
From NeoDex
Revision as of 18:13, 28 May 2007 by Dizzy (talk | contribs)
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Dizzy loves Neopets. Dizzy loves to speak in third person even more! Okay, I was just kidding with the third person part ;D

Well first of all I am a girl *gasp!* and I live in Ontario, Canada. My numerous obsessions include Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Star Trek and Neopets of course. Some of my other favourite things are dogs, origami, and Greek mythology.

Personality wise, I'm the type of person who's normally reserved with strangers and pretty quiet in public but at the same time can be a complete nutcase with friends.

Current Projects

As a detail-oriented person, I love to have specific dates attached to even the most trivial things. Right now my objective is to put down dates to when different pets were painted specific colours. I have gone through the old news archives and listed all release dates I can find. Now unfortunately not all colour/pet combinations have a release date (that I could find at least) but the following colours are complete for the most part: Mutant, Royal, Plushie, Snot, Maraquan, Faerie, Grey, Island, Ghost, Halloween, Baby, Christmas, Robot.


  • The name Dizzy was inspired as I was spinning in my chair trying to think of a good username
  • I was given admin powers on February 24th, 2007
  • If anyone here is familiar with the Meyers-Briggs Type Indicator I am an ISTJ.
  • Favourite Neopet: Zafara

External Links