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Orange scorchio cropped.png
Description: Scorchio
Info Page: Scorchio
Special Day: 14 March
Amount Created: 6,620,070 (17th - 2.37%)
How to Draw · Rainbow Pool

The Scorchio (from scorch, to burn) is a dragon-like Neopet, and one of the original species available from the sites launch on 15 November 1999. They prefer hot climates like volcanoes or deserts. Scorchios can fly and breathe fire - the Maraquan Scorchio can shoot lukewarm bubbles instead.

Their affinity for fire and hot weather leads to them being exceptionally resistant to fire attacks in the Battledome. They are also associated with fire in the Neopets Trading Card Game.


Scorchios are currently available in 53 different colours:


  • The Scorchio is featured in Random Events such as...
    • A green scorchio flies past and says 'Hope you are having fun!'

See also

Species of Neopet

Acara · Aisha · Blumaroo · Bori · Bruce · Buzz · Chia · Chomby · Cybunny · Draik · Elephante · Eyrie
Flotsam · Gelert · Gnorbu · Grarrl · Grundo · Hissi · Ixi · Jetsam · JubJub · Kacheek · Kau · Kiko
Koi · Korbat · Kougra · Krawk · Kyrii · Lenny · Lupe · Lutari · Meerca · Moehog · Mynci · Nimmo
Ogrin · Peophin · Poogle · Pteri · Quiggle · Ruki · Scorchio · Shoyru · Skeith · Techo · Tonu · Tuskaninny
Uni · Usul · Vandagyre · Wocky · Xweetok · Yurble · Zafara

External links