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Green acara 4.png
Description: Acara
Info Page: Acara
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Amount Created: 10,138,485 (9th - 3.62%)
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The Acara is a cat-like aquatic Neopet that lives mainly on the beach and is able to breathe underwater. Their thick fur is used to keep them warm in the depths of the sea.


Acaras are amphibious and can breathe underwater, and it is sometimes hinted that the horns somehow give the Acara the ability to echolocate when in water. As a general rule Acaras are fantastic swimmers that are just as happy on land as they are underwater. Their thick fur keeps them warm when diving to the depths of the ocean. They are a playful bunch that live by the sea. Their favorite pastimes are diving for hidden treasures off the coastline and playing Gormball on the beach.

As their huge eyes might suggest, Acaras are known for being highly inquisitive and curious creatures. They take a great joy in coming upon secrets and hidden things, and quite a few have distinguished themselves as very talented treasure-seekers. Some condemn Acaras for being nosey, and it is true that they tend to ask a few too many questions -- but there is no ill will behind those questions, just a genuine desire to learn.

Originally, they were limited edition but have now become common.


As of January 2010, the Acara can come in 47 different colours (including the Maraquan variant, which appears to be a return to the Acara's watery roots):


Tigren green baby.gif

The Acara was originally called the Tigren. The Tigren was designed by Perdiddle and chosen as the winner for the April Create-A-Pet Contest and was introduced on April 28, 2000. The name was changed on July 19 for reasons unknown, along with the Polypup's change to the Gelert. NeoNews of the time touted the change as "evolution", just like Pokémon do.

The write up that came with the Tigren stated: Tigrens are excellent swimmers that are just as comfortable on land as at sea. An air of mystery surrounds where these creatures came from but it looks as if they are here to stay.

Other Versions of the Acara


  • April 28, 2000 - The Tigren is introduced.

Acara darkblue.gif

  • July 19, 2000 - The Tigren is changed to the Acara.

Acara green baby.gif

  • October 31, 2000 (Halloween, 2000).


  • February 14, 2001 (Valentine's Day, 2001).


  • June 27, 2005 (Early Acara Day, 2005).


  • As of October 2009, Acaras rank 9th out of 54 neopets with almost 9.2 million in existence.
  • Acara Day is on June 28th.
  • In the Neopets TCG, Acaras are associated with the element of Water.
  • Acaras do not have tails

See also

External links
