Pink Poogle Toy

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PinkPT (formally PinkPoogleToy) is a Neopets help site which has branched out to include many different topics.


Pink Poogle Toy, also referred to as PinkPT or PPT, was originally designed as a fan and help site for Neopets, a site in which users take care for virtual pets.

Started in February of 2001 by Khyunh and Alicia, a young woman he happened to know over the internet, the fansite started with a meager two people per day and displayed answers to a small fraction of the Neopets games, but as its content grew so did its size and by the end of February over 200 hits were recorded per day.

The peak for the site during this early stage was when Alicia created a PPT Oekaki; unfortunately with over 2,000 new pieces of artwork created very day it had to quickly be shut down as the young site owners could not afford to pay for the insanely high amounts of bandwidth that was being used by this image-driven feature.

By the end of 2001 PinkPoogleToy was receiving an average of 8,000 unique visitors per day, unforunately it was at this stage that Alicia left turning entire control of the website over to Khyunh which was once considered by many to be PinkPT's worst move.

The website has continued to flourish to this day and with new content being added many times per week there is no end in sight to the juggernaut known as PPT.

The Current Site

The site has been growing ever since, but by far the most popular area of the site now is the large community hosted on the phpBB forum. Since the forums unfortunately crashed in April 2004, the community has rebuilt itself, and nearly 4,000 of the 10,000 members that had joined by this time returned, many under different names. Since this, PPT has grown immensely. Under the stern, yet loving eye of the three administrators, the community has flourished. Jim, the weird guy, handles the disciplinary side of things. Hunter Lupe handles the technical side of it. Runevalkyrie is more a watchful eye over the staff, as many things have gone wrong in its past. A bi-weekly paper, called the Pink Ink has also been hosted on the site.

With the help of a forum, a lot of content, and a great community PinkPT, and the PinkPTers (a person who often visits the site) along with it have developed their own little slice of online culture. Expanding into sites dedicated to other big things, like Harry Potter and Subeta, The PPT Empire shows little sign of slowing down. PinkPT has also expanded into the online gaming world itself. A new section of the site, Kaimon, a game unlike any other text-based RPG online is being developed.

As of the 15th June 2005, PPT has further expanded its reach, opening up two new sub-channels. One regarding a popular anime, Sailor Moon, and another on Dance, an enjoyable hobby of the webmaster.


Despite the fact that PinkPT has such a wide fan base, it has also ranked up a number of enemies. As the largest Neopets fan site, many runners of other sites claimed that PinkPT is a site which encourages a multitude of problems, including spyware, viruses and hardcore pornogrophy. Of course, this is not true. Though the websites sports a number of advertisements, the management makes sure that no illegal content makes its way onto the computer. Not only other site runners have grudges, as many older members of the communitiy come back to antagonise the forums. Still, with over 4,000 members, it could be considered the largest fan site for Neopets.


The most noted celebrity on PinkPT is the chicken, Arrow. In the beginning, it started out as an Emoticon, but this chicken has been officially raised to the 'mascot' of PPT. At the top of the forum, one can see the banner. There is a picture of Arrow, painted by the resident artist, the wonderful Yoshi. In various forms, during the holiday seasons, one can see Arrow in such forms as the roast chicken during Thanksgiving, and a Cupid arrow, during St. Valentine's Day Influences

The Pink Poogle Toy item on Neopets has had its description changed to "This lovely pink poogle moans about banner ads and frozen accounts when you squeeze it! :P", a playful reference to the members of PPT forums, many of whom frequently complain about various aspects of Neopets.


Although PPT is a Neopets help website, it has expanded into a wonderful community run by our awesome Yukio. Many PPTers are hard-working fun-loving insane people, as the site is meant to be. In conclusion, PinkPT considered by many to be one of the best Neopets help sites with a multi-topic forum.