Ghost Lupe

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A restless Lupe Ghost who prowls Mystery Island, seeking revenge against the dangerous natives who kidnapped his bride two centuries ago. Though he has been known to help Neopets at times (healing them fully in the form of a Random Event), he is still considered dangerous, and best left alone.

Plot Summary

Defenders of Neopia Series 1

Main Article: Defenders of Neopia

A Chia and his Petpet (someone please verify which one) move into a Neohome. Later, while watching television, the Chia says that he loves the snow, only to realize that the cold is actually from the Ghost Lupe haunting his house. They run to the Defenders of Neopia Headquarters to get help.


Difficulty: {{{Difficulty}}} Starting HP: {{{StartingHP}}}
Arena: {{{Arena}}} Released: {{{ReleaseDate}}}
Status: Unknown Challenger ID: {{{ID}}}
Found by: {{{FoundBy}}}

The Ghost Lupe can be found in Neohome 131 Soup Alley. This seems like an obscure area to find a battledome challenger, but the address is prominently visible in the Defenders of Neopia comic.


During Fight...

  • "So, you came back for more?!? GRRRRRRR!!!!"
  • "Do you live on Mystery Island?"
  • "BEWARE!!!"
  • "Are you friends with the natives? If so my sword wants to meet you!!!"

After Win...

  • (unknown)


  • (unknown)


  • "You won't win so easily the next time..."


  • (unknown)


  • The Ghost Lupe was originally known as the Ghost Lion, before it was decided he was to be remodled as "lions do not exist in Neopia". When The Neopets Team redid the character, they asked in New Features for the history books to "gloss over" this.
  • Random Events associated with the Ghost Lupe...
    • The Ghost Lupe growls and suddenly all your Neopets are healed back to max hit points!
    • The Ghost Lupe growls 'My what tasty Neopets you have!'
    • The Ghost Lupe growls 'Its rumoured that Neopets that go to Mystery Island never return!!'
    • The Ghost Lupe growls 'If you have a Chia, Ill be your best friend... they are so tasty'

External Links

Preceded by:

Defenders of Neopia Mission 2:

Followed by:

Pant Devil

Ghost Lupe

Cave Chia