Mystery Island Training School

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The Mystery Island Training School is a place where users can train their Neopet to fight in the Battledome. Opened on 2nd October 2000 and operated by the Techo Master, it can train Neopets up to level 250 - higher than the Swashbuckling Academy can teach. The courses are also faster than at the Swashbuckling Academy. Course are paid with mystical Codestones, which the Techo Master keeps in a special garden. Since there are a number of different kinds of Codestones, course must be paid with specific ones.

As pets get stronger, the Techo Master requiers more Codestones to train them, and the training courses will also take longer. Beyond level 251, Neopets cannot be trained here, and must instead go to the Secret Ninja Training School.

Keep these artciles coming as they've opened many new doors for me.

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