Castle Battles

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Castle Battles is a 3D action game showing the early years of Hagan and Skarl when they were still children. Growing up at the Royal Nursery, Hagan and Skarl had a rivalry through a gamr they played with their Plucko NaodW29-HTMLCommentStrip5f7784807e03d1e700000001 blocks. They would both try and build the biggest castle, and then take it in turns to knock each others down.

  • World: Meridell
  • Game Type: Action
  • NP Ratio: 100 NP per 100 pts scored

How to play

Playing as Hagan, the users objective is to shoot a cannonball over to Skarl's castle and knock the gold treasure outside of the red square. For additional points, the castle can be destroyed the along with the Meridell flags. At beginning of play, the user selects what type of castle Hagan will be using, then click and drag the green square with the gold treasure to the desired location in the castle.

After this, the user must take out Skarl's treasure box before thiers is. Using the arrow keys to aim the cannon, the user holds the Space Bar down to build up power and then lets go to release the cannonball. All damage that is done to the users castle stays with the user until the end of play. The castles of King Skarl's which are defeated will be unlocked for the user to select for gameplay.

The following is something that may help for only certain times

type: supercannonball: A giant football cannonball will destroy all of Skarl's silly castle

Note:do not be an ideat and aim it directly up

when a cannonball is on the ground you can steer it using left and right


  • There is a book titled Castle Battles Game Guide which is said to give hints, tips and strategies to get a high score. However, reading this book or having it in a users inventory will not affect gameplay.

External Links

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