Talk:Main Page

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Welcome!!! online directory. [URL=]YP national[/URL]: About YPCOM, Search in Business Category, Yellowpages search. Also [url=]global directory[/url] from online directory .

Image Query

Any chance that you could permit us to upload images? I've been to other Wikis, and this one looks rather, how you say, plain with only text. We need to upload the images to make them work; hotlinking is not allowed. Any chance of that option being added? --Me (

Hmm, that shouldn't be a problem. Only issue is, I can't seem to find where the option to turn this on is. Any direction would be great. --Yukio 23 Aug 2005

wow - I'm pleased this is here

I am personally very please to discover this wiki. I found it searching for mediawikis that had been spammed. I'm on a purge the spam quest. The spam effects mainpage and help-page but I fixed your help page. On my wiki I banned all the IPs used to reduce the chances of more. It mainly hits the help page and the main page. (feel free to remove this message) -- 06:18, 27 Oct 2005 (CDT) Lord Matt

Thanks for the heads up Lord Matt :) Spam is bad mm'kay? lol.

Turning on images

Turning on image uploads is easy if you have the FTP access to the wiki.

Open a file... I forget which config.php I guess and there should be a line to comment out/uncomment - it's will marked save file and re-upload.

Notepad will do the editing task just fine.

-- 04:51, 29 Oct 2005 (CDT)

Thanks for that :) I've enabled file uploading now for wiki entries :) --Yukio 04:12, 7 Nov 2005 (CST)