Petty Crewmate

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Com bmcrew right.gif

The Petty Crewmate was a one player Battledome opponent that was available to Maraquan Warriors during the Curse of Maraqua plot. He was the Rank 3 opponent during the first wave of challengers that was released on May 19, 2005. Users received 1 plot point every time they defeated him.

The Petty Crewmate is a Brown Ixi and a member of Captain Scarblade's crew. He has a wooden leg and a distinctive scar across one of his eyes. His primary weapon is a large cutlass.


Difficulty: {{{Difficulty}}} Starting HP: {{{StartingHP}}}
Arena: {{{Arena}}} Released: {{{ReleaseDate}}}
Status: Unknown Challenger ID: {{{ID}}}
Found by: {{{FoundBy}}}

Weapons Used
Island Attack Fish Attack: 5 BE Stat Earth Attack.gif 5 BE Stat Water Attack.gif 1 - 5 BE Stat Physical Attack.gif
Strawberry Bomb Attack: 5 BE Stat Fire Attack.gif 5 BE Stat Earth Attack.gif 1 - 5 BE Stat Physical Attack.gif
Glittery Scorchstone Defence: 100 BE Stat Heal.gif
Rancid Battle Dung Attack: 6 BE Stat Earth Attack.gif 5 BE Stat Air Attack.gif
Battle Quill Attack: 3 BE Stat Air Attack.gif 3 BE Stat Earth Attack.gif Defence: 3 BE Stat Physical Defence.gif
Battle Faerie Amulet Attack: 3 BE Stat Physical Attack.gif Defence: 3 BE Stat Earth Defence.gif 3 BE Stat Darkness Defence.gif
Crewmates Cutlass Attack: 3 BE Stat Fire Attack.gif 1 - 3 BE Stat Physical Attack.gif
Crewmates Wooden Leg Attack: 3 BE Stat Earth Attack.gif 5 BE Stat Darkness Attack.gif 2 - 5 BE Stat Physical Attack.gif

External links