Team Lost Desert

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The 'Lost Desert's Yooyuball team of 2006 had a lineup which could have done lots of damage in the tournament, but troubles in 2006 ("Dirty" Navers' aggressive tactics and Derbi Azar's holdout) made fans wary of them and if they would effectively play. They managed beat the Space Station in the first round, but were beaten by Roo Island in Round Two. When the time came to assign blame for the improbable loss, most of the criticism was aimed at defenseman Wyett Tuggins, who was repeatedly put to shame by the brilliant play of Roo Island's Fenny Vail. As a result, journeyman Luvea Trivon took his place in the 2007 games. After a few uneventful years for Lost Desert their chance to shine came in 09' where they made it to the finals and placed third after being defeated by the eventual winners Krawk Island, but being able to defeat the initial top seeds, Kreludor. They have placed third twice, in 2008 and 2009, and won in 2010 over Kreludor.

Team positions are as follows (bolded notes the Team Captain):

Year Goalkeeper Left Defender Right Defender Left Forward Right Forward
2006 Leera Heggle Wyett Tuggins "Dirty" Navers Vonde Cayle Derbi Azar
2007 Luvea Trivon
2008 Lamelle Turow

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