Hungry Skeith

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Hungry Skeith
Hungry Skeith
ID # 538
World Neopia Central
Category Action
High Scores
Game Page

Hungry Skeith is a game where jellies come down the conveyor belt. Blue jellies go in the Blue vat. Red jellies go in the Red vat. Green jellies, yes no prizes for guessing where they go, the green vat. It's not a fun job, but somebody's got to do it.

At the Jelly Factory the Buzz Foreman takes great pride in making sure that the Jelly is of top quality, and that is where the Skeith comes in - he gets to eat all the other food (ice-cream!) that makes its way down the conveyor belt.

How to play

To play, use the arrow keys to control the Buzz Foreman. Pick up the Jellies with the Space Bar and drop them in the correct vat at the back of the factory. The Skeith is not allowed to eat the Jelly however, so if he eats it, or the wrong jelly goes into the wrong container you will lose a life.


  • The red "jelly" isn't exactly a jelly; it's actually a red lobster which is supposed to go into the red vat. If you feed that to the skeith he'll get heartburn and breathe fire. If you give him blue jelly he'll get indigestion. And if you give him green jelly he'll get hiccups.

External links

  • Caption Competition: #568

BE Stat Limit.gif
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