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"Fyora, the Queen of all Faeries, has ruled over Faerieland as long as anybody can remember."


Fyora faerie queen.png
Talent:  Unlimited Power,
Appearance(s):  Neoquest II
Neopets: The Darkest Faerie
The Faeries' Ruin
Type:  Royalty
Plot Character
Neopedia:  Neopedia_icon.png The Faerie Queen
External Links:  Neodeck_icon.png Fyora The Faerie Queen
Tcg_icon.png The Faerie Queen
Tcg_icon.png The Tower Guardian
Tcg_icon.png Fyora's Wand
Tcg_icon.png Fyora's Rod
JNBookOfAges_favicon.png Queen Fyora
Relationships:  Darkest Faerie (Enemy)
Xandra (Former Apprentice)
Roberta (Friend)
Tormund (Friend)
Brynn (Friend)
Hanso (Friend)

Fyora, The Faerie Queen, is both the ruler of Faerieland and all other faeries. She is one of the most powerful and benevolent beings in Neopia, shown to hold large quantities of seemingly limitless power.

She was originally known onsite as The Light Faerie, and managed The Tower of the Light Faerie. Nowadays, she manages the Hidden Tower, which sells some of the most powerful relics in Neopia. On a rare occasion, she will grant very lucky Neopians with special quests, and seldomly summon few directly to Faerieland.

Among her many great deeds, she is renown for defeating The Darkest Faerie 1,000 years ago and imprisoning her in stone at the bottom of the ocean. Later in time, she would help break the spell set upon Altador, and bring it back to present Neopia.

Ruling over Faerieland for as long as anyone can remember, she has offered both her plentiful grace and wisdom to perhaps thousands of Neopians during her reign.


Fyora has made numerous appearances onsite, in various stories, plotlines and features. While anything preceding her days as a princess remain unknown, it's quite easy to assume that she's perhaps thousands of years old. Given her current lifespan, the fact that she was historically recorded to have defeated the Darkest Faerie in 1000 BN, and the time it must have taken for her to take on the role as Queen, it's quite clear that she has blessed Neopia with her presence for quite a few years, and perhaps many more to come.

The Faerie Princess & Inauguration

The onsite book, JellyneoItemDB_favicon.png A New Day, reveals a bit of insight on Fyora's past. The book's description implies that it is a novelized version of her personal journal, telling the tale of her early days as a young Faerie Princess up until her royal inauguration.

1,000 BN

It is recorded that, in 1,000 BN, Fyora conquered the Darkest Faerie and imprisoned her in stone at the bottom of the ocean using the magic of Jerdana's Orb.

Neopets: The Darkest Faerie

Fyora as she appeared in-game.
Main article: Neopets: The Darkest Faerie

During the events of Neopets: The Darkest Faerie, Fyora was visited by Roberta, who reported there was a dark evil afflicting the lands of Meridell. Concerned over this impending issue, Foyra sent Roberta away to seek further assistance.

Unfortunately, following Roberta's departure, Fyora was taken by surprise when the Darkest Faerie suddenly appeared and captured her. Later, after Tormund and Roberta meet each other for the first time, the two are also confronted by the Darkest Faerie who used an enchantment spell to make herself appear as Fyora.

Realizing this, the pair activate a portal to Altador and attempt to recover Jerdana's Orb in order to repeat the act Fyora had committed nearly #1,000_BN. While Roberta and Tormund are away, Fyora eventually breaks free of her bonds and duels with The Darkest Faerie once again, only to be imprisoned within a Bottled Faerie. At last, when Roberta/Tormund (Depending on the character chosen by the player) defeat the Darkest Faerie and seal her within stone once more, Fyora is released from her bottle and congratulates the player for winning the battle.

In the very last scene before the credits, Fyora makes a promise to keep an eye on the petrified Darkest Faerie statue, which she places in her personal garden.

