Eliv Thade

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"Everything is a game. A vile, evil, delightful game."

Eliv Thade is a Ghost Kacheek introduced on February 24, 2003 via the puzzle game The Castle of Eliv Thade. With his residence in the Haunted Woods, he torments whoever comes into his castle with puzzles and riddles.


While alive, Eliv Thade was a proffesional puzzle writer, and prided himself on being able to solve any puzzle. Many tried to stump him and gain fame for being the only one to do so, but none could. One day, however, one of Thade's servants gave him a long and complicated puzzle he couldn't solve. He spent months in his castle's libraries, reading books in the hope of finding the answer, but could find none. During this time, the servant would taunt Eliv, which would put him in a fit of rage.

Solving the puzzle turned into an obssesion, and years later Eliv Thade was driven insane. His servants left the castle for their own safety, and it fell into disrepair. Eliv died alone many years later, still unable to solve the puzzle. His spirit still roams the castle, seeking vengance against anyone who would dare enter his home, pitting difficult anagrams and other puzzles against them. Thus far, the only one known to survive is Gilly.

It is not known how Eliv Thade acquired his trademark sewn-on patch of white skin around his left eye (which is large and red), although it is often used to identify him. The Neopets Team once joked in a Neopian Times' editorial that he had an accident with scissors when he was young.


Because of Eliv's obsession with anagrams, it has been suggested that his unusual name may be one. Possible anagrams produced from this name include "Live Hated" and "Evil Death", possible references to his obsession with the unsolved puzzle; "Evade Hilt", which may be a reference to the use of a sword in his game to escape; "Hate Devil" and "Veiled Hat".


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