Team Roo Island

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Roo Island's Yooyuball team consists of also-rans and inexperienced rookies, but received a huge boost when Lilo Blumario, one of the game's top players, decided to take a pay cut and sign up with his hometown club. In what was considered improbable and the biggest story of Altador Cup 2006, Roo Island managed to reach Round 3 of the tournament, being defeated by Darigan Citadel and placing as number four. After a voting of fans and players that Roo Island had the ugliest jersey, fans hoped to do even better this past tournament,with a new uniform and the team's signing of Maraquan forward Jair Tollet, who was traded to Roo Island for Dayla, the red Lenny (She got injured in the first practice and never played again). This helped Roo Island make it to the final match, losing to Darigan Citadel, and overall placing in second.

Third time proved to be the charm, when in 2008, Roo Island beat Krawk Island in the Altador Cup final, claiming the cup. In 09, however, Roo Island placed ninth. In 2010, Roo Island was questioned for making no changes to their lineup in the offseason. However, though a pedestrian start first half, they kicked it up a notch before the mid-season break by winning 16 of the last 19 matches. This catapulted them up to 4th place going into the finals. Kreludor was able to sneak out a victory in the first round, and Darigan Citadel defeated them in the second round, leaving 4th place to Roo Island. They were contenders for the Cup in 11'. Even though their Yooyuball record was great, their side game performance wasn't up to par and ended back in 9th place.



Team positions are as follows (bolded notes the Team Captain):

Year Goalkeeper Left Defender Right Defender Left Forward Right Forward
2006 Clutch Billaban Fenny Vail Gordo Gunnels Dayla Lilo Blumario
2007 Jair Tollet

Fun Fact

What can a Yooyuball team do when their shipment of practice Yooyus never arrives? Well, if they're Team Roo Island, they turn to gummies! "I was doubtful at first," said team captain Lilo Blumario, "but King Roo spared no expense and even had the Chocolate Factory rig up an exploding gummy Yooyu to mimic the clockwork Yooyus." The only downside? "We just have to keep Gordo Gunnels from eating the gummy Yooyus before practice is over."

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