The Faeries' Ruin

She remained encased in stone until the end of the event.
Main article: The Faeries' Ruin

During the Faerie Festival in Year 12, all the faeries, including Fyora were turned to stone. A group of various heroes, including characters such as Brynn, Jazan and King Altador eventually arrive in Faerieland to investigate the matter, only to find Hanso attempting to pilfer the petrified Faeries various belongings.

Immediately pinning Hanso as the 'villian' who turned the Faeries to stone, Brynn asks him to give a decent explanation before she decides to arrest him. Hanso at last tells his story, in which he accounts stealing an artifact from Faerieland resident Xandra and selling it to Hubrid Nox, whom he claims to have witnessed turn the Faeries to stone using the very object he had sold him.

Overhearing this, Xandra suddenly appears and recounts her side of the story, which is nearly identical to Hanso's. Ultimately deciding that Hubrid Nox is to blame for the incident, the group, taking both Hanso (On account of his suspected assistance to Nox) and Xandra (On account of her knowledge of the item sold to Nox) along, head to the Haunted Woods to capture and arrest him.

Upon their arrival, however, they discover not only that Hubrid Nox is dead, but that Xandra disguised herself as Nox in order to purchase the artifact back from Hanso. Unleashing her power on the group, Hanso decides to sacrifice himself in order defeat her and remove the curse from the faeries. With this, he himself was turned to stone.

Saddened that their new friend is forever gone, the group is suddenly confronted by Fyora, whom had recently been set free of the curse set by Xandra, used the remains of her weakened power to restore Hanso.

Fyora was deeply saddened to learn of Xandra's betrayal.

As Fyora had been petrified in stone during the majority of the event, she and her fellow Faerie citizens were unable to use their magic to keep Faerieland afloat, causing it to crash to the surface of Neopia north of the Haunted Woods. At the conclusion of the event, Fyora announced that she and the other citizens of Faerieland would work hard to restore it, with hopes of someday sending it back to the clouds where it belongs.

In a short epilogue released after the event, Fyora appointed Brynn captain of her guards, and gave Hanso the task of recovering dangerous faerie artefacts to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands again. It was also revealed that the Darkest Faerie had gone missing once more.

NeoQuest II

Main article: NeoQuest II

A virtual "Fyora" appears as a character in Chapter 5 of NeoQuest II. She was imprisoned by the final boss, King Terask, in the West Tower of Faerieland Castle. At the end of the game, she is briefly shown waiting to congratulate the heroes, but before they could reach her, King Terask crashed through the ceiling in his final form and confronted the group of heroes. After his eventual defeat, Fyora is shown thanking Rohane, Mipsy, Talinia, and Velm. She then announces that Faerieland must be rebuilt, and disappears along with the end of the simulation.

Around Neopia

Outside of main storylines and events, Fyora also appears in numerous items, sub-stories and Neopedia articles.


Hasee Bounce

Fyora appears in the Neopedia article, Neopedia_icon.png Hasee Bounce. Here, Fyora is seen confronting Casandia after she accidentally dropped numerous Hasees off the then-floating Faerieland.

Landing in the ocean below, the Hasees were able to float to the safety of Mystery Island due to their high buoyancy. Unfortunately, upon their arrival, they began to eat all of the island's fruit (And in turn, created the game Hasee Bounce). Concerned, the Mystery Islanders approached Queen Fyora for help, to which she ordered Casandia to collect the Hasees and bring them elsewhere.

Hidden Tower

Main article: Hidden Tower

The Neopedia article, Neopedia_icon.png The Hidden Tower, tells the story of how Fyora's long-time maid, Celandra, found Faerieland Castle's "lost" Hidden Tower.

It's worth noting that this seemingly contradicts the description presented in The Hidden Tower TCG card, as one specifies that the tower was created by Fyora, while the other specifies that the tower was a long-lost location and was re-discovered by Celandra. For this reason, it is assumed that Fyora had been aware of the tower all along, and Celandra had simply come upon it, causing the Faerie Queen to open it up for business.

