Neopets 2.0

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Revision as of 22:58, 2 April 2012 by Macbeth (talk | contribs) (this article is next on my list to look at (it's only been five years... *ashamed*))
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Neopets 2.0 was a major site overhaul rolled out on 27 April 2007. It was primarily an update to allow greater customisation: for the first time, players were able to dress up their Neopets. The site layout was also updated, having stayed mostly unchanged (aside from the addition of banner adverts in 2004) for eight years. Structural changes to the coding of user lookups were intend to add greater flexibility for user customising, and the site menu was altered to make navigation easier.

Neopet customisation

Main article: Neopet Customisation

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The change caused much criticism. On the day of the release, the topic was unavoidable on the NeoBoards, the main point being the inability to change pets to their old poses, as well as the fact that the new coding caused all layouts for petpages, user lookups and similar to be broken. The latter happened not only due to significant changes to the Neopets layout, but also due to TNT implementing transitional standards on all their pages.


  • The release of Neopets 2.0 was kept secret until the release, and was only hinted upon by a giant Meepit which replaced all of the news from the previous day.

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