 2008 (UTC)

Holy mother of a Poogle. I can't believe they are doing this! Ha. Four years on! -Fugwoogle hop 02:03, 31 Jan 2008 (UTC)

Image links

May as well start creating an image link section...

--Jacob 17:24, 29 Jan 2008 (UTC)


Step One


I've got to get to Grundo's Cafe, but the only way to get there without being seen is through these maintenance tunnels. I'll have to use this control panel to set up the gravity generators and pressure doors before I try to get through here, or I might fall out an airlock!


That was easy... but this place looks a little more complicated. Hey, is that some kind of robot over there? I better be careful, even maintenance robots on this station can be deadly... for some reason.


These maintenance tunnels are getting ridiculous! It's like they were designed by some kind of sadistic mastermind, intent on preventing maintenance from being accomplished easily or safely. Oh, well, I'll give it a shot.


Good grief, how many more of these maintenance tunnels can there be?


This had better be the last one! At this rate, Grundo's Cafe will be closed by the time I get there.


Finally, I made it out of there! Now to meet up with my contact...