NeoDeck & Other Items

Fyora is both featured and mentioned, in a large variety of onsite items which provide several bits of information regarding her.

Antikia Lighten

Main article: Antikia Lighten

The NeoDeck card, Neodeck_icon.png Antikia Lighten, tells of a Shoyru named Antikia Lighten. The description says that she was given the job of tending to Fyora's private crop of Health Mushrooms by Fyora herself.

The Hidden Tower (TCG)

Fyora made the tower invisible, just in case.
Main article: Hidden Tower

The onsite item, JellyneoItemDB_favicon.png The Hidden Tower (TCG), tells of how Fyora made the Hidden Tower invisible "just in case".

It's worth noting that this seemingly contradicts the story presented in the hidden tower Neopedia article, as one specifies that the tower was created by Fyora, while the other specifies that the tower was a long-lost location and was re-discovered by Celandra, Fyora's maid. For this reason, it is assumed that Fyora had been aware of the tower all along, and Celandra had simply come upon it, causing the Faerie Queen to open it up for business.


Main article: Faerieland Castle

Fyora makes her home in Faerieland Caste (Sometimes referred to Fyora's Castle, with "Palace" and "Castle" also being used interchangeably). Here, she governs Faerieland and runs the ever mysterious Hidden Tower.

While the location is never "officially" mentioned onsite, the castle's existence has been detailed through a large variety of various items.

On Neopets.com

Outside of any story or plotline, Fyora makes a couple of prominent appearances within the site's various features and activities.

The Hidden Tower

Main article: Hidden Tower

Onsite, Fyora manages the Hidden Tower.

Here, she'll sell a large variety of weapons, items, and other relics to "worthy" Neopians, but for a high cost.

Faerie Quests

Main article: Faerie Quests

On occasion, Fyora herself will present a user with a Quest, which usually involves expensive or rare items. For completing her quests, she'll grant one of the user's pets with highly increased Battledome stats.

Faerie Caves

Main article: Faerie Caves (Game)

In the now retired game, Faerie Caves, users can play as a Lupe named Garon, who, dissatisfied with his previous adventure, approached the Faerie Queen herself to ask if she could devise a challenging puzzle.

Taking his request, she, along with several other Faeries, created the Faerie Caverns.

Faerie Caves II - Fyora's Quest

Main article: Faerie Caves II - Fyora's Quest

In the game Faerie Caves II - Fyora's Quest, the player assumes the role of Quaglor, a Quiggle who wished to take on an adventure similar to what Garon had endured. Willing to do so, Fyora devised a new set of puzzles within the Faerie Caverns.

Appearance & Design

Fyora's basic design was established by staff member Alisa J.

She is notable for having perhaps the most cosmetic changes done to her appearance. The most prominent ones are listed below:


   For this subject's image gallery, see Gallery:Fyora.


  • The phrase "Fyora" is often used as a euphemism for a monotheistic deity, as direct religious references are not permitted.
  • When first introduced onsite, Fyora referred to as the "The Light Faerie", and was in charge of overseeing the "Tower of the Light Faerie". However, several days afterwards, actual Light Faeries were introduced, and in effect both her name and the tower were given new titles accordingly.

See also

Air Faeries Dark Faeries Earth Faeries
Briana · Casandia · Psellia · Zaira Ariadne · Dark Faerie Sisters · Delina · Drakara · Jhudora · The Darkest Faerie Ilere · Illusen · Iyana
Fire Faeries Light Faeries Water Faeries
Bree · Eithne · Ember · Nuria Siyana Marina · Naia · Nereid · The Drenched
Other Faeries
Aethia · Dung Faerie · Fyora · Grey Faerie · Jhuidah · Kari · Library Faerie · Mira · Soup Faerie · Tooth Faerie · Taelia · The Three · Valeane