Team Shenkuu

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Joining the Altador Cup in 2007, Shenkuu's Yooyuball team is regarded by Altador Cup enthusiasts as an exciting young team with plenty of promise, but they were expected not to make much noise in the tournament, having too many holes in their team. The inexperience of goalie Xana DiLanche, the unpredictable health of defender Turo Rafels, and the team's overall lack of tournament play are all serious concerns. However, the stunning talent of young forwards Mirsha Grelinek and Foltaggio may cause a few upsets.

The team surpassed expectations in the 2007 Cup, defeating Krawk Island in the third place game. The following year in Altador Cup III, they dropped one spot to fourth place. In Altador Cup IV, Shenkuu shockingly defeated top seed Kreludor to reach the finals, but lost to Krawk Island was left in second. Although they were favourites going into Altador Cup V thanks to their strong prior performances, Shenkuu's 2010 bid ended in a very disappointing 11th place finish. On the first day of Altador Cup VI, they battled it out with Terror Mountain. Unfortunately, they lost on all games. The 2nd team was Moltara, winning at Yooyuball and having draws at the other 3 activities. The 3rd team is Kiko Lake but the scores are unknown.


Shenkuu logo.gif

Team positions are as follows (bolded notes the Team Captain):

Year Goalkeeper Left Defender Right Defender Left Forward Right Forward
2007 Xana DiLanche Turo Rafels Larcy Phu Mirsha Grelinek Foltaggio
2008 Antola Maeir

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