Shadow Phantom Minion

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Revision as of 01:59, 23 November 2010 by (talk)
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The Shadow Phantom Minion is a dark-like phantom that is a war opponent in The Faeries' Ruin.


Difficulty: {{{Difficulty}}} Starting HP: {{{StartingHP}}}
Arena: {{{Arena}}} Released: {{{ReleaseDate}}}
Status: Unknown Challenger ID: {{{ID}}}
Found by: {{{FoundBy}}}

Has the sponsor abilities Scorch, Inertia and Psychic Attack. Has the weapons Battle Bones, Bone Mace, Scythe of Eternal Darkness, Spider on a String, Grey Sword, Ghost Slime, Spirit Bottle and Frost Healing.

Trivia be added...

External links

BE Stat Limit.gif
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